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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Ã© em cima de você do preta do morte do sua

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 3:47 am Reply with quote
hehe :smile: now THIS will be fun. :eek:
you all know me (well most) and its been forever since i posted. my portugese isnt that good anymore, but see what you come up with!
sua estada bittersweet em Torpor tinha deixado seu com fome, e enquanto se levantou acima de sua sepultura temporária ela poderia somente querer saber como sobreviveu sua queda grande. Quem a tinham trazido aqui, e porque hadnt que acordado acima de mais logo lá era um cheiro familiar no ar... era ele garou? certamente era lobo de alguma sorte, mas que? lentamente fechou seu punho, aberto rapidamente o a luz da flama do verde do errie feita as sombras na parede da dança da caverna de repente que recordou que... rememberd ele e tudo a teve querido soube o que teve que fazer.
Wether it was the hate inside of her, or the scent of the Wolves, she opened her mouth and howled. The errie sound flowed through the cave like a gigantic wave, and came crashing down upon the small city known as Cascadia.

She closed her eyes, and remember what he taught her. she concentrated for a moment and began to float. With a flick of her wrists she was flying through the cave tward the exit...

(I ended it with English... im sure someone knows a little Portuguese in the guild. Mine REALLY sucks, but i thought it would be fun for you all to have to figure it out. Oh... and who is the Charector? :P )

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 4:08 pm Reply with quote
((I don't know any portugese so this is a mystery to me... I'm guessing by the number of views and the lack of replies that everyone else is confused to so I am taking the liberty of pasting a poor translation from babel fish. I hope this is ok!

"its sojourn bittersweet in Torpor had left its with hunger, and while she arose herself above of its temporary sepulture it could only want to know as its great fall survived. Who had brought it here, and because hadnt that waked up above of more soon it was there one I smell familiar in air... he was it garou? certainly it was wolf of some luck, but that? slowly she closed its fist, open quickly the a light of the flame of the green of errie made the shades in the wall of the dance of the cave suddenly that she remembered that... rememberd it and everything had wanted it knew what had that to make"

New character details should be emailed to me for the member list...


~Practice safe hex~

[ This Message was edited by: Batgirl on 2001-10-06 11:11 ]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 7:26 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
I bet the language is beautful, but I don't understand it. Post something in German next time.
Thanx for the trans Batty. :smile:

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