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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Dawning of a new era?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Sorenti pushed himself slowly back from his marble-topped desk, the wheels of his chair squeaking softly on the deep carpet. His mind was filled and his heart heavy. Through everything he had seen, been a part of and heard....over a thousand years....NOTHING had been anywhere near like the front he had to act out over the past few nights.

First, his one love since Ivy....Reannag....she had challenged him in public, from where he could not overlook it, nor dismiss it from his mind. He had kept it quiet that he had filled a mortal with tranquilizers and then drunk from her, just to bury his feelings when it had come time to punish Reannag.....and now she was little more than a child, her strength and former beauty of posture gone....her grace, flair and very presence...all his hand and word.

Then his adopted childe...Gabriel....he too had opposed Sorenti, though by breaking an official order....and that had gone public too, demanding punishment. The Ventrue inauguration of Mephisto as the new Primogen had been a proud moment as Gabriel had moved up to Scourge.....yet now...all that stood in ruin for Sorenti.

The two he had loved and doted on the most....both had gone against him and he had been forced to punish them....his mind whirled with any possible way to reverse time to before it all happened.....and his heart ached for things to be undone. As he sat in his leather chair, his eyes looked toward the night sky that was fast becoming pink with dawn at its heels.

Sorenti let his mind go where it wished and before long, he heard a familiar voice in his head, calm and soothing, a gentle lilt that was so warm to his soul....he felt her spirit inside him and he smiled inwardly to her....letting their entwined souls chat as they used to do. It was sweet and refreshing, it warmed his cold heart when she spoke up inside him....but now the voice was becoming ghostly...the names Rhiannon, Tromador, Mark Archer, Paladin, Edrin, Isaac, Leila, Encarmine, Darius Darkblood....the list went on as Ivy told him who she could see now.

Sorenti's eyes turned again to the morning rays of sun as they glistened across the fields, sparkling with the morning dew and seeming more pure than anything ever before. The rays were nearer and began to burn him, hurting his eyes with a pain unknown....yet still he watched....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((hey man :(.....damn i hope your not killing your char :( ))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::keeps tight-lipped::  we'll see....the thread will tell hehe

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( SORENTI!!!! NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!! .... ::grabs him and shoves him in a cave:: ... lol ... Don't do it man ...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
    The pen fell from Gabriel's hand for what seem like the hundredth time. His concentration was lacking...his mind far elsewhere. More than anyone, he idolizing, loved, and revered his Sire. And now he had fallen from his grace....Sorenti could forgive him as many times over as he would not make things right. Gabriel sighed and pushed himself off the plush leather chair and moved towards the fireplace.
    For days now he had entrapped himself in the lowest parts of his Keep, refusing to see anyone except Reannag...and his occasional visits to Elsyium. His company was spiraling out of control without his leadership, yet Gabriel hardly cared. His heart ached as it hadn't in a century.
    His face began to tingle slightly, Gabriel sighed as his ran his fingers over it. The hard masculine features that he had felt for nearly 190 years now. The tingle began to strengthen and then began to burn. Gabriel gasped slightly, and shook himself as the Beast began to torment him. It burned like the sun....
    Swinging from side to side desperately Gabriel shot his eyes around the room, no could the sun be here??? Sorenti......
    Gabriel put his hands to his face and stumbled towards the study door, collapsing halfway, he lay there writhing in agony....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Hey Sor...i dont know what you will do but...dont kill your char man :( ))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
He remembered Darius' face, saw him sitting behind his great desk, the master of manipulation and device and mentor to Sorenti's young cousin Paladin. Sorenti had read Paladin's letters of how Darius had taught him quicker than his own sire, how he had known Darius knew what he was saying before he said it and the great respect Paladin had for him. That was truly a noble Ventrue.

The desk in his mind altered and shortened, becoming mahogany instead of marble....and the figure behind it grew taller and physically more imposing...the single malt whisky on the desk...Sorenti could taste it now, feel the ring on his finger, then the respect, love and loathing all at once for the Ventrue behind the desk. Respect for his honour and position, love for him as a brother....and loathing for the poisoned vein in him instilled by a woman who tore his loyalty from his clan.

The room distorted and the figure rose from the chair, losing height and adopting a far more graceful air, the fine suit becoming like a Catholic schoolgirl's skirt and blouse, the stunning red hair falling like a waterfall over her shoulders. At her neck hung a locket, reflecting the light hiding his own blood within eternal part of him, should she ever need him....given to her when she was a mere girl and now adorning the fabled Prince.

As the sun's warm light crept up his body, the beautiful lady's skirt lengthened and darkened rapidly, the red hair disappearing upwards, becoming black and short, the face altering, a deadly hint behind the eyes, void of true emotion through excessive training. She had come to him for help in matters of which she had no knowledge as her training and clan forbade it....though Sorenti knew her to be emotionally defunct, he couldn't help but find her strangely alluring.

As the female figure turned towards him, she was no longer there, in her place stood a young man, proud and defiant, the look of wealth and refinement oozing from his very presence. Sorenti saw his only true childe in the same light he had first met him....his hair perfect as always, as was his suit, the charming smile and confident air made Sorenti smile even now. But as he saw himself move to greet his childe, the hair went blonde and long, the suit became an almost formal skirt, blouse and suit jacket.

As the sunlight crept up Sorenti's body, he saw her eyes shining brightly at him, full of love, passion and excitement, her blonde hair laying on her shoulders as if put there by an angel. His heart leaped for joy at just seeing her, the rubies he had given her hung at her neck, a drop of his blood inside each one, his ring on her finger....they were soon to be wed.....though as the knowledge that that day would never come resurfaced, blood tears streamed down Sorenti's face....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((no sorenti don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!



PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
     Gabriel felt the sun hit him as his car door was opened for him by an attending ghoul. He had been nearly dragged from his haven by his own request and driven to Sorenti's Castle. The sun was rising in the distance and Gabriel could feel the skin on his neck crawl.
    Gabriel mustered up his courage and pulled his coat tightly around him, his body still burning and singing. The pain was unbearable. Sorenti...what the hell are you DOING??? Gabriel could faintly senes his Sire's presence in the distance. So he WAS home....
     Holding his breath, he did his best to fight through the pain and made a dash for the door of the castle. The sun scorched him and burnt the exposed skin badly. Gabriel screamed inwardly and collapsed to his knees just as he reached the door. A plume of smoke surrounded him as he pounded the door desperately.
    One of Sorenti's Ghoul's answered.....
    "Mr. O'Brien...Mr. Sorenti is not expecting visitors..." Gabriel grabbed the attendent by the coat and flung him back, forcing his way in.
     The pain was.....simply unbearable....his entire body felt as if it was being ripped apart, millions upon millions on tiny pins forcing their way into his skin. He stood in the foyer....the smoke slowly disappating...he could feel the areas where he skin had been exposed....the back of his neck, his of his face...they were beginning to swell up.
     Gabriel grunted and reached into the depths of the castle with his mind, searching for Sorenti.....the study. Gabriel shoved his way past the ghoul once more and stumbled down the hall towards the study....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((ummm Sor is at his office in town lmao....hence the marble topped desk lol...but nm....ummm....ok Sor just bought a matching one for his study hehe...btw...the door to the study is Old English Oak....with Cast Iron supports and bolts with an electornic airtight seal around it....hope Gabe brought a chainsaw and an acetylene torch hehehehe

Ok....just take it that Gabriel cannot get in to the study :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((hmmmmm well poop.....hmmmmm wait a sec...what's this? check's Gab's GOD! A chainsaw and a torch! Not to mention some TNT! Amazing!

(Edited by Gabriel at 11:03 am on Sep. 10, 2001)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((lol sorry, but this has a way to go yet ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((yeah i imagine...well if you don't mind i'll just frenzy and black out outside the door

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((that's fine Gabe...but Sor will block you soon, so you will feel nothing that he does ;)

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