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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  a new beginning( cant think of a name for this lol

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 9:38 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy moved in her sleep, the silk sheets wrapping around her body as she did. Her eyes flickered open and she stretched lazily, looking at Gabriel as she did a smile on her lips .Kathy carefully moved his arm and slid away from his reach.
Her feet padded across the soft carpet and she grabbed the silk dressing gown from the floor where it had been dropped the night before.wrapping it around herself she walked out of the bedroom,shutting the door quietly behind her, and went down the stairs to the ghouls quarters.
AS she passed the kitchen she saw Gabriels chef preparing his breakfast and smiled at him.
"good evening Miss Belvadere is there anything I can get you ?"
"No im fine ,please dont let me stop you working" kathy said as she looked around the kitchen,wondering where what she was looking for would be kept.
He looked at her as she walked around opening cupboards.
"well do you mind telling me what you are looking for my kitchen...I may be able to tell you where it is " he asked warily.
Two of gabriel's bodyguards walked into the kitchen and looked at each other as they sat down to eat.Their eyes watching her.
"pancake mix...Id really like some pancakes"
kathy flashed a smile at them and they laughed.
"well I can make you some if you like just let me get these gentlemen their breakfast then I'll do you some" Tom said(dont know your chefs name gabe lol
Kathy sat down on a stool as she watched Tom go to a fridge and take out Two vials of blood.
Kathy watched as he gave them to the ghouled bodyguards.
And wondered just how she was going to get hold of a vial.
Kathy stood up and as she walked past the work surface she knocked over a large bowl of eggs, sending them to the floor.
"oh god im sorry, look at the mess Ive made" kathy said as Tom walked over to clear the mess up.
"its no problem really accidents do happen" he said crouching down as the bodyguards laughed at him trying to clean the sticky mess up.
Kathy walked backwards till her hand felt the fridge door and she reached inside and slowly took out a vial of blood, slipping it into her robe pocket.
"look ive caused enough trouble in here forget about the pancakes, I'll just have whatever gabriel is having"
Tom nodded at her "very well Miss" as he cleared the eggs up.
"well I'll be on my way then see you all laters" kathy smiled at them again as she walked out of the kitchen her hands touching the vial in her pocket, a smile of satisfaction spreading across her lips, now she could put her plan into action.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 11:09 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Sneaky little Kathy!!! Sneaky sneaky sneaky... hehehehe

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 11:53 pm Reply with quote
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Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 7:46 am Reply with quote
Gabriel watched with mild amusement as Kathy slipped the vial stealthily into her robe pocket. From the doorway he nearly chuckled and she quickly moved to exit the room.
He let a wry smile flicker on his lips and then ran quickly up the stairs to the main bedroom. He climbed back under the heavy sheets and closed his eyes. A moment later he felt Kathy's warm body slide back beside him....

((sorry for the short posts i'll be leaving tonight but it's like 2 AM....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 6:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((this is xmas night sorry its late

Kathy slid out of bed and kissed gabriel softly on his cold cheek.
As she opened the heavy curtains she smiled as she saw the large flakes of snow falling in the night sky.
Christmas again she thought,her mind drifted back to the many christmas's she had spent as a child, the joy she had felt when she had opened her presents.
A smile broke across her face as she tiptoed across the deep carpet and slipped on her gown.
It had taken her ages to think what to get gabriel, he seemed to want for nothing.
Her small hands opened the door and she slipped through it and headed down to the servants quarters.
Frederick was stood waiting for her, the small bundle that he had picked up for her during the day, wriggling in his arms.
"hello my baby " kathy cooed as she took the bundle from frederick...the small black wet nose pushing against her hand, willing her to stroke his soft white fur.
"thankyou Frederick Do you think Gabriel will like him?"
"im sure he will miss" he said and muttered about the chair leg that the pup had chewed.
Kathy smiled as she walked back to the bedroom.
Gabriel was stirring in his sleep as Kathy walked back in and she quickly walked to the bed and put the white husky pup on it, leaning over and kissing Gabriel softly , her tongue licking his lips she whispered
"Happy xmas Gabriel"

(9there you go gaybe....:smile:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 6:50 pm Reply with quote
"She's a bit sloppy this morning..." Gabriel thought to himself as Kathy licked his lips like a teenager trying to figure kissing out for the first time.
When she stopped Gabriel opened his eyes and rubbed them slowly. A small white puppy sat on the satin bedsheets, wagging its tail happily.
"ACK!" Gabriel gasped as he rolled out of the bed and onto the floor. The dog leapt from the bed and onto his chest, feverishly licking his face. "Kathy what IS this??"
"He's a ghoul dog Gabriel! Don't you like him?" she said, her words nearly drowned out by her giggling. Gabriel stood up and straightened his robe out, glancing down at the small puppy.
"You fed this thing my vitae??" he said with some curiousity.
"Of course! He's yours now? Don't you like him??" she asked, a small frown crossing her angelic face. Gabriel smiled warmly, picking the dog up in his arms.
"He's great....what's his name?" Gabriel asked, cuddling the small puppy and hoping no one was watching.
"He hasn't got name him." she said, walking up behind him and wrapping her thin arms around his waste.
"Very well....I'll name him......"

((suggestions anyone? gimme a GOOD name...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 7:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((Hmmm....Merlin is what I'm naming my dog....or maybe some ancient Greek name, to make you sound all knowledgeable and such....Prometheus or something like that

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 9:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((if you think hes calling the dog what was it ahh prometheus....youve got another thing coming lol for a start of i cant spell it ...what about something real cute.....oh fluffy awwwwwww joking lolumm what about....Kabe....or rufus lol.....

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 12:07 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy laughed as the puppy licked gabriels face and sat down on the edge of the bed to open her presents from Karl and Diam.
Karls was in an envelope and kathy slit it open with her long nails and watched in amazement as a set of keys fell onto to the bed.Kathy Read the note with it and ran to the window, leaning out looking down to the courtyard.
Gabriel stood behind her looking down at the porsche that Karl had bought her.
"God I didn't even get karl anything " kathy said
Gabriel smiled slightly wondering if his prsent to her could match karls at all.
"What did diam get you then kath" he asked as he put the puppy down on the floor and it began to chew on the duvet.
Kathy opened the envelope from Diam and smiled.." A weekend at a health club"
Kathy walked ovet to Gabriel and kissed him warmly,her hands trailing down his chest.
"so you want the rest of your xmas present" she said a grin slipping across her face .

[ This Message was edited by: Kathy Belvadere on 2002-01-03 06:17 ]

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 4:27 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel smiled slightly as Kathy's sex drive kicked back in. It was a rarity to find a Kindred with such enthusiasm about pleasures of the flesh, and Gabriel was glad to have found it.
He gently ran his hand up the length of her arm and took her by the wrist, pulling her back towards the door.
"You know there's nothing I'd love more than to take the rest of you...uh you're present that is," he said with a thin smile tracing his lips as the two slipped through the shadowed corridors of his mansion home. "But your present should come first...after all, it's about giving."
He chuckled as he heard a yelp and then the light fall of tiny feet down the hallway. From around the corner the small puppy came skidding, nearly hitting the wall. His tongue hung loosely from his face as he sprinted down the hallway, slowing to a trot only at Gabriel's feet.
The trio moved out into the cool night air, the moonlight beaming through the leaveless trees. The puppy jolted ahead towards the trees that lined Gabriel's circular driveway and relieved itself.
Down at the end of the drive, near the large iron gates that stood like sentries, and past the newly acquired red Porsche, a large delivery truck sat. It was unmarked and the driver stood at the end, examining the contents and running down a checklist.
As the two Kindred approached the trailer the small puppy scurried to catch up.
"Everything's here Mr. O'Brien." the man said. "I'll deliver it at once."
"Excellent." Gabriel said, pushing Kathy a bit towards the opening of the trailer.
Inside the trailer two rows of figures stood motionless. There naked bodies shone slightly in the moonlight. As Kathy stepped slowly into the trailer she realized they were statues.
"They're Greek Kath. Originals. The oldest dating back to 843 BC." Gabriel said smiling, "I think the one back there is the most beautiful."
He motioned to a feminine figure in the back, the soft contours of her body were soothing the eye. Around her neck, a thick, yet elegant diamond necklace hung loosely.
The length of the chain was encrusted with sparkling diamonds, each reflecting a hundred tiny images of the moon. At the center sat a larger diamond, carefully crafted. Gabriel stepped up and slipped the necklace carefully off of the statue.
He turned and smiled at Kathy, unclasping the necklace and then replacing it on her neck. A frown crossed his face as he looked at her.
"W..what's wrong Gabriel?" Kathy asked, her own frown now accompanying his.
"It's not nearly as beautiful as you Kath." he said, leaning in and kissing her deeply. The small puppy leaped onto the trailer and nudged up against his leg. Gabriel laughed. "Come along Kathy....lets get back to the house. Yes you too Jakob." he motioned to the small dog.

((the statues are originals and the necklace costs more than some small countries :P

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 4:48 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy ran her fingers along the statues as they passed them heading back to the house.
"Gabriel this is really too much...I mean its so expensive" kathy said as her fingers touched the necklace "and the statues they are exquistive,they will look great in my haven" Kathy smiled warmly at Jakob as he ran between their legs yapping at them.
"Im not saying I dont appreciate the presents though..its just I feel I dont deserve them, I mean I was informing on your sire and then you go buy me these lovely presents" Kathy squeezed Gabriels hand tightly as they walked back into his haven.
The ghouls where busy rushing around preparing for the xmas festivities.
Gabriel frowned slightly and Kathy smiled cheekily.
"I thought I'd invite some people over for dinner "

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 4:49 pm Reply with quote
(( wow i wish i had someone buy me a christmas present :: sniffs:: after i brought every primogen a gift i get nothin in return huh? lmao.

okay just cut the gifts stunk... its the thought that counts.

Jakob is a cool name... and those presents rock Gabs lol.))

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 1:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((damn... cool present!! *thinks the puppy is the cutest thing in the world*

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