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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Alek.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea woke up and wondered what the hell she was doing on the floor. Dusk had just set in outside and she figured that she must have been laid on the floor all day. Her body ached from the position she had been laid in and she stretched trying to ease her muscles.
She showered and decided to go out, her head ached and she guessed she needed some light relief, something to get rid of her stress…she hated been cooped up. As she showered she wondered where Sorenti was. It had been nights now since she had seen him, she had told him how she felt like a caged animal and had told her about this place. He had even taken the pin that Alek had given her to keep track of her. She missed Alek , he was hard to get on with and seemed  very distant, but he had opened up to her a little bit .
As she dried and got dressed she wondered where he was and if he had been told that he was no longer needed to guard her.
She sat and brushed her hair and slipped the hairslide that sorenti had given her all that time ago into it.

As she walked out of the door , she didn’t know where she was going she just needed to get away for a while. She felt in her bag for her mobile and called Sorenti, hoping that he would answer , perhaps he had a few hours spare and they could go riding together. She frowned as noone answered the phone and finished the call.


She walked through the streets of cascadia, she had come to the rough end of town….hoping to find some of her human friends. She hadn’t been up this part of town for so long and she felt a bit nervous. She was hungry too, she hadn’t fed for nights now, she hated having to feed from blood bags and the effort of going to find some fresh blood  seemed so tiring to her at the moment.
As she rounded the corner, past an alley, an arm shot out and grabbed her as she past, a hand clamped over her mouth and she was dragged down the alley. She kicked at the person as best as she could, but he held her tightly. He took her to the bottom of the alley and pushed her roughly, face first against the wall.
“Im going to take my hand of your mouth and if you scream you die now…not later….understand?”
she froze in terror, that voice, the night before flashed back and she remembered passing out and the voice in her head, it was him!!
He took his hand from her mouth and turned her round to face him, his hands digging into her shoulders.
Her eyes looked at his face…yes it was him…….
“ I thought id killed you….I left you for dead….”
He smiled evilly at her..” yes I know you thought you did my dear…you didn’t finish the job though did you, as you see im alive still…and I come to get my revenge..”
“ you foolish childe, have you learnt nothing in all your vampire years..”
her eyes flashed and her anger grew..” it was you that left me…you that came here and took me from vincent…because of that he left me for someone else…I hate you “ she spat at him….
He drew his hand back and slapped her hard sending her crashing to the floor  “ hate…you don’t know the meaning of the word…I have watched you in this city…using yourself to get things …you are nothing but a whore…an embarassment to me…..but not for any longer…tonight you are to die…”
She looked at him, she knew she couldn’t fight him, he was too strong for her and she was so weak.
“well do it then…perhaps I am better off dead…but know this…you will be hounded out of this city if any one found out”
he laughed loudly…” you think you are liked in this city Reannag…..why do you hide away so…whay are you been stalked…they want rid of you that’s why…..”
his words rang in her head and she thought…if Sorenti wanted to he could have found out who was hunting her by now and put a stop to it….he grinned at her, seeing his words where having effect on her.
“No you lie…I am liked ..I know I am, you are playing with my mind….if you are going to kill me just do it…” she said venomously…..” I hate you so fucking do it now…finish me off!”

He picked her up and slammed her hard against the wall she screamed as she felt her ribs cracking, a blood tear ran down her face, she knew this was it there was no escape….

Alek….where was his voice coming from….she strained to look around but her sire pushed her harder against the wall.
“ so you have come to rescue her have you…well this will be fun…..two killings in one night”
he dropped her to the floor and she watched as he approached Alek…”Alek…run..please………!”
Alek looked at Reannag…”No Ma’am…I swore to protect you…did you think I had stopped following you…” he smiled at her and turned to face her sire.
“you want Reannag…you have to deal with me first”
Her sire looked at Alek…” you have guts my friend…but is she really worth dying for…….she is but a whore..a nothing….”
Alek glared at him , “Ma’am…get up of the floor and fast as you can…I’ll handle this”
She tried to get up of the floor….and sidestepped past her sire……”Alek come on….please” she begged…
He shook his head “ Go Ma’am…now…..”
Her sire watched as she tried to edge past him…..” one moment dear…I was going to do this a long time ago to you…but I didn,t….”
She looked at him as he pulled a knife out of his jacket and before she had chance to move he grabbed her face and carved a  zigzag mark on her cheek, she felt the knife go deep into her flesh….” Just a little something for you my dear…now run now…I will deal with this one…then Ill be coming to get you as well…”
She looked at Alek and ran out of the alley as best as she could, she ran into the Varsity bar…and hurried through the crowd, if she could get upstairs she could she what was happening through a window.


She looked out of the window and put her hand to her mouth, her sire had gone..Alek lay on the floor, not moving at all.
She waited as long as she dare and quickly climbed out of the window and down the fire escape.
she sat on the floor next to him…his blood was everywhere….her sire had made a mess of him, his shirt was ripped from countless knife slashes….”I’ll get help Alek…..Please…stay …I’ll get some help” she cradled his head in her arms..knowing that he had lost too much blood, by the time she had got help it would be too late.
“Ma’am…..Its too late…….” He coughed and blood tricked down his chin……”I told you..i would  protect you till I die…and that it was I have done……….”
His body slumped and she held him sobbing hard………..Alek had gone..

((okies that was the hardest post I have ever had to do…:(:(:(:( if someone could find us please and get rid of the body and whatever…I just cant do that  .....:(:(:(

(Edited by Reannag at 10:24 am on Aug. 9, 2001)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Porter...if you read this I hope its ok....I tried to ring you to check with you..but I got the answer phone......

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
It was great thanks Rea:) Couldnt have wrote it better myself.

Rea of all the people here you were probably the closest to me, whatever you do here or elsewhere I hope with all my heart that you have fun, and remember Im like a bad smell you wont be rid of me just because Ive left.:)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( ::does the Wayne's World 'We are not worthy' bit:: damn Rea...ure good! :) :)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((very nice writting Rea :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((I post :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Gabriel walked silently down the dark street, the only source of light the faint glow of the moon. The street lamps in this section of town had long been broken. He heard footsteps approaching quickly from around the corner in front of him.
   In an instant a dark figure bolted around the corner and shoved passed him. Gabriel whirled around to watch the figure go. No Kine could've pushed him with such force.....
   Gabriel was in no mood to fight however, he had had quite enough of that. Slipping his hand into his coat he pulled out his Garcia Vega cigars and bit the tip off one. A satsifying crunch followed. Spitting the butt to the ground he raised the cigar and lit it.
   A blue cloud of smoke surrounded him as he exhaled the sweet tobacco. But something else.....
   He waited for the smoke to clear and held his cigar downwind. Carefully he sniffed the air. Blood.....Kindred...male.....VENTRUE! There was no mistaking it, Ventrue knew the tastes and smells of blood better than any other Kindred on the planet. Gabriel threw his cigar down and bolted around the corner following the sweet smell.
    The street ahead was empty, all the shops and businesses long since closed. Gabriel flew down the street, his long overcoat gliding in the wind behind him. The only sound was a distant coughing and the tap tap tap tap of his shoes against the pavement. He zeroed in on the origin of the noise. A small alleyway up ahead.
    He skid to a stop at the entrace of the alleyway, his stance was wide and his arms outstretched. He peered into the darkness, slowly shapes began to take shape. God, who was of his Ventrue....who?
    He moved foward until finally the reality set in. Alekzandre....
    "Alekzandre....dear God....." Gabriel felt his heart drop. Alekzandre lay motionless in Reannag's arms, his head hung limply to one side. A small string of blood hung from his mouth and then broke, falling silently to the concrete where it joined a gathering pool. Alekzandre's trademark white shirt was now soaked with crimson fluid and tattered beyond recgonition.
    Alekzandre's skin was torn into deeply and his throat cut. It was simply too much. Gabriel looked at the woman holding the young Ventrue. Her face was streaked with tears.
    "Reannag......what....." he turned away and pulled out his cell phone. "Fredrick, I need you all to dispose of a body and clean up an alleyway. NO I DIDN'T DO IT! You just do as your told or they'll be cleaning up your body next!"
     Gabriel put his phone away and sat down on the cold concrete next to Alekzandre. His blood was slowly sliding down the walls. It was still fresh, but in spots one could see it drying slowly. Congeling like the skin on pudding. Gabriel put his hand onto Alekzandre's lifeless face and closed his eyes.
    " always made us proud. The Ventrue could not ask for a better son. You were strong and steadfast, like your brethren of old. The ancient sons of Rome would've applauded you, given a chance I think you would've gone far. Rest well my brother."
    Gabriel held back a choked sigh and looked to the entrance way of the alley waiting for his crew to arrive....

((b..b...buh bye Porter.......:(

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:25 pm
((Syd walks over and uses a scroll of awaken

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
((nice post gabe...thanks as well...coming to find us...:;sighs:: he will be missed...:(:(:(

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
she looked at Alek laid dead in her arms, and brushed his hair away from his face..the blood oozed out of the gash on his.throat and spread over her jeans making a crimson pattern on them.
Her ears caught the noise of someone walking down the street and she wondered if she should try and drag Alek's body into the shadows....if they were found like this ...questions would be asked...the police may even be involved.
The footsteps stopped and she looked to the end of the alley...a figure stood there...and then started walking towards them...she heard his voice.....

"Gabe.....Im sorry...he was trying to protect me...from my sire...and ..and..."
she listened to gabe as he spoke to Alek and called for help on his phone.
she looked at gabe and could see he was upset.
They sat and waited in the cold alley neither of them wanting to talk...waiting for the clean up team to arrive. she would have to explain later what had happened.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Fredrick stepped out of the white Direct TV van. The road was wet from the slight drizzle that had fallen earlier. He could hear a few drops tap against his suit. He motioned for the rest of the team to follow his out of the van. Four men in suits followed him out. They were identical in their appearance. Black slicked hair, black Armani suits, all buttoned to the second button.
    One had a high pressure steamer strapped to his back, another had a large bag in his hands. The man with the steamer set to work cleaning the bloody mess while the gentleman with the bag collected Alekzandre's body. Fredrick overlooked the scene and set the third crewman up as a watch at the entrance of the alley. Gabriel looked on in silence, holding back his sorrow.
    "Fredrick....take him to my haven....we will have his ceromony there......" Gabriel said quietly. Once the area was swept clean Gabriel collected Reannag and walked her slowly to his car. "Come Reannag....we have much to do....." Gabriel turned back once more just in time to watch the crewman push Alekzandre's body into the van and the doors slam behind them.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
watched as the white van pulled up and the men stepped out of it....she looked at Gabe and stood up and moved away from Alek's body. His blood ran down the walls as the men washed it off....removing all traces of it...she stood and minute he was here and the next he was gone....all to protect her...

she jumped slightly, gabe had touched her arm gently and was leading her to the car...
she nodded to him...she was in shock......this was all too much for her....she needed Sorenti..
she sat in the car and looked as his body was slid into the back of the van......
she leaned back into the seat and wiped her tearstained face....her hands rested on her lap and she grimaced as she looked and saw Alek's blood on her.

((nice posts gabe.....:):)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::stands in silence for the fallen::

"They shall grow not old...
As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, not the years contemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest we forget."

Farewell Alexzander/Porter/Frank.....  keep in touch ::smiles::


(Edited by Batgirl at 8:25 pm on Aug. 9, 2001)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((as for Ports/Frank, yeah man take it easy okay? stay in touch w/ us. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( who's gonna tell Sorenti?   hehe glad it ain't me lol

and Frank...don't go too far away huh? we had some real good times and I thankyou for them.....Porter kept Sorenti sane and Cascadia owes him more than we could ever show ::joins Batty in silence::

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