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< Ancient Tomes ~ The Cellphone! - PLEASE READ!!! |
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 9:41 pm |
As Sorenti answered his cellphone, standing smack in the middle of the large graveyard, the quietly intelligent voice spoke sharply and precisely...
"Sorenti, shut up and listen, you might want to fully understand this correctly..."
"Ok, go on", Sorenti said, the voice somewhat familiar but unable to place wherefrom, "anyway" Sorenti thought, "was probably a hoax call", but he decided to play along for the time being.
The voice continued after a brief pause, almost as if it knew what Sorenti was thinking and was waiting for him to be ready...
"For a long time now, I have been watching your city, I know everything that goes on...and please...do not doubt me...at least hear me out....will you do that?"
"very well, but it better be worth my while" Sorenti answered, a slight tone of annoyance deliberately incurred.
"Good...then at least we have somewhere to start from. ::low chuckle:: Your city...hmmm how can I put it?...hmmm....well...your city is mine now. To put it bluntly of course. I am tired of watching you fools fumble about, pretending to be important, like your miserable unlives are even worth a shit. But I digress....so that there is no misunderstanding....now that I know everything all of you Kindred do and where you go...I am going to kill you all! Not one of you will survive....oh...and there are no revolutionary tactics you can employ my dear Sorenti, nothing that can help you, nobody to hold your hand....face it you are dead...history....all of you!"
"Oh of course," Sorenti countered, "and you expect me to believe all this right?"
"Oh no...you can believe whatever you like, it will make no difference, you could not stop me even if you knew exactly where I was going to be and when. I just thought I would extend you the courtesy of all leaving Cascadia before I get there...otherwise...the sport will be on, it will be bloody, yet swift....and allow me to reiterate once more....NOT ONE OF YOU WILL SURVIVE!"
As Sorenti started to question, the line went dead, he quelled his anger and looked at the phone as though it would spark into life again...but it did not. Sorenti pressed the microphone headset to his throat and spoke to Bill...
"You get that Bill?"
"Yes sir!" Bill exclaimed "Got it...recorded it, traced it!"
"Good man...location?" Sorenti asked as he turned from the graves, walking slowly back to the road.
"running it now sir....Germany ...Russia ...India ...China ...Japan! They are in Japan sir....narrowing it further now... call was made from a public phonebooth... should have the co-ordinates any second sir" Bill commentated back
"Ok, excellent...am on my way there right now" Sorenti said as he ripped the headset off and sprinted in the direction of the office building.
Bill Tanner met him at the door and handed him a few sheets of paper, call listings, area codes, topographical maps, satellite photos and a large, slightly fuzzy photo. Sorenti stopped dead as he saw the large photo and the person in it.
"What the fu*#?..."
But Bill cut him off...."Yes sir, we used a voice sampler and this is confirmed"
Sorenti opened his mouth, but nothing came out as he looked at the photo, fuzzy as it was, but definitely showing Los Requis.
[b:98342524df][i:98342524df] "Be careful who you're talking to.....they might just have the upper hand" [/i:98342524df][/b:98342524df][url]http://sorenti.homestead.com/main.html[/url]
[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2001-11-18 12:35 ]
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 10:23 pm |
"You're sure?" Sorenti asked,
"Definitely sir, ident match was 97%, seriously unlikely it was a fake, imposter or a voice altering device." Bill confirmed
"Shit!" was all Sorenti said, making Bill look up worriedly, hardly ever hearing his boss curse.
"Right, check all flights and modes of travel that could get him here" Sorenti ordered
Bill punched the buttons on one of the PC's,
"Already started sir...results coming through"
Sorenti nodded and passed Bill a coffee, now blatantly aware how little sleep Bill had managed to grab, as the two stood waiting for the wonder of technology to give them something. The PC flashed and whirred before a list appeared on the screen...one match, a flight leaving Tokyo in 8 hours exactly, reserved in the name Losato Rekisan. Bill laughed at the poorly made name, but Sorenti shivered at it,
"He wants me to know he is serious, he wanted me to find him and know he is on his way here too" Sorenti breathed quietly and still slightly increduously
"You think sir?" Bill questioned, "Could be deliberate to fool you into thinking that"
"No, that's him and that is the flight he will be on, he knows I will not endanger the lives of the entire passenger and crew list just to get to him. Still...their lives are miniscule when it compares to the safety of the Kindred here..." Sorenti trailed off in thought, "No...there must be a better way, I just need to stop him getting here....maybe I can intercept him...YES, that's it!"
Sorenti jumped up,
"Bill...get on to Cenaka, but don't tell him what is going on, just get him to instruct the Captain of that flight to land in Cairo, better get him to "persuade" one of the ground crew to put less fuel onboard too, just to be sure....Oh...and book me a flight to Cairo tonight"
"Yes sir...I'm on it" Bill answered, burying his fatigue.
"Oh and Bill...?"
"Yes sir?"
"Thanks for everything" Sorenti said as he smiled and clapped Bill on the back lightly, making his way past him and to the door.
Bill stood stunned, his boss always paid him excellently, that was all the thanks Bill needed, but to hear Sorenti actually say it was very different. When the shock had worn off a little, it sent a icy cold shiver down Bill's back that worried him greatly, it was almost as if his boss was saying goodbye. He shrugged it off quickly and cursed himself for being weak, the old man was seriously strong and if anyone could stop Los Requis, well Bill would bet on Sorenti.
Sorenti had packed quickly, it wasn't as if this was a vacation, he had what he needed, everything else he knew he could get in Egypt, he just hoped he had time to get there first. As he sat, smoking a cigar and watching the clock, he flicked on his PC and wrote a quick e-mail to Valek, Cain, Gabriel and Kiya...
"To: Seneschal
CC: Sheriff, Ventrue Primogen and Dark Muse
Forgive me, but I am going to be out of town for a few days. I won't be long and sorry for the short notice, but something has come up.
He clicked on send and watched as his words disappeared into cyberspace. Then he picked up his small travel bag, slipped his jacket on and left his office, not locking it for the first time. He made his way out to his car, slung the bag on the passenger seat and got in. Sorenti sat for a minute, looking at the skyline of Cascadia "No, he would not let Los Requis, or anyone, endanger his beloved Kindred resident here!" and with that thought, he started the car and pulled away, heading for the airport.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 11:14 pm |
((HA tough crap Ray, you ain't gettin away w/ it this time...
Gabriel sat comfortably in the back of his company car, a black Ford Expidition. He had an affinity for the big SUV's. It only increased his stature, and it intimidated much of the competition.
He sat, legs crossed working on his laptop. The Sony sprang to life
"Incoming Mail" said the soothing female voice. Gabriel quickly moved his cursor over the small mail icon and clicked.
He read over the short message and sighed slightly. Sorenti was on another quest. Closing his eyes he let his feelings scan the city, he could almost see it whiz by as it narrowed in on his Sire's position. Excitement....anticipation....urgency. What could he be doing? Gabriel searched further. Uncertainty...danger.....FEAR! Gabriel felt the last one like an icy blast, then Sorenti closed his feelings to him.
The Ventrue glanced at the e-mail address and wondered how his Sire could be so careless. He tossed his laptop aside and leaned to the front seat poking his head into the ear of his driver.
"Driver...take me to this address." he pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to him. The card was a tan color and beautifully embroidered with blood red writing. It was one of Sorenti's lesser known businesses, an excellent location for a hideaway, only Gabriel and a few others knew.
"Yessir." the driver replied, small beads of sweat forming on his brow.
"Keep the car running." Gabriel said as he stepped down from the Expedition. The night air was cool and soothing on his skin. He pulled his jacket tighter and headed towards the building.
He had never felt so alone as he did in that parking lot. Devoid of cars and signs of life, his shoes tapping softly were the only sound audible. He threw an annoyed glance back at his driver, who had turned the car off despite his wishes. A moment later the engine roared to life.
Gabriel approached a small white door on the side of the building, producing from his pocket a small key Sorenti had duplicated for him in times of emergency.
He opened the door and looked down the dark, unlit hallway. He didn't feel Sorenti's presence anywhere nearby. The sounds of footsteps called out as a figure emerged from the last door at the end of the hallway.
Bill Tanner walked towards the exit, looking over papers in his hands. Gabriel shut the door, slipping inside. He leapt from the shadows and gripped Bill tightly by the collar. Bill countered with a grip on Gabriel's forearm that would have been painful to any muscles but dead ones.
Gabriel growled and shook Bill's collar violently.
"Where is he Bill? What's he doing this time?" Gabriel hissed. Bill looked at him calmly, unimpressed and obviously not afraid.
"Your 'Sire', as you call him, is away on b..." Gabriel shook him hard once more to cut off his sentence.
"Don't you dare say business or by God I'll tear out your tongue." Gabriel hissed, now slamming him up against the wall of the hallway.
"Mr. O'Brien, Sorenti would not approve of this. I must insist that you let me..." Gabriel slammed him hard once more. "Ug! Very well. He is on his way to intercept an important person. That is all I can say."
Gabriel growled. Important person? Why would Sorenti be afraid then? Bill was lying. He released his grip on the Kine and turned away.
"Very well Mr. Tanner. It is obvious I will not get the information from you. You've been trained well. I'm sorry I have to do this."
"You're sorry you have to do wha..." Bill was cut off as Gabriel whirled around and gazed at him. He began probing Bill's mind, scowering his brain for information on Sorenti. He stood in awe and some of the dangers the man had put himself through for his Sire. Bill put up an admirable fight for a Kine, and Gabriel found it difficult to pry information from him. But in the end the truth came, and Gabriel realized just how grave the situation is.
"Cairo....." he nearly whispered. Bill sunk to the ground, exhausted from his struggle. "Bill, I'm sorry. But I MUST help him."
"No...leave him...he is capable." Bill muttered, his hand moving to his head.
"He's no God Bill." Gabriel said quietly, turning around. He pulled out his cellphone and made arrangements to have his private jet fueled and readied. Cairo...he had never been to Africa. Sounded like an adventure indeed....
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 11:29 pm |
Sorenti listened as Bill blurted out what had happened as best he could. Nodding slowly, having expected something like this, Sorenti assured Bill he had done no wrong, then an idea came to Sorenti...
"Bill, I really don't want Gabriel anywhere near this sonofabitch, send him an e-mail from an anon address....tell him something like that Dhampir he was chasing has been spotted on the outskirts of Cascadia, then go buy a cellphone, text the same to him with that, then destroy it....that way he'll have to stay since I put him in charge of it!"
"Got it sir...am on it right now" Bill replied
Sorenti smiled grimly as he hung up, he appreciated Gabriel's concern and loved him as a son, but he had an old score to settle with Los Requis and it was HIS city at stake.
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 11:34 pm |
((what did i TELL you?
Gabriel stepped out of the expedition and into the early dawn air. The plane purred loudly in front of him on the runway. His long hair blew sharply in the wind. The runway was deserted except for a few early flights. Businessmen probably, secluding their family. Travelling while their loved ones slept.
Gabriel shook his head and walked towards the plane. He had purposely left his laptop in the car, he wanted NO distractions this time. He shut the Expedition's heavy black door and moved towards the plane. His cell phone chirped merrily in his jacket pocket.
Gabriel pulled it out and glanced at the screen. "New Text Message" it read. Gabriel growled in anger, probably another client or investor. Well not today. He tossed the cell phone into a nearby trash can and listened to it's chirp turn into an echoed vibration.
Glancing back at the Cascadian Skyline he hoped he and his Sire would get to see it again. With that he made his way onto the runway and climbed up the boarding stairs, Fredrick closely behind....
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 11:50 pm |
Bill's voice came over the in-car loudspeaker,
"err sir? he doesn't seem to be responding and his cellphone is now switched off, what do you want me to do?"
Sorenti thought for a moment, he couldn't let Gabe come face to face with Los Requis, he couldn't bear another childe's death. Speaking quietly and clearly, Sorenti gave Bill the orders,
"Ok, this is what I want...phone Major Fletcher, he is on RAF base Coltishall in England, give him the flight plan of Gabriel's plane and get him to intercept them with a few Jaguars, he'll think of a reason why. Then ask him to keep Gabe in England and on the ground, detained by paperwork. Give Fletcher code...Foxtrot-Alpha-Bravo 169er....got it? good...ok, then contact the Prince of London...ask him to intervene on Gabe's behalf, so it looks like Gabe will get away easily, then have him restrain Gabriel for a week or so, under my direct orders...you can claim Gabriel has gone insane and is regarded as highly dangerous to the Traditions, that should do it....oh and thanks again Bill"
"Not a problem sir, it'll be done inside ten minutes" Bill replied
"Good, see you soon" and with that, Sorenti turned into the airport car park.
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 12:01 am |
((oh no old man, not that easy
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Gabriel shouted, breaking the early morning silence. The sun was on it's way and he had precious little time to waste.
"I'm sorry sir, could be another hour or more before your jet is ready. It's a mechanical problem, I'm sorry."
"I don't HAVE AN HOUR you fool!" Gabriel shouted, his face turning red. He grabbed the pilot by his collar. "I have to get off the ground NOW!"
"Well I'm SORRY," the pilot said, brushing Gabriel's grip off, "but you'll have to wait. This plane's not going ANYWHERE."
Gabriel turned around, his mind racing. He had no time to waste, if he waited now he would be detained a whole day by the sun. His Sire was in danger. He looked up and saw Fredrick walking towards him, paper in hand.
"Fredrick, I want you to check.." Fredrick cut him off.
"Already have sir. The earliest flight is on United, it leaves it half an hour. It doesn't go directly to Cairo, but you can connect in Spain. I took the liberty of getting us five tickets." Gabriel smiled as Fredrick looked up.
"I knew I could count on you." he clapped Fredrick's shoulder and headed towards the main terminal. No time to lose...
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 12:06 am |
Gabriel sat aboard the 747 and drew his window down. The thin rays of the sun were already making his flesh tingle. Fredrick was reliable as always, purchasing the five window seats on the nearly empty flight. They have gone from seat to seat closing windows, until the plane was filled with only artifical light.
As they left the runway Gabriel sighed, hoping he was prepared to tackle whatever it was that he was heading towards....
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 12:50 am |
Sorenti let the curtain across the doorway fall softly back into place, happy that Gabriel had at least closed all the blinds. He stood and thought for a moment before returning to his seat, waving off the stewardess' fussing questions, but accepting a straight single malt whisky. He sipped the drink as he relaxed back into his first class seat, pondering whether to enlist Gabriel's full help or not, careful to keep himself completely closed off mentally from his childe.
The Captain's voice came over the intercom, announcing that they were now flying at 30,000 feet and were cruising halfway across the atlantic at just over 450 miles an hour. Sorenti smiled slightly as an idea floated into his head, he stood up and made his way into the cockpit, much to the annoyance of the cabin crew. The navigator and co-pilot gave him a stern look which he quelled immediately and turned to the Captain. About ten minutes later, the great white bird began its slow descent bound for London Heathrow. Now back in his seat, Sorenti knew that already emergency and rescue services would be amassing alongside the runway, cleared for their arrival in London.
Fortunately, Sorenti's influence was enough that the Captain and flight control had accepted his story of a potential bomb being on board in the luggage hold. Shortly before they began the final descent, Sorenti wandered along the short aisle, chatting briefly to each member of the crew, popping his head into the cockpit to check everything was alright. Satisfied that all their memories were "adjusted" to never having seen him, Sorenti went into the spacious first class bathroom and vanished. Then he went back to his seat and waited for the plane to land.
Walking calmly straight off of airport property, still invisible to the eye, Sorenti looked back to see Gabriel and his goons getting irate at the security officers. He chuckled and used a nearby payphone. Knowing that the Prince of London had men at the airport, as always, Sorenti reappeared, flagged down a cab and paid the driver to rush him to Gatwick airport. As the driver expertly avoided the late night traffic, Sorenti thought over Gabe's predicament. He had told the Prince that Gabriel had broken several traditions and was wanted for trial in Cascadia, that Sorenti wished him incarcerated and held until the Sheriff of Cascadia came to take him back.
The Prince had been most obliging, understanding that the matter must be quietly and swiftly dealt with. He had assured Sorenti they would not harm Gabriel in any way, but would stop at nothing to hold him until Cain's arrival. Sorenti felt a little bad for Gabriel but shrugged it off as he checked onto the plane for Giza, he had decided not to go straight to Cairo since he had now lost some of his luggage, which of course the security teams would find containing explosives anyway. None of it was traceable to him, not even the bag, he had bought it only a day before.
Sorenti repeated his exercise of going into the gents, then slipping out invisible as someone else went out. Looking at the time, he was well aware that this flight would be mostly daytime, so instead of following the other passengers, he hopped onto the conveyor belt and emerged right in front of the luggage hold of the plane. Picking his time, he nipped up the ramp and into the hold, quickly finding some large crates packing fragile items. He prised off the side of the largest and squeezed in alongside the marble statuette, crunching the side back into place once he was inside, then settled down for the flight.
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 1:38 am |
Sorenti awoke with a start, his head on the shoulder of the statuette. He looked around, making sure he was still inside the crate and listened intently, but everything was silent. Pushing gently on the side he had prised off, he slowly and quietly opened the crate enough to see outside. It was early evening, still warm from the day's sun. From what he could make out, he was in a makeshift warehouse or storeroom for a shop, most things were dusty, but there had obviously been activity here recently.
Becoming invisible again, Sorenti slipped out of the crate as quietly as he could and pushed the side back in to cover his exit. He went out through the nearest window and landed squarely on the stoney road. He took a moment to dust himself off and put some sort of life back into his travel weary clothes, before feeling the welcome desire to feed. Rolling his eyes, he wondered just how the hell he would appease his blood preference in Egypt, but then kicked himself for forgetting the beauty of the tourist industry.
Walking briskly, he soon found his way to the tourist part of Giza and it wasn't long before he had fed from 3 different victims, sending them blissfully on their way afterwards not wishing to have to kill. Realizing the only weapons he had on him were Pal and La Magra, Sorenti took out a card with an address and found his way there. To Sorenti's dismay, the only things of any real use to Sorenti that the old, toothless man had, were pistols rounds similar to those Pal took.
Sorenti paid the man for the rounds and wandered down to where the "Wonders of the Nile" boat excursions left from. He watched the excited holidaymakers pour onto the boats waiting, brilliantly illuminated by flaming torches. Sighing slightly at their happiness, oblivious to all the dangers of the "real" world, Sorenti walked past the queues and made his way to the regular crossing ferry. On the other side of the famous Nile, Sorenti planned his course of action.
First of all, he took a cab to Cairo itself, quickly finding a rundown apartment block, in which he managed to rent a room, even getting it cheaper because of the fact it had no windows. Sorenti had no desire to be too near the tourists, not wishing to be reminded of the happiness couples can share, so for him, the simple room would be fine. Then he took the last local bus up to the airport and checked out Los Requis' flight. According to the schedule and assuming it had not been delayed, Sorenti did a few calculations and reckoned it would land at Cairo about 4 hours after dawn. Sorenti hadn't counted on this, Los Requis would easily have time to catch another flight on to Cascadia, even if his was grounded.
"Oh well, what are Ventrue for if nothing else?" Sorenti mumbled as he hurried out of the airport. From the payphone outside, Sorenti called every airline the airport serviced, repeating the story that his film crew and entire cast were headed for Cascadia and needed to get there urgently, via any route possible. He booked every single seat left and paid a dividend to have every single late cancellation seats too. $23,000 later, Sorenti was satisfied and was about to return to his temporary haven of an apartment, dawn was close and the tension was building inside him.....(to be continued)
[b:db66606ac3][i:db66606ac3] "Be careful who you're talking to.....they might just have the upper hand" [/i:db66606ac3][/b:db66606ac3][url]http://sorenti.homestead.com/main.html[/url]
[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2001-11-18 07:47 ]
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 6:07 am |
Gabriel sat in his seat, his forehead in his hand. The plane had stopped and Gabriel had felt his Sire's presence depart. Why were they in London?? He had very little time for this kind of hassle.
The stewardess opened the door far ahead of him, ushering several figures into the plane. The men, dressed in police style uniforms, glanced down the aisle ways studying the passengers faces. The chirpy stewardess leaned in and whispered to them motioning towards Gabriel and his band.
"Oh Christ..." Gabriel muttered. Quickly, and without taking his eyes off of the guards, Gabriel switched wallets with Fredrick. The guards marched down the aisle and stopped at his seat.
"Mr. O'Brien?" the first guard asked.
"Aye?" Fredrick answered sternly. The guards demanded ID, which the group readily produced. Gabriel sat quietly, staring at the guards, concentrating on manipulating their minds to his will. They glanced at the incorrect photo's...but saw what Gabriel wanted.
"You'll need to come with us Mr. O'Brien..." they said, looking at Fredrick. Fredrick looked at Gabriel questioningly. Gabriel nodded and Fredrick stood up and made his way out, guards following closely.
Within an hour Gabriel had found another flight to Egypt. He wondered what his Sire was trying so hard to keep him from as he manipulated the gate agents mind to see his vision on Fredrick's ID. He picked up his bag as she smiled broadly at him.
"Thank you and have a nice flight." she said in a tone that almost made her sound as if she was singing. Gabriel nodded and walked down the hallway to the plane. He had felt bad that Fredrick would be detained, but he would spring him later. He had to put some time between him and London. At least enough to make it to Cairo.
As he settled into his seat he sighed. He had brought no weapons with him, he would have to improvise.
Gabriel awoke the pleasant DING of the fasten seat belt light. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he glanced out his window. Far below the lights of Cairo screamed out of the blackness. The tiny headlights of cars followed in perfect order, one after another.
Gabriel glanced beside him at his four remaining men. They weren't the most powerful, being only ghouls, but they would be able to keep watch during the day. The intercom crackled:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are starting our final descent into Cairo. We expect to on the ground in about 20 minutes, so please fasten your seatbelts, put your trays in the upright position and enjoy the remainder of the flight."
Gabriel sat his seat foward and prepared to meet whatever dangers may lie ahead.....
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 2:08 pm |
As Sorenti turned to go back to his apartment, he felt the unmistakable surge of Gabriel's presence. Shocked, he looked up at the plane coming in to land at the airport.
"Damn you Gabe...can't you take a hint?" Sorenti muttered and walked back into the airport. Finding a seat, Sorenti took a sheet of paper and an exquisite fountain pen from his briefcase. Sighing heavily at Gabe's persistence, Sorenti began to write...
My dear Gabriel,
I appreciate your wanting to help, but this is something I can handle perfectly well alone. Please do not worry, I will be back before you know it, I assure you of that. If you really want to assist me, I received an e-mail informing me that a Conclave has been called in Cascadia....please return there post haste and attend in my stead. It is imperative the Ventrue are kept well informed of such an event...I leave that responsibility with you.
PS. There is a flight to Cascadia in one hour, I have reserved you seats on it and please don't take me for a fool my childe, this is just something I need to do. Have a safe trip!
Sorenti folded the letter and sealed it in an envelope before walking over to the "London Arrivals" desk. He handed it to the young attendant along with a photo of Gabe he took from his wallet. He explained to her that Gabe was probably travelling under a false name, as wealthy people often do, but to make sure he got the letter. She nodded and assured Sorenti that Gabriel would get the letter, as she did, Sorenti took the liberty of blocking her mind from invasion or persuasion mentally. He smiled slightly and offered her some money for the task, which she declined dutifully. Sorenti turned and headed out of the airport, severing all mental links to Gabe.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 2:57 pm |
Sorenti woke early, a voice resounding in his head...
"You can't buy all the seats forever, you pathetic excuse for a Kindred! You have not stopped me, merely inconvenienced me, so shall my wrath be greater on Cascadian citizens!"
Sorenti tried to locate the voice's owner, but the mental shield went up far too quickly, so he relented and sent a reply instead...
"I realise I can't keep you here forever Requis, but I will do what it takes to protect my city and its occupants."
"You fool! There is nothing you can do to stop me Sorenti!"
"Then I suggest we meet....out in the open, there may be another way we can resolve this" Sorenti replied
There was a long pause, Sorenti was beginning to think it was a lost cause and Los Requis was already devising a way to get to Cascadia. But then there came the brief reply...
"Very well, you know where"
And then all trace of Requis had gone, no possible way for Sorenti to know where Requis was. Sorenti sighed and waited for the day to end, before readying himself and making his way to the roof of the building.
Los Requis left the airport and got in a taxi, he paid the driver to go to the docks and kept a close eye on anyone possibly following him. The traffic was light and the taxi made good time, Requis leaned forward and told the driver to continue on to the docks no matter what, to which the driver agreed. As they turned a sharp corner, Requis vanished from sight and rolled out of the taxi, shutting the door behind him. He lay at the kerb until the taxi had disappeared from view, then he picked himself up, remaining invisible and stepped onto a public bus that was about to leave in the opposite direction.
Sorenti climbed out onto the roof of the apartment building and picked his way across the various roofs until he came to a fire escape ladder. He slid down the old, rusty ladder, landing on his feet at the bottom. He brushed himself down, walked out of the alley and hailed a cab. It was a fair drive, so Sorenti sat back, lit a cigar, opened his window slightly to disperse the smoke and thought about Los Requis. Sorenti didn't know an awful lot about Requis himself, but he remembered that snivelling abomination Ahzz.
Sorenti smiled slightly to himself thinking about the game of tic tac toe he had played on Ahzz's chest and then reminded himself that Requis was no Ahzz. After all, Los Requis was threatening the unlives of every Kindred in Cascadia and Sorenti wouldn't, couldn't allow that from anyone or anything.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 5:43 pm |
Two hours later, Sorenti quietly took a seat on the back row of the ampitheatre like setting of the Plateau of Giza. The light show and loudspeakered, impressive sounding voice accompanying the magnificence of the pyramids in the background. As the great yellow spotlights lit up the Great Pyramid, Sorenti looked up at it. The tomb of Kios, revered Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty. Sorenti mused over whether any Kindred still existed from it's completion, about 4,500 years ago, when a voice whispered into his ear...
"You know there are, you are just too blind to see them!"
Sorenti looked up slowly, Los Requis stood a few feet away, his eyes appearing to glow as they reflected the spotlights of the light show. Sorenti studied him for signs of weapons, but then gave up, knowing Los Requis would not be foolish enough to come unarmed. Instead, Sorenti smiled slightly...
"Won't you have a seat Requis?" Sorenti offered as he motioned the seat next to him.
"Yes, of course, I fear nothing from you Whelp" Requis replied tauntingly
Sorenti chuckled softly to hide his indignance at being called Whelp before answering Requis...
"Do not underestimate me Requis, from everyone there is something to fear"
"Perhaps Sorenti, perhaps...I know you have never been beaten in combat, just like I also know you are not long returned from an arduous ordeal that has left you weak as a kitten. Perhaps it is you who has shown foolishness, by rushing to meet me while weakened."
"Maybe so Requis, but my strength comes from my city, next to it I am nothing and for it I will give everything. Each ounce of strength I have is doubled in defence of Cascadia and its residents."
"Ahhhh yes, your fabled devotion to the Kindred who kneel before you, yet who would be the first to light the flames under you as they whisper behind your back in shadows."
"Just what exactly are you getting at Requis?"
"Oh come, come Sorenti, do not try to tell me that you do not see what goes on. Surely you are not blind to it all?"
Sorenti waited until the mortals had filed out of their seats like sheep. The light show and awe-inspiring commentary over for yet another night. Los Requis motioned that they should take a walk, so as not to be quite so noticeable, Sorenti nodded and followed before continuing.
"I am not blind to it at all, I simply refuse to punish free thought and speech."
"That is why you are weak Sorenti, that is why Kindred curry favour with your Seneschal, why they look to your own childe to depose you and why they bend the Traditions, because they know they can get away with it. I am sorry, but your devotion to defend a city and its occupants has left you wide open, your compassion will be your destruction."
Sorenti looked at Requis as they walked, he had expected a fight, great deviousness, but not this insight into his own existence.
"Ah but that is just your opinion Requis"
"If you say so Sorenti, if you say so....look inside your heart, you know it is true. Your Kindred are rampant, they do not care what they do outside of Cascadia, because they know you will come to the rescue or bargain them out of it. Sooner or later, someone will not accept that, they will take action against your Kindred...and it will be YOU they all blame for it. You shadow the Kindred of Cascadia, they all hide behind you in one way or another, they do not serve or honour you, they USE you! Even your troublesome childe, Gabriel, he was Scourge, then YOU took it away, yet he still carries out the same duties and with your authorization!"
"Yes, but that is at my discretion, I chose to allow him..."
"NO SORENTI! He "persuaded" you to, but that is just one example....always you have listened to pleas, they have got to your heart, overcoming your judgement, even going to the Inner Circle itself to plead for the life of one who should have been killed immediately."
"Yes, but..."
"No buts...you know it is true Sorenti. Come, I have always wondered how well the Pharaohs slept" Los Requis said with a smirk as he led Sorenti into the well lit passage, down to the Burial Chambers of the Great Pyramid.
Sorenti mulled over what Los Requis had said as he went down the steps, his mind ablaze with accusations and events, he could see Los Requis had a point, perhaps he had been too weak. He looked up ahead at Los Requis as he began to speak again, tracing his fingers over the painted walls as he did so...
"You see Sorenti, I admire your dedication to your city and those in it, I truly do, but I can see you losing it all too swiftly unless you do something about it soon"
The two stopped as they entered the massive burial chamber, its sight was impressive, made more so by the flickering torches on the walls.
"So what exactly do you suggest Requis?" Sorenti asked, a feeling of suspicion creeping over him.
"Simple answers Sorenti, simple answers. Number one, relinquish the Princedom of Cascadia to me, let me bring the Kindred back into line, then you can stage "forcing" me out once they have learned their place."
Sorenti began to speak but Los Requis held his hand up and continued...
"Number two, you give me two weeks in your city, then we let the residents vote which of us should be Prince, ignoring the fact I am older of course. Number three, we both return to Cascadia and you make me your Seneschal, or me Prince and you can be Seneschal, whichever you prefer. Or number four, we both return, you stay as Prince and I will kill ALL of those who even whisper against you."
Sorenti thought for a moment and then it dawned on him what Los Requis was after. Sorenti figured Requis must be under a bloodhunt somewhere and needed permanent refuge, preferably along with a rank from which he could crush his enemies legally. Sorenti turned to face Los Requis squarely...
"You know I cannot agree to any of those, whatever it is you are running from, you cannot find sanctuary in Cascadia. After all, you have killed a few residents of my city, for which I should hunt you. No, your proposals are not acceptable, you have been manipulating me to make out you are on my side, you stay away from Cascadia and stay away from me!"
With that, Sorenti turned and moved to leave the chamber, but Los Requis threw him all the way across the room, slamming him into the far wall.
"Since you don't agree" Los Requis snarled, "you die here and I take your city!"
Sorenti drew La Magra, but Requis was on him, smashing his wrist into the great stone sarcophagus, shattering the corner of the ancient Pharaoh's resting place. La Magra went skidding away across the sand and Los Requis' sword was drawn, he raised it above his head, but Sorenti kicked upwards, sending the great sword up into the roof of the chamber. The ceiling bowed slightly and a thin trail of sand began falling from around the sword. Sorenti kicked out again and sent Requis sprawling backwards.
The two were on their feet and circling each other like wild animals...
"It ends here!" Los Requis snarled
"Whatever you say Sherlock" Sorenti replied and then smiled slightly.
Los Requis' confused look at Sorenti's slight smile was enough, Sorenti swept his legs and narrowly missed him with a stake as Requis rolled away. Requis backed to the wall and threw the flaming torch at Sorenti, it connected with his hand as he reached for Pal. Sorenti yelped and dropped the gun, but the torch had caught his jacket, he whirled around, letting the jacket slip off his arms and to the ground, then faced Requis again. Sorenti vanished and ran at Los Requis, but Requis caught him and drove his head into the chamber wall. There was a creaking and a low rumble from above as the roof bowed a little more, but neither heard it.
Sorenti wiped the blood from his eyes, amazed at how Los Requis had seen him, then he felt hands on his back, lifting him and aiming his head at the wall again. Sorenti arched his back and got his hands to the wall first, cushioning the impact, but he made out he was knocked unconscious and played dead. Los Requis picked him up and swung him towards the wall again, but Sorenti pulled out a small dagger and dug it into Requis' thigh. Los Requis roared and dropped Sorenti who rolled away, trying to heal himself. As he stopped, Sorenti felt something metal under his hand and picked up La Magra, sending a shower of sand in a huge arc. He lunged at Los Requis, who jumped back and wrenched his sword from the ceiling to meet Sorenti's blade.
The sand fell quicker from above and it was the small pile that Sorenti fell backwards over as Los Requis lunged back at him. Regaining his feet, Sorenti parried Requis' next thrust and swung for his head, but Requis had disappeared. Sorenti increased his senses just in time to see the shadowy blade cut deep into his arm. Ignoring the pain, Sorenti returned the favour into Requis' unguarded left arm and the two split apart, both bleeding and snarling. Sorenti scanned the sand for Pal, but could not see it. As he looked up again, the 9mm Uzi in Requis' hand spat fire in Sorenti's direction.
Without hesitation, Sorenti dived sideways, a bullet ripping La Magra from his hand, but leaving him unscathed. He accelerated and ran round the chamber, chased by a volley of bullets from Requis. Sorenti stopped and slid the other way, catching Requis off guard and in one great leap, had hold of Requis from behind him. Sorenti grabbed at the Uzi as Requis pushed backwards hard, crunching Sorenti into the wall. The gun was firing wildly as Sorenti kicked the back of Requis' knees. The two stumbled backwards, both hitting the wall, the bullets spraying into the ceiling, the growing rumble inaudible over the noisy machine gun.
Sorenti bit into Requis' injured arm and the gun went flying across the chamber. Los Requis turned on Sorenti and the two rolled around the chamber floor, biting, kicking and punching each other, wherever they could. Finally the two rolled apart and Sorenti jumped back, the stake in Requis' hand gashing his stomach, but at least not his heart. Sorenti landed heavily with something digging into his back, a quick hand found Pal nestling reassuringly in his palm. He stood up and aimed at Los Requis, who could only stand like a statue in defeat...
"You did say it ended here right?" Sorenti said, smiling slightly, his voice sounding hollow and empty in the underground cavern, "I told you not to underesti..."
But Sorenti was cut off by the crescendo of the rumbling that both had ignored. The roof of the chamber sagged heavily and then with a final groan collapsed inward, 270,000 tons of sand and stone came crashing down as the Great Pyramid above tilted sideways. The dustcloud that went up would have looked similar to a nuclear explosion, a giant mushroom opening out like a flower, raining pebbles and shards of stone back down across the entire ampitheatre.
As the gentle breeze settled the dust, a lone figure stood motionless by the entrance to the Burial Chambers, a good mile from the chamber itself. The figure brushed himself off, shook the dust from his hair and headed towards the river and the boat that would take him upstream and to the airport. On board the boat, the figure looked back at the misshapen pyramid and smiled slightly into the breeze.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 8:07 pm |
Gabriel tapped his pen on the plane's heavy window deep in thought. Sorenti had left the message for him and he would obey. His Sire had been trying to keep him away the whole time, but Gabriel had never been a conventional Ventrue Childe. He was defiant and fiercely loyal.
He let his feelings stretch out across the open desert far below. Somewhere he could feel Sorenti's waning presence, but far and distant. Gabriel sighed as his flight back to Cascadia roared through. (Violence) Gabriel snapped to attention as the mental image flipped through his head.
He desperately tried to summon it back, but it was gone. Sorenti....in a dark room...fighting for his life. Gabriel roared and rose from his seat, his seatbelt still attached and ripping from the seat.
"TURN THE PLANE AROUND!" he shreaked at the top of his lungs. Other passengers looked startled and frightened at the now raving Kindred. "TURN THIS FUCKING PLANE AROUND!!!!!"
A male steward walked quickly down the aisle towards him.
"Sir," he said sternly, "You'll have to take your...OOOF!" he grunted as Gabriel slammed him sideways into the overhead storage bin. The bin sprang open, allowing the luggage to fall on top of the steward who slumped to the ground unconcious.
Gabriel looked down at the man and gasped. He was endangering the Masquerade indeed. Luckily the flight was nearly empty...shouldn't be a struggle to erase their memories. Gabriel groaned, thinking only of his Sire as the plane headed towards Cascadia....
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