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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Final Death of Mephisto (For Real)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 1:33 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
Mephisto sat in his office, on the 103rd floor of the Orvisius International Cascadia Office. Looking over the pages of a few resumes and some of the latest Stock Prices, he thought to himself about the incidents that happened a week ago, the Garou attack, he knew they would come for them again, but it was the smallest thing on his mind at this time. He opened up a drawer in his desk and took out a peice of parchment paper, a bottle of black ink, and an Eagle Feather Quill. His neat writing wrote back and forth across the parchment. After a few minutes he stoped, then folded the paper twice, and sealed it with a red wax Ventrue Seal. He looked around his big beautiful office, the cost of which would likely be the cost of a large haven. Mephisto swallowed hevilly then closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. He calmed his nerves, opened up another drawer on his desk, then opened hie eyes. He looked from the door of his office, then to the open drawer. He picked up the hevilly modified Revolver, holding it very gently. He took a long glance around the office, swallowing hevilly again. "I just wish that I didnt feel that there's something I've missed ... I wish I didnt have to feel like this." He said to himself, then wraped the Revolver around his lips. Shutting his eyes he thought to himself "I would give this all away to have someone to come home to ... " then inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through the walls of his mouth, up into his scull and out the top of his head. The loud bang wouldent be heard outside, and it would be quite a while before anyone found him. He sat there motionless for a moment, the life and unlife now gone from his body, then fell foreward on the mahogany, granite topped desk. The blood leaked from his body all over the desk, then started to creep over the edges and drip onto the floor. The only paper on the desk that was not touched by the blood, was the last one he would ever write.

(( yeah ... I'm out ... I'll post my Will and Last Testimate later on, when I figure out who gets what

All this wheeling and dealing around, its not for money, its for fun.
[b:65df9adcc7]Money's just the way we keep score.[/b:65df9adcc7] - Mephisto

[ This Message was edited by: Mephisto on 2001-09-25 20:38 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 1:46 am Reply with quote
((ummm nice post but ummm why?????))

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 4:40 am Reply with quote
(( why you cant' leave us hanging like that man. im sad to see you go but i am still courious as to why.))

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 4:55 am Reply with quote
((MEPH?! WHAT'RE YOU DOIN MAN?! nooooo!!! ::is seriously bugged:: dude we were so cool, why go and end it....

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 5:07 am Reply with quote
Gabriel sighed heavily as he glanced at the paperwork in his hand. Business could be such a pain....
The elevator clicked open to the top floor of the building. Gabriel made his way to Mephisto's office. Owning his own business had taken a lot of Meph's time up but Gabriel wasn't about to let him forget his role in the Mississippi Shipping Co. He was vice-president after all.
The doors were closec, the receptionist out to lunch. Gabriel knocked, glancing at the manilla folders in his hand once more. No answer. Slowly he opened his door, making his way in quietly, expecting Mephisto to be on the phone.
Mephisto was hunched over his large desk, napping apparently. The smell hit Gabriel immeadiantly...Kindred blood. VENTRUE blood. Gabriel dropped the files and shot foward in a flash of celerity.
"Oh shit...MEPHISTO!!!! Mephisto...damn it..." Gabriel pushed his friend back in the chair, "My God...what's going on...what happened?"
Blood poured from Mephisto's mouth and the back of his neck. A thick pistol lay on the floor smoking. Blood tears began to stream down Gabriel's face as he held his lifeless friend.
Thoughts and images of all the times they had spent shot through his mind. How on the anniversary of his father's death Mephisto had sat in the old Ventrue Board Room with Sorenti and Gabriel talking nearly until dawn. The ceremony they had help for him becoming Primogen.
The blood tears flowed harder as Gabriel pressed his face into the soft fabric of Mephisto's overcoat.
"Oh Jesus no.....please....." For a long while Gabriel sat there next to the lifeless body, the blood on his hands beginning to dry and make a sticky film. What now...Mephisto had been like a son....Gabriel wept at the realization that he had never told Mephisto that. Now he was gone and it was too late. Liya had been gone for weeks....Sorenti had left....Alekzandre killed...Cosmos murdered....Ariya....Ezra. it was Mephisto, one of the closest to him. It was too much.
Gabriel picked up the now cold pistol and weighed it in his hands. The teeth marks on the barrel...Mephisto had clenched before firing. Checking the chambers he saw it was still loaded. Looking out over the dawning sun Gabriel felt the tears start anew. His pale kindred skin began to tingle with anticipation of Final Death.
Gabriel put the barrel into his mouth, picturing Mephisto doing the same. He squeezed his eyes tight and yanked the pistol from his mouth, hurling it out the window. The office window shattered with the force and Gabriel turned around and sank to the floor, crying uncontrollably. It was too much.....

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 7:43 am Reply with quote
((Man :( this is really something that pains me to see :( like Gabe just said,your char was a DAMN GOOD ONE MAN...It really...really pains me to see this :(

I hope that you will have a new character soon man...

Take care dude.))

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 8:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
(( Well Meph I really don't know what to say, this has been a ruff day and it has just got worse after reading this. All I can say to you is that I hope everything goes good for you whatever your plans may be. :smile: And if there is anything you ever need or if you just want to talk you can find me on icq as usual. Take care man

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 8:48 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( okies ... this is Vascivi Sortallo and Andreas Talbot, Mephs Grand Sire and Great Grand Sire :P ))

The elevator dinged, and the brass doors slid to the side. Vascivi and Andreas walked, their shoes clicking on the floor as they moved towards the Executive Offices Hallway. They both swung to door open, both walking with their heads held high, both walking gracefully, both still ignorant of the events that had occured here a few hours ago. As soon as they turned the corner, their sights were filled with an evil sight. They stoped dead at exactly the same time, then looked at eachother. Both casting Celerity they ran at the same pace towards the office door, not stoping until they reached the large desk, with two Ventrue slumped over nearby. Andreas turned to the door, shot his arm out, then like magic the door shut with a loud BANG. He immediatly turned to the figure who was weeping, his cold hard eyes, now warm and full of compassion. "Gabriel ... " he said, then watched as the yellow haired figure begin to stir, then look up at him.
(( care to take it from there?

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 9:36 pm Reply with quote
(( He hasn't burned the body!! Can we still bring him back? I think that there's a way ... ::shrugs:: Come on hun ... don't go ... get Meph back. PLEASE!!! Aaaaaawwwwwwww ... well ... like Damien said, if there's anything that I can do for you, please ask.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 10:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( no ... I dont think you can, unless you have a really high level Awaken ... but I dunno

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 10:24 pm Reply with quote
(( dam that just sucks ....sorry to see you go.but like kyia said we can bring him back if you like .you are a bam good player.))

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 1:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( yeah maybe Misty .... but I got too much goin on in my life to be playing videogames .... after midterm (mid-movember) I might consider coming back, so if you like chryo-freeze Meph's body or something like that, seeing as it will be too cold to bring back in a few hours

Sometimes we come back 8P
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 4:06 am Reply with quote
((well...i don't know when Movember is but i hope it's soon...

Gabriel slowly turned his eyes to the figures next to him. The two older Ventrue looked down at him with emotionless faces.
"Mephisto....he's....." Gabriel choked back his tears. Slowly, realizing he was in the presence of two Elders, Gabriel began to compose himself. "I'm not sure WHAT happened...."

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 6:16 am Reply with quote
((I think Movember is the month after Febtober :lol:

sorry to see you go Mephisto.....

btw, don't underestimate the power of the Cappadocians... you shun us now but you'll soon realise we are useful lil scary guys :grin:


PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 9:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( heh heh ... my bad, November* ))

Vasvici stood silently and watched Mephisto's limp body, then turned his gaze to the smashed window, then to Andreas "Sire ... the sun, it will be up in a few minutes ... we must get out of here."
Andreas stood upright, then nooded to his child "Yes ... we shoud go ... " Andreas replied to Vascivi, then helped Gabriel up off the ground, then lifted Mephisto's body off of the desk and carried it out of the room. After willing the heavy metal door open, Andreas turned to Gabriel and asked "Do you have any idea what happened?"
(( cuz he didnt see the gun :P

Sometimes we come back 8P
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