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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  thoughts of the past

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle awoke...her thoughts on misty and the time they had spent just hours befor.  belle was content..even if she couldnt have misty.  her thoughts changed course to the strange man that had been so rude to her earlier that evening.  she frowned and said to herself "if this had been a few years back he would have been singing a different tune."  but belle didnt do that anymore..or atleast not lately.

she remembers back to just four years ago.......

belle sat on the roof meditateing..this was her ritual befor every job.  ever since word got out that belle killed renee over 300 years ago she recieved constant requests to terminate other kindred..most were those that were believed to be spies for the sabbat.  she was in no way an assimite..or had no where near their training.  but renee had seen to it belle knew how to kill..and that backfired on her all those years ago.  without a sire for guidence..not that she was a flegling when renee died..belle accepted thhe offers that intrested her..she made it clear befor the target was even had to be a member of influence..she wasnt wasteing her time on some guy that made someone upset.

as she set up the rifle she thought back to the first contract kill she did...the tarhet was under heavy suspicion of beeing a leak to the was a female ventrue named catherine.  the woman held no influence per say..but being a leak was good enough reason to have her gone.  the kill was easy the woman was a loner..noone saw it happen..the weapon was a simple cross bow...a twenty-five yard shot.

now as she looked through the scope of her rifle into the room...she saw her target...another female ventrue..the name was megan..this one wasnt alone..infact she had several members off the sabbat in her haven.  belle was sure they knew she was there..if not..that was soon to be changed...megan was well known for being over confident as she had survived numorous attempts on her belle was considered nothing more than a joke.  belles suspiscions were confermed when two heavily armed ghouls exited the building and headed for the one belle was on top of.  belle sighed and reached for the ruger .45 she kept at her waist..keeping the rifle aimed at the window she turned and kneeled faceing the only way to the roof..a narrow door. belle wasnt stupid she had planned for this..the door would allow only one at a time through..she would kill the first and then while the other was stubling over the first she would shoot megan..the silencer on her pistol was large enough to make the shot barely audible to megan..and she hoped that would get her the time she needed.  as anticipated the door swung it did belle fired off three rounds into the ghouls head..sending it backwards into the one behind it.  belle turned still on her knees and aimed at megan who was headed for the door..megan turned and smiled at the window..thinking she had escaped again...the entrance shot into megans head was small...but the exit was large sending her brains against the wall.  the second ghoul now free from the first fired several blind rounds out the hitting belle in the shoulder..belle returned fire emptying the clip into the ghoul. it was on this night belle descided this was one close call too many..she planned never to accept another contract again.........

((ok now like i said shes not assimite or anything even close..if you want to compare her to anyone..use the lasombra assassin lucitia ::thinks he spelled it right..hasnt read the books in a while:: but basically thats just more of her past

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Misty was remolding her place when she started to think ....(thinks about Belle) what in the hell am i doing? i really likes being around Belle and she is a lady? but i do like the way i feel when i am around her.:special and important :  i have not felt this way in a long time.....

then she starts to think about someone else....he was their for me when i needed a shoulder to cry on and he understood how i felt .he seemed to care and i cared for him and what i could do to help him but he just turned away from me ........hummm i just dont know what to do?

((some for misty thoughts and belle i never thought that you were an assimite))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle sat on the bed.  she needed a new ghoul..she and misty had made a feast of cynthia.  belle would miss cynthia....almost.  the poor girl was doomed since she was found..belle was amazed she had lived as long as she did.

belle stood and got dressed.  she would go out and find a new ghoul tonight..perhaps a different scene than that punk club she was at last week.

she climbed into her car and headed down the road........

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
the red miata sped down the main strip.  belle glanced from side to side.  she sighed contently..she had finally found a city with enough young kindred that her past wasnt known.  the nosferatu primogen was the exception..that and mr o'brien..but o'brien didnt know half of her story..the nosferatu knew alot.  she wasnt bothered by this though.  it wasnt anything new for her to come to a city and some man or woman with a face so ugly that it could stop time to apptoach her and tell her what they knew. amazingly none of them ever mentioned her contracts..they probably feared they might be next on the list wich wasnt an entire un-truth..she had been known to make informants disapear.

she spotted her hunting ground for the evening..a goth club.  she would fit in ok..she had on a black leather skirt fish net hose and a black halter top.  she walked into the club..this wasnt as bad at the other but still not her type of place.  the band playing was doing a decent job of playing a slow death was nice. she scanned the place and spotted a young girl.  belle smiled ordered two of the most expensive drinks the place served and headed tword her drinks in hand......

((btw i left this open..maybe someone else is at the hell hole of a club?

(Edited by belle at 10:33 am on Aug. 24, 2001)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((anti-social well ill finish it by myself :)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle aproached the girl and smiled. the girl was medium hight..not exeptionally well endowed, she had long black hair..the dye was fadeing tho and belle could see the faint streaks of blonde.  the girl was about 19 or 20 belle assumed.  she wore black pants and a black shirt that showed off her midrift the shirt had a some bizar looking tribal desighn on it.  her belly button was peirced. as was her nose and her ears had several peircings.  belle smiled and sat down next to her. the girl took the drink and sipped it belle introduced herself and they began talking. as the night wore on the girl whose name belle found out to be Kim began to warm up nicely to belle.  it was probably the large quantity of alchohol..but belle had managed to place a few kisses on kim..and she didnt object.  belle whispered into her ear that maybe there was a more private place they could go.  the girl agreed and they stood and left the club

belle took the girl around to the side of the building wich was an alley way.  as they stood there kim pushed belle against the brink wall..belle was sure she was drunk now.  belle offered no objection..and kim eagerly kissed her.  the two stood in the alley makeing out for about fifteen had her hands all over belle.

belle sudenlly pushed kim off and told her to save it for later.  kim smiled and asked if she could go home with belle.  belle agreed and they both got in her car and sped back up the strip tword belles studio.  belle smiled to herself as she had just found her newest ghoul.......

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((ermmm not much of a goth club type go'er Belle or I would have done, nice posts by the way :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle had her new now knowing what had happened..was not ver compliant..belle simply locked her in a room. she told kim ill unlock you in 5 will have water..but no food..or any more of my then youll have a different outlook i bet.

after locking the door belle walked to her desk asd picked up the long brief case that lay beside it.  she set it on the bed and popped the locks.  as she saw the rifle parts in the foam molding and smiled...she saw her ruger .45 in the bottom corner and took it out gently.  it was still beuatiful as the day she had it made.. the barrel in black but a long stem rose ran up the length of it..the colors were still in perfect condition.  she smiled to her self as she remembered the first time she fired it....

belle had descvided she was in need of a new weapon..her rifle was good...but it was awkward in close situations. she knew of a man that would make it for her so she went to see him.  his name was bill..a local torrie that liked to work with firearms.  he had made belles rifle so she saw him about the pistol. his eyes lit up imeadiatly.."i have the perfect thing for you." he said.  he brought out a ruger .45 with a red grip and a long stem rose fully colored that ran up the black barrel.  belle fell in love with it imediatly.  he took her to the back room and handed her a clip..she bought a life times worth of high speed hallow points that day from him.  she fired off the clip and paid for the gun.  it was a perfect match for her.

<back to now>
belle pointed the gun at the mirror and pulled the trigger...*click*  the gun was empty but belle could always go to her stash of ammo if she needed too.  she placed it back into the case and set it back down.  she layed on her bed and began to think about what she would do with kim..........

(Edited by belle at 6:45 pm on Aug. 24, 2001)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
duriing the ride kim started telling  Belle about her life as a prostitute.  This was tecnicly her night off.  The dark man kept all his girl shifts and gave them regular nights off.  He was pretty understanding top whores.  she continued to rambel on in her drunken stuper.  She had never seen the Dark man some say he is only a rumer, but i had a friend Jennal who tried to leave the city and was run down by a semi truck while hichhicking out of town.  I have my suspitions about who was driving..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle sat in her favorite arm chair..she was reading the book called.."the crucible." she laughed loudly as the old man was crushed under the boulders.."my my i have seen worse done than that."  she thought back to that time in her life......

<witch hunts in europe>
belle stood in the small room. she looked down on the large mob that had gathere in the city square.  this had become a regularity..."those humans and their superstition." she thought.  she was attempting to pain the mob..but the damn people kept moveing.  she concentrated on the large pile of sticks..there was a woman in the middle tied to a stake.  belle recognized her as the local herb woman.  she was a kind soul named penelope..young too...too bad for her.  belle began to draw the woman..the fear in her face was perfect insperation.  as the torch hit the wood and the bonfire ignited belle smiled.  she hated for the good woman to die at the expense of prooveing a point..but it was good art.  belle increased the speed of her movements and painted several as the girls hair ignited and her face caught on fire...belle painted faster..another as her body caught flame and she began to burn..the skin pealing away from the flesh..and the flesh burning away from the bones..finally as the bones became dust.  belle caught it all on her canvases.  she smiled contently as the mob went in search of its next victem......

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( HAHA ok well me and belle must have posted at the same time. because mine was supposed to take place in the car haha.  You never were to get her home and ghoul her dammit now i have to come and get her back.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
(( you can ask for her back...remember you have info on poor little belle

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