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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Descending Like Bats on Prey...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 7:16 am Reply with quote
The Cascadian Bank was robbed of information that could well incriminate Gabriel O'Brien of many deeds. In return for his aid in saving Drain from the Gio's, Drain sent his Ghoul with Fredrick and Max (Venture Ghouls) to investigate. After a bit of prodding they found a Cult was behind it. No sooner than they discovered it than were Drain's Ghoul and Max captured. Fredrick reported back.
Drain, Valek, Gabriel, and Kiya set out to Birmingham, Alabama to recover the ghouls. Drain had hired a detective to look into the Church before they arrived. They found him in the subway...bleeding and nearly died. He explained they were cultists and then passed on. The Coterie, unfazed, pressed on towards his office at Drain's advice. When they arrived at the rundown office they found it had been ransacked. From records they discovered an address.
They arrived at the address and were shocked to find a large mansion. They entered and were attacked viciously by the cultists. Angered, vindictive, and furious they tore through the Kine with unmatched rage. When the bloodshed ended they discovered a secret passageway that could not be opened.
Kiya, Drain, and Gabriel were at a loss. Gabriel searched the computer but only found listings of addresses and wrote them down. Drain suggested finally that they seek the city Nosferatu for their help. And so they descended into the sewers once more. With the help of sewer dwelling Kine they contacted the Sewer Crawlers.
Knowing that the upcoming battle would be fierce they ordered back up. They spent the day in the Nosferatu tunnels awaiting Valek's arrival. When he arrived they spoke with the Nossies about what to do. The Primo explained that the Malkavians had caught one of the cultists and held him prisoner and perhaps if the Coterie could rescue the Malkavian Primogen they would lend him to them.
The cultist could be manipulated into getting the others to open the secret passageway, but because there was a video camera in the room and the cultists could see whoever stood outside the door, the Coterie would need to disguise themselves. The Nosferatu offered a scroll of Cloak the Gathering in exchange for something of equal value. Gabriel offered a book on summoning demons he had found in the cultists mansion.
The exchange was made and the Nossies explained that the Malkavian Primo was last seen in the burnt out church. They arrived at the church, and after a brief battle with a Golem they quickly managed to slaughter the Malkavian Primogen. Feeling rather stupid they revived him after seeing the Malkavian Primogen ring on his lifeless finger. They brought him to the communal haven, the Insane Elysium, where they were running some type of demented hospital.
After speaking with the head of security, the quite insane Mandi, they finally found the cultist. They quickly convinced him that they were in fact mortals and Christian and that they were rescuing him. They brought him back to the cultist mansion and asked him to inform the others of their arrival. While he told them the password and had them open the door, the others used the Scroll of Cloak the Gathering and descended upon the unsuspecting Kine. Within mere minutes they all lay, splattered across the room. They made their way into the inner sanctum. After a brief verbal battle with the security guard they hacked their way in.
They found Max and Lathirous caged within. While Gabriel, Drain, and Liya searched for the key Valek destroyed the cult leader. At last the Ghouls were freed and the cultists stopped.

((sorry it sux i know, but it was a long chron and it's 2:16 AM here. so FECK OFF! :P

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 8:07 am Reply with quote
((did you say bats????? :eek:


PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 8:09 am Reply with quote
(( I'M NOT LIYA!! I'M KIYA!!! lol ... sorry about that ... lol ..

Very nice post man .. :smile:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 1:43 pm Reply with quote
(( ok well i had a good time running it, besides all of the crashes, i think it went well. And Kiya he got your name right at the top of the story hahah.) (( i should have a follow up to the game to post here later after work.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 5:24 pm Reply with quote
((told you i was tired. :P

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 8:54 pm Reply with quote
((Still its a nice post man))

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 2:30 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 7Location: São Paulo, BrazilJoined: Sat Jun 07, 2003 5:09 pm
:in a large office some where in an old Monistary sat a monk..
:the office was equipped with many modern forensic items, on the desk was a print out of a report. the report was filed by someone who the Monk never met nor had ever heard of. The report had information of Vampiric movements and a list of account numbers. the account #s were probibly changed by now because the report was a week old.
Vampires do exist, they had destroyed his missionary in Africa when he was making head way with the locals. since then he had been on a personal quest to ruin their lives like thay did to him. He had learned much of thir ways.

(( ok well Lathirous and Max were taken by the church, they could have given out important information. so if anyone wants to run a game off of any of this go on and do it. The church is open for anyone to add or attack.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 9:47 pm Reply with quote
Lathirous thought he was safe eversince he was saved from the cultist. But their tourcher was nothing to the hell that his master put him thru upon his return. The quiet and usually resurved Nosferatu Primogen was attempting to decide what of his vast holdings had been compromized. The whores would have to be killed, that was for sure. it was an easy link to himself.

Drain called his contaacts in the setite community to ask for favors. the locals must be given uncut heroin for a week. it will kill off many of the users but it will also take care of some of the prositutes as well.

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