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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  If dead was dead

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 10:47 am Reply with quote

----- Some meeting type place -----

It was that time again where all the hierarchy had gathered to discuss the future of the city of Cascadia. As the other kindred arrived to take there seats around the table Mark was already sitting in his chair with his eye closes deep in concentration. A small square box in his hands.

A few moments passed before the room fell silent as Valek gained order and control of the room. But before he could get the meeting started Mark stood up quickly and coughed in a subtle way to gain the attention of the room.

"Is there a problem ?" Valek glared at the annoying Malkavian as a unamused look filled his face.

Mark moved and stood behind his chair, crossed his arms and propped himself up on the top of the chair. " I have served at this table for many nights. I have served under the Prince Rhiannon long ago when most of you were not sat around this table or even in this city." Mark’s eyes narrowed slightly as a sarcastic smile shot across his face " So I ask for you to sit still, listen and shut up while I speak." A little short lived laugh left Mark’s mouth. " That means no interrupting…"

Mark took the long pause of silence as a sign to continue. Before speaking he scanned the faces of the kindred in the room. The mix looked made him smile on the inside. Some looked concerned others looked bored while others were clearly pissed off.

"But I left my place at this table behind. I left this city behind. I traveled, I journeyed, I…" Mark stoped mid sentence " And then I returned. I returned back to the city of Cascadia. Once again I took a seat back at this table. Hoping in my mind that things would be the same as they used to be." Mark paused for a second as a dark sorrow filled his voice. "But I err… was wrong. So many things have changed. There is only one thing that is the way I remember it. This is no longer my table to sit at, my clan to control, my city to help govern or my world to live."

Mark took the box that was in his hand and slid it down the table where Valek caught it in his hands. Mark closed his eyes tightly trying to control he feelings before he cleared his throat and smiled. Clasping the top corner of his chair he gave it a loving squeeze and muttered the words "good bye" before turning around and walking away from the gathering of kindred.

The box contained the ring of the Malkavian clan, the ring of the Primogen.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 11:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Look wide eyed as she sits in her primo chair. Silence befalling the room, then she bows her head, a few tears falling from her saphire eyes as she finally pulls herself together, wiping her face on her sleeve.

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 3:20 pm Reply with quote
((Mark Pineapple... just what is the meaning of this???? someone wake him up!!! he's dreaming!!!

oh please say it's just a dream :cry:


PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 4:52 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel stood from the Seneschal's chair, the wooden ornate chair threatening to topple backwards. The look of annoyance his face had wore had quickly drained away. Some of the other members of the Primogen began to murmur with discussion.
Even Valek seemed slightly perplexed at the situation. Gabriel took a step forward towards Mark, who stood in the doorway.
"Mark wait....where are you going? Why?"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 5:34 pm Reply with quote

Mark stopped still as Gabriel’s question hit him like anvil. Taking a moment to think he stood motionless. Gabriel began to speak again only to have Mark raise his hand In a stop gesture before he continued to take a few more steps away.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel stepped towards the Malkavian again. He had grown to like the vampire. Mark backed away, his eyes filling with blood.
"Mark please......why?" Gabriel asked once more.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 6:00 pm Reply with quote
Not even stopping this time Mark kept walking.
"Save yourself the trouble"
Mark clenched his eyes tightly trying to keep his calm exterior and to avoid showing any sigh of emotion in his expressions, posture or tone of voice.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 6:42 pm Reply with quote
Valek smiled ...

"I was there in the first night of existence of Cascadia when Rhiannon was Prince Mark .. "

Valek stood up and went closer to Mark just like Gabriel did and he said " What is wrong with you friend ? "

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-01-03 12:44 ]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 7:24 pm Reply with quote

Shaking his head slowly from side to side mark let out a frustrated sigh. Running his hand through his and down the back of his head to his neck where he rubbed it gently Mark started to speak. His voice allowing a little sadness to seep into the tone as he muttered the word ‘why’ several times.

Sliding his hands into his pockets he tried to square his shoulders in the familiar way Rhiannon does trying to create the same effect she had. Taking a deep breath he continued his walk out of the building.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 10:03 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
Ryan sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.He let out a sigh and looked almost like he went into a dream state.Really he projected his astral form near Mark.

"I'm not gonna give the same speach like 'oh why?' or 'whats wrong?'.All I'm gonna say is are you sure?Are you sure this is the right decision and that you've thaught this through?That and now who's gonna drink 'bond specials'?I just ordered a whole new supply of the ingredents."
Ryan then waited for a response and continued to remain nexted to Mark.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 10:22 pm Reply with quote

The astral form of Ryan startled Mark. As it spoke Mark acted as if he had ignored it. Reaching inside his jacket he retrivied a sharp silver bladed dagger the he gripped firmly in his hand.

Smiling softly as he continued to walk in the direction of his haven he raised the blade and pressed it gently by his right ear.

Speaking quietly "Is silence to much to ask for. Grant it me or ill take it..."

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 11:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
"Very well Mark as you wish.I'm sorry to have bothered you."Ryan's astral form vanished and he retured to his body.

Ryan looked as if he awoke from a startling dream.Gasping and inhaling in a deep breath.
He smirked a bit and said,"I need to get more use to that." Then he frowned a bit,sighed, and redirected his attention back to the meeting,but in the back of his mind he was wondering what happend and gave Mark a reason to do this."Oh well,"he thaught,"atleast he wont try to kill me now,hopefully."then he started to think about that night at the old Elysium, a few days before it was destroyed,when all the malks at that time tried to kill him and remembered the damage that was done to his car."it still doesn't run at 100%." he thaught as he again push his thaughts aside to concentrate on the meeting.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 12:22 am Reply with quote

Pushing the door to his heaven open with to much force the wooden door broke free from its hinges making a loud thud as it hit the floor. Sliding his jacket of he chucked it onto the bed in the room. Pulling out a bag from under the bed he opened it and placed it on top of the bed. Looking inside he found it empty.

Stepping over to the wardrobe Mark opened it and allowed his eyes to scan the rack of clothes. Choosing a few of his preferred clothes he placed them into the bag. On the top shelf there were several packed boxes of various sizes. Bringing the down onto the bed he sat with them.

Opening the lids he glanced inside. Precious objects and gifts that he had been given occupied the box’s. The sight of them sent waves of emotions flooding through his body. Tears flowed freely down his face. His feelings in a whirlwind of a fury as memories rushed through his head.

One memory rooted itself in his mind as it became clearer and clearer. Moving back to the closet and reaching above it he found another object. A sword. Taking the blade out of its sheath he examined it. The golden decorated hilt gave rise to a flawless shining blade. The exceptional craftsmanship used in creating the sword made it lighter than a sword of its usual size, The dimensions resembling those of a great sword..

This was the sword. The one that he had given to Eveshka in the darker times of his earlier life. After a intense moment she struck him with the sword sending him into torpor. Feeling the balance of the sword he moved it through the air.

He stopped still as the thoughts of ending his own life played in his mind various scenarios. Throwing the blade across the room in disgust at the thought of it. Striking the wall it shattered scattering shards across the room.

Fury dominated Mark as he picked up the bed and hurled it across the room. The bag he had been packing landed on the floor spewing some of its contents. The weak metal frame made a clanged as it struck the wall and floor. Pushing on the wardrobe wit hall his force he toppled it over before pushing everything of his desk in a volatile swipe.

Standing he took in his now trashed environment. The anger left him as his breath returned to normal and more tears returned. Falling to his knees he looked up into the air pleadingly before crawling over and onto the mattress.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 2:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 4:35 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel's thin frame appeared in the lit doorway, one hand in his pocket and the other swaying loosely. His unseen eyes glanced around the room surveying the damage.
Stepping over the smashed door and broken sword shards he walked into the room to the mattress where Mark lay. Hiking up his slacks from the knees he knelt down next to Mark and leaned in close.
"What are you doing Malkavian?" Mark raised a teary eye to Gabriel who cut him off, "You're going to leave us....when we need you the most?" Gabriel's normally soft green eyes had taken on a fiery intensity, a sparked flicker crackling deep within them.
"Gabriel please," Mark said weakly, "I'm in no mood to hear your speeches or..." Gabriel grabbed the Malkavian with both hands by the collar and hoisted him into the air, pushing him forcefully up against the wall. "WHAT ARE YOU.."
The Ventrue cupped his hand over Mark's mouth and shook his head. His breath rang hot on Mark's undead skin as he moved close.
"You want to leave Malkavian? Do as you will. I'm sick of being hurt by passing friends...Kindred I befriend end up dead or relocating. Join their ranks if you wish..." Gabriel lips were drawn back, baring his most contemptuous snarl, slowly it faded. "just take care of yourself Mark....I wouldn't want...."
He groaned as the right words fluttered out his mind. His grip on Mark's collar diminished, allowing Mark to slide down to the mattress. Gabriel stopped a moment and glanced down at the hapless vampire, shook his head and walked towards the door.
Once again no more than a silouette against the backlight of the doorway, Gabriel paused, glancing over his shoulder. Opening his jacket pocket he produced a small silver crucifix, identical to his own in nearly everyway, and set it on the shattered dresser.
"Find strength where you will Mark....but find it." he whispered against Marks sobs. With that Gabriel stepped out of Marks life wondering if he was ever to return.....

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