Capt. Max Johnson was in a "tiger cage" with his hands tied behind his back. after having been starved for two weeks he was brought a bucket of food. "You eat now G.I." said the VC commander. Max was too hungry to care what it was and fell to his knees and placed his head in the bucket,slurpping and gobbling up the meat stew. The VC commander just watched with a smirk on his face. Max finished the stew and sat back on his heels glaring at the commander. "I hope food good G.I. it special dish" Max remained silent and wondered what the VC was talking about. "you enjoy meal, yes? G.I. hahaha you eat one of your men taste good yes??" Max felt sick to his stomach. He had not seen any of his men since they had been captured a month ago. "Dont worry G.I. there two men left you save if you tell what you do here if not you get two more "Special Meals" hahaha" It dawned on Max that he had just eaten a human being, even worse he had eaten one of his own soldiers. Max thrashed against the bamboo cage and wailed "NOOOO!!!" The VC commander pulled out a feild knife and said "Time for more questions...but first I have fun, you can scream more fun when you scream" For miles you could hear the tortured screams of a man until they trailed off into hysterical Laughing...Laughing...Laughing...
...Laughing...laughing...Capt. Max Johnson woke up clutching his pistol. He got dressed and left his Haven looking for something to get into. People on the dark streets saw a man with crazed eyes laughing and singing army cadences like he didnt have a care in the world
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