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Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 8:48 am |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
((Okies this is the intro for my new Character,sheeesshhh i hope it will be good hehe))
Location - F.B.I HQ
Date - December 5th , 2001
Time - 10:30 am
City - Los Angeles
~Decker~ -Well well,finally your back agent Valentine,after working five years for us you dont cease to amaze us,well there is one good and one bad thing,i have been looking at your historic with us,in face i have the folder in hand let me look at it one more time.
Decker looked at the historic of Jade Valentine
Name - Jade Valentine
Age - 24
Height - 5'9
Eyes color - Ocean blue
Hair color - Blond
Code name - Jadish
Kills - 245 "all terrorist"
Awards - Best F.B.I agent over the 3 previous years.
Agent Valentine's exploits were beyond our requests,which is completely good,she is the first women to obtain such a high number of kills during her time of employment in the "F.B.I".
One of our best agent,something the F.B.I would not get twice.
Combat techniques - Martial arts,boxing,kick boxing,karate,Judo,wrestling,Kung-Fu.
Skills - Computer skills such as hacking & pirating,use of swords and knives,guns and explosives,many close combat techniques.
~Decker~ -Well ill stop reading there agent Valentine,there is more to it but i think its more then enough.-
~Jade Valentine~ -Mmmmm..something else is coming right?I know this face to well.-
~Decker~ -Ha ha ha.....true there is another mission waiting for you,but this one is going to be different from the other ones.-
~Jade Valentine~ - Suuuuuure,so different from other ones huh? Whats this one about now?-
~Decker~ -Okay,sit down and let me explain the whole thing.Last week it as come to our ears that a huge shipment of drugs would be sent to Cascadia by sea,boat in other words,your mission objectives are really simple...
1- Infiltrate this ship,and see whos behind all of this.
2- Once you find the drugs,take pictures of it.
3- You will have everything that you want under your hands,you must bring that drug back with you and Hal,since he will be your partner on this mission.
And no questioning,this order comes from an higher place....If you chose to accept this mission it will start right now.-
~Jade Valentine~ -What if i dont want to do this mission?-
~Decker~ - Lets make this clear,you have NO CHOICE to accept it,you go there NOW,and let Hal know that i want to talk to him as you get out.........Agent Valentine.-
~Jade Valentine~ -Fine,::sighs:: ill let HIM know.-
I got out of the room warning Hal that Decker wanted to talk to him.Hal noded and entered the room as i waited outside not hearing a thing of what they were saying.
~Decker~ - Now no questioning on what i will say,this order comes from WAY higher then me,so you do it and shut it.....Jade must not come back,kill her at the end of the mission.-
~Hal~ -WHAT THE FUCK!?!?-
~Decker~ -Shut up,this order ain't from me,it comes from a higher position,her killings brought the government to worry,dont ask me how the hell why i have no idea...Just DO IT for God sakes.-
~Hal~ - Yeah,count on me,she'll die before the mission ends.-
Jade and Hal departed to Cascadia.
*Few hours later*
-Cascadia docks,2h00 am
I was walking carefuly around the docks,slowly getting myself in,strangely Hal was always behind me,a thing that he usualy dont do,but heh,it was his choice not mine.
The ship was in view,a name was writted on it but i couldnt see from where i was,so i got closer to it,the door of the ship was.....OPEN!
I then motioned for Hal to come closer,all seemed normal to Hal's eyes,i sensed that something was wrong,i took out my gun and walked in the boat slowly turning my head in every direction trying to see if there was some people.
The place was empty,well at least it seemed to.
I could see the shipment of drugs in the middle of the place,but all seemed to quiet and easy.
As i got closer to the shipment of drugs the light of the place suddenly all turned on,revealing about ten armed guards,well not really guards but the ship's crew.
They were all aiming at us as they walked around,for a reason Hal started firing at them,they fired back.
This was the beginning of such a BIG gun fight.I took refuge behind a wooden box as they were opening fire at us,i could hear the sounds of the bullets hitting the ground and walls.I took a deep breath and got up shooting them as well,i managed to kill two of them,Hal kiled two of them too,which leaved six remaining now.
As someone had an open view on me i had to move,i runned through the room as bullets were hitting the ground inches behind me as i was running,the guy was running behind me now,i continued to run until i reached the wall,i jumped on it,my feet touching it and pushing myself doing a backflip and landing behind the guy,
i shot him in his head,five more were remaining now,i had no ammo's left,i had no other option then to switch to close combat.
I took out three guy's by fighting,breaking their necks.
Hal took care of the two other ones.
As all the ship's crew was now dead,we were free to check the drug's shipment.
As i walked foward Hal pressed his gun against my back saying -Your day's are over Jade.-
Before i could say a word,Hal shot me,i fell on my knees,looking at my own pool of blood on the ground,i then fell completely on the ground as Hal took out a knives saying -You will NEVER be talking again,well at least,not after i cut your throat.-
((Jade aka Karmina :P
hehe ))
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 3:53 pm |
Gabriel focused on the agent hovering over the fallen women. He produced a small boot knife and grabbed her by the hair, lifting her head off the deck.
"At least not after I cut your throat..."
The Ventrue had been impressed with their combat abilities, killing his entire crew was certainly an achievement for only two people. But that woman...she was incredible.
He walked up slowly behind the man who held the knife in the air ready to strike. Grabbing his wrist, Gabriel spun the man around.
He stammered and yanked his wrist free of Gabriel's grip, who allowed him to pull away. Gabriel smiled slightly and clenched his teeth, knowing what was coming. The agent jammed the bootknife into his rib, a very precise strike, if Gabriel had been human it would have killed him.
Gabriel gave no reaction, only smiling wider. The agent let go of the knife and left it sticking out of Gabriel, as he began to slowly back away.
"W..what the fuck are you?" he said as the blood drained from him face. Backing up he tripped over his fallen partner and fell hard to the ground. Gabriel loomed over him, his shadow encompassing the mans body.
He reached up and pulled the knife from his ribs, gripping it by the handle. He held in out and raised his thumb to the blade and snapped it clean off dropping the handle with it. The agent stammered and stuttered.
Gabriel almost felt bad for the man, he was certainly just doing his job. He would have to make this simple.
Gabriel glanced around the room. The room was large and dimly lit, mainly empty. Aside from the crates in the center of the room it was devoid of objects. Only support beams ran from the floor to the ceiling in various spots. Gabriel walked over to one, grasping it with both hands.
He groaned as the steel creaked in resistance. Slowly the bolts at the base and top of the beam popped out, flying across the room and TINGING off the walls. Gabriel turned around towards the man, the 30 foot steel beam in hand. The man shrieked and ran towards the doorway.
Gabriel spun around in a circle, finally letting the beam fly. There was a horrible crash and the beam landed and skid across the floor, the sound of steel on steel ringing out and hurting Gabriel's ears.
When it stopped Gabriel glanced towards where the agent had been. There was an initial impact mark and then a long trail of blood as the beam as slid, squishing the agent.
Gabriel shrugged and stood over the female. She had determination, even now she reached for her gun. She was brave and powerful for a Kine. Gabriel smiled slightly.
"Tell me...should I save you?" he asked kneeling next to her.
((okies, sorry my writing is so crappy this morning :P
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 4:50 pm |
(( Great post you two :P Lets keep this high level of violence and gore in our posts up!
Woo hooo vampires like to kill and maim. SoC - Sickos of Cascadia? lol))
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:01 pm |
((Woah 2 KICK ASS posts :smile:
And sickos of Cascadia sounds good man LOL ))
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:47 pm |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
I heard this man talking to me,i didn't wanted to listen,i crawled on the ground until i reached my gun (colt .45)
As i coughed blood i turned on my back to face this stranger,i pointed my gun at him,well i was not to sure if i pointed at him due to my blury view,i was losing lots of blood and the bleeding didn't wanted to stop,i shot four time which i missed,i then felt the man putting his hand on the canon of the gun as he repeated -Should i save you?-
i then shot again,the bullet piercing the palm of his hand,strangely i didn't even hurt a scream,just like if i missed him,but i know i didn't,he then grabbed my wrists and locked them on the floor as he repeated the same sentence -Should i save you?-
I was bleeding badly and was about to faint,my eyes started to close slowly as i said -Y..Yes-
((Your post was fantastic Gaby dont say its crappy,because im the one writting the crappy ones :( hehe
Sickos Of Cascadia huh hehe ))
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:29 pm |
((sorry it took me so long Jade, it's been a BUSY week...here we go welcome to Caine's family! :smile:
Gabriel picked the girl up in his arms, a small stream of blood dripping from her back. She groaned slightly in his arms, Gabriel could feel her warmth beginning to slip away. He'd have to move quickly. He stepped out of the ship and glanced around looking for his limousine.
The headlights shot through the fog as the black limo pulled up directly onto the docks. Fredrick's dark face appeared in the window as Gabriel stepped off the gangplank and onto the docks, approaching the car.
"Take us home Fredrick, quickly." Gabriel said, keeping his eyes on the quickly fading Kine.
The limousine pulled up to Gabriel's Keep, and Fredrick stepped out, opening the door for Gabriel. The Ventrue looked up at Fredrick and then back down at Jade, who lay growing paler by the minute. Gabriel stepped out of the car and walked up the steep steps to the Keep's entrace.
"Bring her around back Fredrick. Put her in the guest bedroom." Gabriel said, his eyes squarely ahead, his mind whirling about the task ahead of him. Tobius had been a mistake, he had not judged him correctly. He would not make that mistake again.
Gabriel made his way down the dark hallways, his servants nodding at him as he passed. His mood was especially dark as he approached the door to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall.
Stepping into the room he immediantly smiled. Fredrick had closed the shade and turned off the lights, nice and dark. Perfect for a task like this. Gabriel could hear the Kine breathing lightly.
Slowly he sat on the bed next to her. He brushed her hair from her eyes, running his hand down her face.
"Ms. Valentine....Ms. Valentine?" he said softly. Jade stirred. "I've been watching you. Your record is very impressive. That is why I offer you this second chance at life...."
Jade coughed, soon her lips would be turning blue. He had better embrace her before they did and she was stuck with blue lips for eternity. Slowly he leaned over her, placing his lips to her neck. As he brushed her neck he whispered...
"Welcome to the family....." Gabriel said, as he began the process of draining the remainder of her blood.
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 11:52 pm |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
All i could remember was someone carying me through the docks,all i was seeing was becoming more and more black,
I remember been carried through a corridor too,and been put on a bed..I couldnt really do something about it,i felt my strenght fading away quickly,but still with all that all i had in mind was to kill the bastard who did this to me,there will be hell to pay if i could stay alive,
then i saw a stranger getting closer to me,he said something about my records and a chance at a second life,needless to say i had NO IDEA of what was going on now,all i did was to slowly put my hand on my knife taking it out and puting it against the stranger's back,at this moment i felt like something piercing the skin of my neck,feeling my strenght fading away more and more the knife ive lat fell on the bed.
The only words i spat were -Fa...familly?-
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 5:16 pm |
((again sorry for the wait on this post...i'm still a bit busy. today's my last exam so should be done soon.
Gabriel felt his veins fill with Jade's warm blood. His eyes began to roll back, he heard the sound of metal pressing against leather. A boot knife....quite determined. He must make sure he encouraged that type of ambition in the future with her. He drained harder and more aggressively, her life slowly wasting away.
The knife fell to the bed as her last ounce of strength was sucked away. Gabriel opened his eyes and pulled back, arching his back and filling the blood surge through him.
"You're part of me now Childe....and now it's time to become part of you..." he said queitly, taking her knife from the bed. He ran the knife down his forearm, opening a small cut, blood flowing freely. He took her face gently and pressed it to his wound.
Almost immediantly she began to drink, gorging herself on his powerful vitae. Her eyes opened suddenly and her hands clasped themselves to his forearms with deafening force. Gabriel tugged at his arm slightly shocked at her strength. Her startling blue eyes stared directly into his as she drank.
Gabriel finally yanked his arm back.
"Good...you are strong. You'll serve well. Now rest my Childe, for the pain is soon to follow." he said, pitying her slightly. He stood and walked out of the dark room shutting the door behind him. As he made his way down the hallway he could hear her thrashing in agony....
((there ya go :smile:
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 7:38 pm |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
I listened to Gabriel talking, he left the room as he said -The pain is soon to follow-
I then said -The what?- it was to late for him to hear what i said,he already left the room,i stood up to get out of the room as well,but i suddenly felt a horrible pain in me,
i fell on my knees feeling this horrible pain,i stood up trying to fight it but it was of no use,i then saw the knife still on the bed,i tought about ending my pain and took the knife i was about to stabb myself,i then threw the knife on the wall instead saying -Fuck it!-
i looked at myself in the mirror and i lat my fist punch the big mirror breaking it into pieces..I then fell on the ground and i stopped moving.
*A bit later*
I woke up,feeling somewhat different,as i said -Someone's here?- i said it in a cold eerie voice ...
((Sowy for posting again this late Gaby = (
I have been sooo busy too for the last couples of days ::sobs:: im back now = ) hehe
Jade aka Karmina ))
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 3:18 pm |
Gabriel glanced at the gold pocket watch Sorenti gave him once more. It was time. Several hours had passed since the embrace had taken place.
He walked back to the guest room and opened the door slowly, glancing inside. Jade sat on the bed quietly, hands folded in her lap. Between her slender fingers, her knife sat pressed against her legs.
Gabriel smiled warmly, looking her over. She seemed to have composed herself fairly well.
"Evening Childe." Gabriel said, "You have much to learn before you meet the Prince. We'll begin your lessons immediantly."
((and thus the e-mail was born :smile:
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 5:34 pm |
((great posts from both of you... I like it... pity she's a PV though :P
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 12:46 am |
LasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((yes good posts you two...but batty's right...oh well :P
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