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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2001 7:23 pm Reply with quote
Valek sat in his office,after coming back from a mission in NY with Gabriel,Chaz and Lilith....He was glad that Drain was now rescued and he thought to himself
"Those Gio's will pay for that"...

Valek looked at his cpu...frowning...he never
liked those things and never will......Valek turned on his cpu...and went to check the mail,there was various unwanted mail,Valek deleted he was about to close his cpu...he decided to go check his mail one last time,this time a letter from Sorenti was in the inbox...Valek opened it...He read that Sorenti was going...
and that he asked Cain and Valek to look after everything...Valek noded as he read the letter and said to himself "All will go the right way..."
Valek really loved and still love Cascadia and he would do everything for things to go the right way...nothing bad would happen..

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-09-17 14:26 ]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2001 8:49 pm Reply with quote
(( Valek babe ... are you trying to convience us that everything will go well ... or you ... lol ... Just joking babe .. :smile:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2001 9:14 pm Reply with quote
((Yep everything will go well :smile:
But hey Sorenti,hurry back man :smile: we will miss you a lot here.))
We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-09-17 16:20 ]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 12:44 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am

Hey, Gabe, come on I'm 16, barely drink, and it takes way more than 7 beer bottles to get to me

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 1:38 am Reply with quote

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 2:55 am Reply with quote
((bah! well congradu fickin lations to ALL of you for bein able to drink more than me.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 3:22 am Reply with quote
(( Hurry back Ray!!!! ... Take care of yourself .. k?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 3:25 am Reply with quote
((Thanks guys...I'll be back asap :smile: Have fun and you all take care :grin: hehehe

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 11:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
ummm Gabe? are you going to post ic?lol or shall I just carry on ..hehehe

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 3:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea drove from Gabe's haven, heading towards Blenheim. As she pulled her car into the driveway of Blenheim, she battled with her emotions inside her.She had tried to tell Sorenti earlier that she was going to leave the city for awhile. He had been concerned and had asked her to stay in Cascadia, where she would be safe. Rea smiled sadly to herself, safety wasn't her prime concern at the moment, she needed time to get over the physical and mental torment that Valek had put her through. Calvin had found the perfect place for her to go to, it seemed ironic though that originally that she had bought it as somewhere for her and Sorenti to go to, away from the politics of the city.
As she parked her car she smiled,Bill Tanner stood at the doorway.
"evening Reannag, sorenti said he was expecting you, you do know that he has to leave soon don't you?"
She nodded "yes Bill, I know"
As she walked along the corridor with Bill, she smiled to herself. " I love this place Bill, It's so much part of him you know"
He nodded to her "I'll leave you here, sorenti is in his bedroom"
Bill started to walk away " bill, he will be ok won't he ?" she asked concerned
" we hope so reannag" and continued down the corridor.
Rea pushed open the door silently and stood watching sorenti, he sat in the large leather chair just staring at the wall.
" hi there " she said softly and walked towards him.
"how long have we got, before you leave I mean?"
" I leave at dawn , so a few hours I cant give you anymore Rea"he replied.
She stopped herself from asking why he had stood and watched Valek punish her, although she needed to know, now was not the time to ask.
" I'm sorry for what......" he started to say.
" ssshhhhhhh" she put her fingers to his lips and took his hands in hers..." lets not talk about the past few weeks...I dont know when I'll see you again...lets just be together.." she led him to the bed.


Rea lay nestled in his arms, her head on his chest, his hands running through her hair.
Their love making had been passionate( soz guys no x rated post lol
Rea stretched lazily and yawned. Sorenti sat up and kissed her forehead.
" Rea I'm sorry, I hate to do this to you..but"
" i know have to go....Just 5 more minutes dress and I'll talk"
she said as she sat up and wrapped the silk sheet around her body.
He laughed at her and got up, his feet padding across the deep carpet and he began to dress.
She told him about Jacob been killed and how she needed to leave the city," I need time sorenti...away from here"
He pulled on his coat and Rea looked at him, not wanting him to leave, but she knew that he was needed elsewhere.
"Rea as long as I know where you are, although it worries me you not being in the city, but if you feel its what you must do " he smiled at her, " come dear, walk me to the door"
She stood up, and wrapped the sheet around herself and walked down the corridor with him.Sorenti looked sideways at her, her face seemed tired and drawn, she wasn't well yet, and he smiled as he thought of their love making, she seemed to tire so easily.
Rea gripped his hand tighter as they approached the doorway.
" we are ready sorenti, we really must go" said Bill as he looked at Rea wearing only the sheet and looked away embarrassed.
Rea flung her arms around sorenti" I love you will always be in my heart, no matter what happens" she longed to tell him what she was going to do....but didn't , he didn't need to know...yet.
He held her close..and whispered to her" you will always be with me as well Rea ...always"
he kissed her deeply and walked away to the waiting car. Rea stood and watched as the car lights disappeared, she didn't know where he was going...only that he would return...sometime in thre future.
She walked back to his bedroom, the place seemed empty without him. She sighed and curled up on his bed and fell into a deep sleep.

[ This Message was edited by: Reannag on 2001-09-19 10:08 ]

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 4:24 am Reply with quote
Sorenti had been travelling throughout the whole day, first in the blacked out, chauffeur driven car, then he had been neatly packed away and gone by air, rail and sea as luggage would.

As night drew in, Sorenti woke and slid his nail under the gold catch of his "luggage" crate. The mechanism popped open silently and Sorenti listened carefully for a good 5 minutes before easing back the lid of the crate. He looked around the mid-class hotel room, glad to see the shutters and blinds had been closed already and spied a manilla envelope on the bed.

Expecting the letter, Sorenti tore off one end and shook out the contents. He leafed through the various photos, telephone conversation scripts, place names and phone numbers before reading the letter itself. After memorizing the information and photos, he shredded them and put a match to them in the bath, with the extractor fan on full. He returned to the bedroom and steadily strapped on those weapons he had not previously done so.

Sorenti packed the remainder of his clothes and items into a medium rucksack, then relocked his cases, as though still full. Taking a small jar, he unscrewed the lid and softly blew some of the fine powder onto the locks of his cases. "That will be a telltale for anyone with wandering fingers" he mused. Deliberately staying away from the windows and not turning on any lights, Sorenti finally sat on the rough wooden chair by the small corner table in the room.

He picked up the vanilla, plastic telephone, wincing at its tackiness and dialled methodically from memory. The whir of a machine the other end, imitating a fax, eventually gave way to a slow beeping before a voice finally answered, about 10 minutes after it began to ring. Sorenti stayed quiet as the voice rattled off further information and a few orders, as he started to reply, the phone went dead.

Sorenti looked at it, almost in disbelief, then he shot off the chair, rolling sideways, grabbing his rucksack and diving through the door into the hallway. Behind him, the windows caved inwards and the bullets ricocheted around the cheap room, thudding into and around the shattered doorframe he had left. His mind racing, Sorenti fled down the hall, slamming a door shut into the face of a nosey guest who decided they wanted to see what was going on.

With a slight smirk at the poor mortal, probably now in agony, Sorenti stopped dead in his tracks, realising that they would expect him to try to escape out the back way. He altered course and sped down the stairs, four at a time, heading for the main entrance. As he ducked round the last corner, he saw the automatic door already open and two heavy set Cainites dressed in grey suits outside.

Sorenti accelerated out through the door and extended his arms, catching both men in a lethal double clothesline. Without stopping to see if they survived or not, Sorenti slid over the back of a taxi and was inside before the driver even saw him. He barked a place for the taxi to take him to and threw a few notes over into the front seat. The driver stared at the money and excitedly floored the taxi with a "Y..YES SIR!"

Watching carefully, Sorenti spotted the black sedan swerve out into the traffic a little way behind them. The good street knowledge of the taxi driver held them off, but Sorenti could see they were catching and fast. Thinking quickly, Sorenti told the taxi to take the next left, then hard right down the alley behind the shops and dropped a few more notes over the back of the seat. Already excited and high on adrenaline, the driver floored the little car and threw it round the corner violently, scraping the side of the car on the wall of the alley.

As the taxi hurtled down the narrow space, Sorenti picked his spot, told the driver to keep going for about five miles and flung himself out of the taxi. He rolled and bumped badly, slamming into the back, kitchen wall of a Greek restaurant. Instantly he was on his feet and behind the garbage bins, watching from his hiding place as the black sedan flew past, hard on the tail of the taxi.

Sorenti dusted himself down, turned up the collar of his long, leather jacket, slung his rucksack over one shoulder and stepped out from behind the bins, just enough to see the tail lights of the sedan whisk around the far corner, heading back to the road. He gathered himself and drew a long, deep breath,

" has begun already....the war is on" Sorenti sighed quietly, his next move was going to be a dangerous one, they obviously knew who he was, what he was doing and where he was going...

[b:14690e087a][i:14690e087a] "Be careful who you're talking to.....they might just have the upper hand" [/i:14690e087a][/b:14690e087a][url][/url]

[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2001-09-24 23:28 ]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 4:43 am Reply with quote
((Very cool post man :smile: i like the clothesline part lol :smile:

And its REALLY GREAT to see you post again :smile:
and even more cool to hear from you...And ummmmmm....sorry that i had to post this on my post number 666 LOL!!!!

Take care man.))

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 5:19 am Reply with quote
((yeah it's EXCELLENT to hear from you Sor!!! nice post! exciting!

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