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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  A night in Cascadia

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 6:51 pm Reply with quote
(( ok ill post the game follow up when i get back from the store. check back in a few

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Echeo and Gaberiel were in the esylium talking about what ever came to mind. Introductions mostly. When Gabe heard police sirens in the distance. he got up and walked over to the door. Just when he reached out for the handle the door burst open and a shotgun was forced into his face.


a small boy was holding up the vampire. Gabe didn't flinch. He calmly told the boy to put that thing away. The boy continued to shout orders. Echoe vanished and crept up on the child, creapng about like a theif waiting for an opertunity to end this farce quickly.
With his mental powers The Ventrue calmed the boy down and asked him to put the gun on the floor. when he did he noticed echeo standing with a semiauto gun pointed at his head. The child broke down crying. babbeling about being sold by his orphanage. Vivian came into the room in time to hear the whole thing.

The Vampires agreeed to hide the boy who introduced himself as Devlin. The undead went down the stairs and misdirected the police, sending them on a whild goose chase.

Then then went to see the orphange. Gaberiel produced a fake id and bluffed his way past the police who were guarding the house. Once inside they interagated Devlins case worker , a miss B Boop, and the boys best friend Aaron Spelling. from there they were led to Aarons girlfried who was waiting outside.
Gabe went out to make sure the boy Devlin was ok, He went back to the vampire safe house and talked to the bartender MAX. entrusting the child to the ventrue bartender for a while while he found more suiting accomidations. ( basicly Gabe crashed and couldn't find the game sorry man)

Carol the girl friend told the others that she would tell what she knew if they got her some dope. Viviane agreed and Echoe paid for the stuff. Three went to the Cascadian docks to buy the Drugs. Carol waited outside of a manhole whild Viv and Echoe went down to get it.

In the dank room smelling of mold and filth was a man (perhaps????) cloaked in shadows, and wearing a robe hiding his features.( Damn Gabe you should have been there to meet this guy HAHA) He directed them in the back where a dealer was selling drugs in the sewers. the vamps bought the girl her drugs and tried to get some information on the DARK MAN. The pusher declined any offer for money and was shaken by the line of questioning saying
"Did you meet my guard out there? Do you think i will tell you any thing????"

The vamps took the hint and went to give Carol her Fix. The junkie told of a man who bought ppl to fight in an underground fighting ring. So the vamps headed off again. but this time with what they thought was a good lead. When they got to the club they met up with the owner who told them he would not tell them anything unless they fought for him in the ring.
Vivane and Echeo agreed and quickly dispached 7 trained fighting Rats. when the fight was over the owner of the club told the Vamps to go to a wearhouse on the other side of town.

When they got there they found. GOBLINS. goblins holding childrens hostage. a fight ensuied and the undead were left standing, bruised but alive. on the bodies of the goblins were reciepts for a clothing store in Cresthill. Obviously the goblins didn't buy the clothes so they must have been working for someone who could get them.

(( sorry it is a long post but i needed to sum up the game lol. ok the first part of Drains game has been ran so now we need takers for the other parts. I will post some more on this thread in a while so check back.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 16Location: San FranciscoJoined: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:32 am
((no was fine....and if there are anyopenings just let me know when.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:50 pm Reply with quote
(( Misty, It was an excellent chron and you did a great job running it! I'm ready for anything else you want to throw my way. :eek: ))

Drained from the evenings events, Echoe took Viviane in his arms and smiled, looking into her eyes. He kissed her lips gently.

They walked hand in hand from the warehouse, more concerned about a place to rest before the sun crept over the horizon than much else.

Echoe's eyes scanned his surroundings. He pointed to an old building, one that appeared to have been a club of some kind, abandoned for quite some time.

"there... there..

He lifted up a loose board and she crawled in. He followed. This was one of his 'hiding places' before he met Mark and became accepted as a local. There was a somewhat crudely made coffin behind the bar, into which they crawled, and slept, limbs wrapped around eachother.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:59 pm Reply with quote
((GRRRRRR i want IN on the second part. ::grumbles::

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Drain's discoveries led to some interesting research. The receipt he had found on the dead goblin (sorry don't know if it was a goblin i wasn't in that part of the chron) had named a particular town. Pouring through his maps and tomes Drain came upon a small town named Snowbank, a mere miles from the origin of the receipt.
The town had been wiped off most maps as an avalanche had all but destroyed it nearly a century ago, but then again some of Drain's maps dated VERY far back. The town had roused Drain's suspisions, so the coterie set out in search of clues. The town was dark and dismal, quiet and deserted.
Belle the Toreador, Drain the Nosferatu, and Gabriel the Ventrue stood in the lower floor of an abandoned home where they had spent the day. Drain once again went over the mission plan, which was little more than scower the area. As they emerged into the crisp night air, Drain's keen eyes fell upon tracks.
Gabriel gave his hand at trying the decipher the tracks, but it was clear Drain had the superior ability. They were boot tracks, with a set of tennis shoe tracks as well. They led into a run down Inn. Belle and Gabriel followed Drain in. A shout and roar and then the Garou were upon them, in human form however.
Belle took advantage of their mistake and begin emptying rounds into them. Drain disappeared from sight and all around the Lupines fell blugeoned by an unseen force. Gabriel swung his mighty sword through many of them and charged up the stairs.
The Garou were no match for the seasoned coterie and quickly fell. At the top of the stairs they found a teenager who told his story of horror. The Goblins had kidnapped his friends and him and had transported them to this town. They had been trudging through the snow for days when they were attacked by Garou. He believed he was the sole survivor, finally they had cornered him at the Inn.
Gabriel, not wanting to kill the brave lad, took mercy on him and erased his mind. Just before he did, the boy mentioned the Tzimisce, a bad sign indeed. The coterie set out with their new found information into the blistering cold.
Soon they came upon an old Church. The walls were crumbling yet clean, it was obviously still inhabited. As they approached the door, spirits arose from the ground and slashed at them viciously. The coterie once again defended themselves, and came out battered and bruised, but victorious.
Upon entering the Church, a Father approached them demanding to know what they wanted. Gabriel, always kind to a clergyman, asked for their assistance in battling the evils that had befallen their town. The monks were firm on not getting involved, which irratated Gabriel. It was not the Christian OR Ventrue way to deny those who needed your help.
The Coterie left the Church, no further in their quest. As they entered the town square they heard odd gurgling noises. The center held a large cage and in the cage...war ghouls! Numerous war ghouls roared at the intruders, enraged by their mere presence. Belle ran up to the cage and began firing her pistol into the war ghouls.
Gabriel quickly joined her as did Drain. They attracted the attention of some Tzimisce guards who were unlucky enough to fall under Gabriel and Drains wrath. Soon all the War Ghouls were dead and the Coterie cleared the area of Tzimisce as well. They began a thorough search of the surrounding buildings. Fleshcraft was everywhere.
Finally they came upon some of the missing children. They told of the Goblins and the Garou, and how the Garou had protected them, and fought against the Tzimisce and Goblins.
Then they spoke of the secret passage in the town square to the Tzimisce den of experimentation. The coterie, aided by Belle's newfound key, opened the War Ghoul pen and pushed through the obstacles to finally arrive at the den.
The den was dark and poorly lit, but the coterie pushed on, slashing their way through Goblins and Tzimisce villians. Eventually they arrived at a large ominous door.
As they stepped inside, the Coterie, now joined by Echoe the Malkavian, was horrified at what it found. A huge Vzohd stood in front of them hungering for fresh blood. The coterie knew it had precious little time and sprung into action. Drain and Belle unloaded bullet into it as did Echoe. Gabriel hurled his remaining grenades and then attacked with his sword in hand.
Unprepared for the powerful Kindred, the Vzohd shortly fell dead onto the reflective inky floor. The Kindred gathered their spoils and turned to leave. A large lupine stood in their way.
He noticed Gabriel's hunt mark and knew he was in the presence of an enemy. Gabriel, not wanting to be sliced alive, tried to reason with the creature. Soon they realized that they shared a common enemy. The wolf invited them back to the den....

((okay that was the end of the chron, but Drain and I ran Part 3 afterwards which was just dialogue but contained important information

Gabriel sprinted through the noonday sun, his skin bubbling and shooting off sparks. Even at full celerity it felt like an eternity. Drain followed close behind jumping from shadow to shadow.
The two Kindred warriors leapt into the safety of the cave and took a moment to cool off. As they gathered their senses they moved further in until they entered a small room filled with Garou.
Gabriel felt threatened immediantly but attempted to keep his cool. As the businessman he knew it would be his job to do the talking as Drain wasn't properly trained for such things. The Garou were hospitable enough for dogs and thanked them for their assistance. They also reminded them that they were still considered enemies but would not be harmed for their courage.
Gabriel nodded in appreciation. The Garou went on to tell how one to their Elders had been captured by the Goblins and tortured for days. How they had cut a hole in his throat and poured some type of liquid into it, making him weak. And finally how they had chopped off his hands with a silver axe.
They had left him in the forest to die, and their he stayed until his clanmates found him. Now he waited to die.
Gabriel presented them with the silver axe he had taken off a dead goblin and expressed his sympathies. The Garou thanked him once more and offered their den as a place of rest during the day, assuring them of their safety. Against his better judgement, Gabriel accepted, and the two Kindred settled in for a long days sleep.

((okay there ya go, it was a great chron as always. Drain is the maaaaaaan. I'm not writin up the next chron post okay? Sheesh!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 7:25 pm Reply with quote
(( good gabe thanks))

after the fight for their lives with the Vzohod the malkavian found a book. Drain noticed it and asked to see it. The tome was old, how old Drain couln't tell... He suggested that the Senchal look at it or the prince. the book gave detailed discriptions on how to call forth Deamons. which was percicely what the Tzimisce appeared to be doing. The floor of the magical room was littered with rags of children who were either trassformed into ghouls or eaten by the goblins.
along with the book was a blood pact, which stated the details for the goblin and Tzimisce union. A binding and magical contract. Not knowing how to destroy the thing Echoe kept it in his pants pocket. ( perhaps he would use it for scratch paper to draw his bunnies and teakettles on?)).

(( at this time i need Echoe to show the book to either Valek or Sorenti.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 9:06 pm Reply with quote
((sorry it will have to be Val....Sor has something kinda disturbing him lol

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 11:23 pm Reply with quote
Back in his haven, Echoe rose up from his crude coffin. The book he had recovered the previous night rest near him on a shelf.

He opened it, reading through to see what could be learned from it. Demonology. Drain said it should be given to either Valek or the prince. He left the haven, searching for Sorenti.

Sorenti was tied up with another affair, and could not be bothered. Valek was occupied with some business elsewhere. He would not return for another day.

Echoe stood, thinking. The book could be useful. He went looking for Mark.

The Tsimisce blood pact in his pocket worried him slightly. It would have to be destroyed. But first there might be a way to have some fun with it....

~There is nothing more dangerous than a bored malkavian.~

[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-11-11 17:25 ]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 7:29 am Reply with quote
(( :eek: someone mug that nutball befor he calls down the Goblins and Tizmitse on himself lol

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Returning from Silent Hill,still thinking about those black wings that came out of his back in the demonic ritual hes been throught...Valek sat in his office...waiting...and smiling evily....

((ok Echoe,Valek is back lol,post something when you have a chance :smile: ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-11-12 13:35 ]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 9:56 pm Reply with quote
Echoe had found Mark at his usual spot in the Elysium, And showed him the book.

Mark smiled. "Another coloring book?"

Echoe shook his head, and whispered something into Mark's ear. Mark Grinned.
They went to the haven and scanned the book into the laptop Mark had aquired over the week, making a few copies.

Early the following night, Echoe arrived in Valeks office. He reached into his trenchcoat, and pulled out a book. It was obviously quite old, and had been bound in human flesh.

Thought you might want this.. want this? what? this? Valek was smiling. Must be in a good mood. Echoe handed him the book, and smiled back.

"Simple Instructions.. Labels Incantations and carefully drawn diagrams from Eff to BalZodeeZadRass. have a nice day." At this, the Malkavian was gone.

~There is nothing more dangerous than a bored malkavian.~

[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-11-12 16:24 ]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 1:14 am Reply with quote
Valek smirked at the Malkavian and looked at the book...smiling evily he said
"Strange,this book looks just like the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis....and very similar to mine as well...."

Judging by the looks of the book,Valek could tell that it was a book for summoning demons...surprised as he thought that only him held that kind of book...Valek smirked and thought about calling Drain,as he knows that Drain always knew a lot about everything that happens here and there...still looking at the book...Valek smiled evily again and picked up the phone and dialed Drain's number,to tell him about this thing...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 7:40 pm Reply with quote
Drain took the call from Valek and said
" ILL be right over"

seveal moments later the bums and Whores on the street if they were paying attention woild have seen the cover of the sewer grate lift off of its resting place. Drain Cloaked in shadows clawed his way out of the sewres and assended the ladder to Valeks office.

He walked past the guard dogs and past the one armed ghoul, ans stopped at the desk of his sometimes friend and sometimes rivel Valek.

He reapeared and asked to see the book in question. Valek looked at him and said.

" if you keep breaking into my place of business one of these days you will not come out......."
to which Drain Replied.
" I know but it is a decision that i make."
Valek made an evil grinn and opened up a oak box linned with sackcloth covering the ancient tome.
Drain looked into the box, not daring to touch the thing for fear of damaging it or cursing himself.
" I have seen this book before... it is not to ever leave its resting place in Italy.... it is guared by the Prince of Catania. I visited the liberary there once while i still lived in France." " T the time the city was rulled by A Tremere and the liberary was also ran by a Tremere..."
" I think we need to find out how they got this book and from whom"...

(( game 4))

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 7:08 am Reply with quote
"This book sure holds demons incantations...i can tell only by the looks of it...and believe me i know what im talking about."

Valek noded when Drain said " I think we need to find out how they got this book and from whom"

-Valek-"I think we should start this search as soon as possible,when would you be ready for it?"

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