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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  To the Court I Go...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 4:57 am Reply with quote
"Now I must find this court. Perhaps there are more of my kind here. I wish Horatio had told me whether or not there was a temple in this city.", Isis thinks as she drives through town, scoping out store fronts.
"I mean i heard there were som followers in this city from the temple in LA, but i don't know. There seems to be something pure here. It surely needs the hand of Set.", she continues to think as hse pulls up in front of a building to take down the number of a vacate building.
"Hmmm... This would make a nice shop. I just hate to sell some of my Egyptian "antiquities". But i guess that's just the way it goes. I need money, and I need a haven, so I'll just find a store for me to run and live in.", she thinks to herself as she cracks an evil smile.
"I think I could have a lot of fun here. I'll find one more vacant space, then i'll ask Horatio where the court is. I know that he'll know.", she thinks as she writes down a number for another vacant building not to far from the first. She then gets back into her car and drives back to Horatio's.
"Here are some numbers for you to call. I think these would be good locations. So, where is that court you were telling me about?", she asks him.
"Thank you. I knew you would find some places that would suit your palate, and here, this should answer your question.", he answers.
"What is this?", she questions, flipping the paper over and over in her hand.
"This is the address and directions to the court. I think you should go tonight. I would hate to think that you'd be killed as you feed.", he replies concerned.
She opens the paper and reads.
"Thank you. You always do look out for me don't you. I'm glad that I have learned how to take care of you.", she says to him and winks, "I'll go right now."
"Good luck.", he tells her.
And with that she walks out the door and towards the car.
She starts driving towards the address that is on the paper she was given. It doesn't take too long.
"Is this the place?", she wonders as she looks between the building and the address on the paper.
"I guess so. I better park and mosey on in.", she then thinks.
She parks her car and straightens her hair, clothes and make-up.
"I'll go in there and knock them dead.", she says to herself as she stands up and saunters on into the building.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 6:33 am Reply with quote
((setite alert!! setite alert!! heheh

nice post :grin:


PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 9:46 pm Reply with quote
(( Very nice post hun ... :smile: ... I want to jump in here ... but I have a couple questions .. :smile:

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 3:08 am Reply with quote
(( ok you left it open for reply hahahaha))

Drin went to his computer directy after he got the page from MR O Brien. It appears an old door had been opened which had triggered an old video camera. Some one was coming to meet the prince. Some one who doesn't know anyone in town.

(( the camera is set in the "court room". the room was what Bile called it and he gave out the address to verious cities. and to key members of the catiff population. That way if they came to the city to cause trouble they would go to the wrong address, and we could have an advanced warning.))

Drain looked at the monitor. who was that?..
He leaned closer to look for any clan markings. (( ok i need to know what you look like))

While watching the figure in the monitor Drain was calling for a Limmosine to go to the address. After 10 min the figure left mumbeling about somehow getting the wrong address. Drain then called to the Prince and the Senchial he left word on both of their messengers to expect a new lost soul.

(( ok Valek or Sorenti can introduce themselves now, or you can take it again hahaha

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 3:31 am Reply with quote
((Going to post something ic soon :smile: ))

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 8:19 am Reply with quote
Valek arrived in his Haven...took the messages he received..As he heard the one from Drain...Valek stoped what he was doing to listen to it very carefuly...Drain was saying something about expecting a "New lost soul"...Valek wondered who it could be...
He then picked up the phone..and dialed Drain's number...asking him more info about the place this person was,or anything else that could be useful.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 9:18 pm Reply with quote
((there's a description of my character on an earlier, albeit somewhat risque, post. but to make it easy i'll put it here.
Isis walks into the court and looks around to see all who were here.
"Hmmm... interesting.", she thinks as she walks toward the bar. she took her 5 foot curvacious figure over to the bar and sat down. She looks at herself in the mirror and saw here beautiful blue eyes, looking perfect, as well as her straight long black hair. She stood up to see if the short vinyl dress she was wearing was still in good order. she pulled up the tops of her knee high matching boots. She rubs the skin on her arms more as a nervous reflex. The skin looks like it's slightly tanned.
"Well, this isn't too bad. I was expecting something a lot more stoic.", she continues to think, "I think i could get used to this."
and she stands leaning against the bar looking around to see who to talk to.
((there, take it away :grin:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 12:48 am Reply with quote
Drain answered his phone.
Valek... there is one of our kind coming to town. I have sent them to you via one of PVs limos. they will be arriving soon to any place that you deem safe enough to send them.

Valek replied send the car over to the parking lot of the esylum.

i will do so then

Drain hung up feeling bad about giving the address of the vampires own meeting place out over the phone. The phone lines were secure but Drain knew that even those could be compromised at any given time.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 1:10 pm Reply with quote
After hearing what Drain said to him..Valek thanked Drain and went out to the Elysium parking lot...waiting in the darkest corner of it..for the limo to arrive...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 3:28 am Reply with quote
She had not seen her child in days. The stress unbearable at this point. Thoughts ran through her mind as to what he could possibly be doing. She tried to make herself believe that he would be fine, but it was hopeless. She looked around her empty haven, sighing pathetically as she stood and walked out the door.

She wondered why the hell she wanted a haven so far out. She must have been insane when she requested that. The night was cold and the wind seemed to lash out at her skin. The clouds moved around the moon. Whatever light that was there was now gone. Eternal darkness with everlasting life. Was that a curse or a gift?

Finally the flickering lights of the city came into focus. Most were in major need of repair. Her feet seemed to drag with each step. After what seemed like eternity the elysium came into view. Her pace quickened. Her body chilled to the bone.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 6:31 am Reply with quote
Valek crossed his arms...not moving...staying in the darkness...waiting for the limo patiently...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Her pace quickened as she walked through the parking lot. It always seemed like someone was watching her. For a second she looked around to see if there was anyone around. At first glance she saw nothing.

Her hand grasped the handle which layed on her hip. Once again looking around for those eyes that she felt penetrating her. Still, she saw nothing. Her senses were on alert as she climbed the stairs to the heavy door. She decided not to go in for whatever reason. She sat down ... starring into the sky. There was no moon, no stars,no twinkle of light anywhere this night. The clouds seemed to have engrossed what little there was.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Still waiting...Valek noticed Kiya walking rather fast through the parking seemed like someone or something was following her...she kept looking back and around....As he saw her walking up the stairs far away...Valek looked back in the directions she had been see if there was really someone...or simply nothing....keeping a close eye on things...ready to react if there was "someone" or "something" un-usual.

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-07 14:14 ]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 8:42 pm Reply with quote
She is pulled aside by someone.
"There's a limo outside waiting for you. It'll take you to where you need to go.", a voice whispers in her ear.
"Okay, but who are you?", she asks in return. But she never recieves an answer to her question. She walks out into the night and sees a limo waiting for her. She assumes that that's the limo that is meant for her. She walks up to it and gets in.
She looks at the driver and asks, " you know where to take me, right?"
"Of course. It won't take too long to get there.", he answers her.
She sits back in her seat and watches the scenery pass a long outside.
After a few minutes pass she notices that she pulls into a parikng lot. She sees someone sitting on the roof and another man waiting for her, she presumes.
She waits until the limo parks and steps out. She looks at Valek with a scrutinizing eye and saunters over in that direction.

((next :grin: this should eliminate all confusion... :P

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Valek saw the limo entering the parking lot....It was like Drain told him...he sent her via PV'S limo..Valek frowned...and he stepped out of the shadows slowly...the car stopped...and a lady stepped out of the car looking around..and headed in Valek's direction...As she arrived in front of Valek....Valek noded and said
"You know who i am don't you?..Tell me who you are.."

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