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Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 3:18 am |
(( the DVD showed her torments in Valeks doungen. and i think it showed the carving of the tatoo on her forhead if i am not mistaken. (( also it showes her attack on the Prince, and myself. if it shows the carving.))
" Id watch your self my dear. You are in MY haven now... this is Protected ground. as is the esylum. If you should lose your temper and attack me out of anger then i am justified in dispencing justice." Drain replied while opening up one of the folds in his clothes and pulling out a signed letter from Cain.
"as you may read i am a Deputy."Drain said while handing the letter over.
Isis snached the letter from Drains flithy hands. and began to read it.
"Her little stunt in the esylum was an insult to me. You were there. Joke or no. she assulted me, so i did what the laws of our kind allow. I don't understand why you are so upset... you got to move up in the ranks? if you are still looking for her id check with the Prince. He shows some FEELINGS for her. although i can't understand his logic.....I did notice he was enjoying himself while carving on her pretty face. Perhaps it was the closeness of her that excited him?.." Drain told the reading Setite.
"You are and evil bassssstard." Isis said after tossing the letter to the ground with discust.
(( and HEY the trailer is in perfect condition i might add. it was good enough for a Ventrue so i figured it was good enough for a snake LOL.))
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:38 pm |
She storms out of the room her clawed fingers running down the wall. Her hisses trailing far behind her. She gets part of the way to the exit, then realizes that she has no idea where the prince's haven is. She runs back.
"Where isssss hisssssssss haven?", she asks angrily.
He answers her,"In the Catacombs."
"And that is where?", she requests.
He gives her the location and she storms back out of the room. Claws dragging along the wall.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 7:31 pm |
Drain Ran witha sll his speed to get in front of her. He stood an the next intersection. with his pipe out.
" If you continue with that feeble attempt to Mark up My tunnells then i will be forced to remove your claws. Now i can show you where to go to find the prince but civility is what i ask from you." Drain stood in the passage way with a queer look on his face. Half mad and half expectent.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 8:04 pm |
She followed him slowly … making sure she was at least three steps behind him. Even though his back was turned to her, she knew that he was quite aware of every move that she made. He brought her to a building … one that she had seen under construction just a few nights before. She walked in looking around, her anger still with her and her arms still crossed.
“What do you want to show me Valek?†She was being as defiant as possible, but it was obvious that curiosity was getting the best of her.
“Just follow me.†He snapped back and continued ahead. She stood there for a second … watching him … but quickly decided to follow him.
He walked to the back of the room and around a corner. Darkness disguised a passage as he disappeared into it.
“Here, you’re going to need this.†He handed her a flashlight. She took it, just starring for a moment and then flipping it on. The darkness quickly gave way to a new light. She stepped into the new rooms, looking around, trying not to look that impressed.
“Do you know where you are?†Valek asked her.
“No, should I?†Still defiance took over her voice.
“This is the new Elysium.†Kiya walked around for a moment, taking in the place and then walked back over to Valek. “You’re one of the first kindred to see it, now … follow me.†He entered yet another dark, stone corridor. This one was much shorter then the last. The hall ended at a dimly lit room with Egyptian paintings hanging across all the walls. Kiya stood there for a moment, looking around, Valek watching her closely. “Yeah so?â€
“This is for you, this proves how much I love you.†Valek honestly believed that this would be enough to prove his love to her. “Valek, you would have made this office for any Dark Muse that was here right now. Don’t try to play it off as you did it for me.â€
“I did.â€
Kiya went into another one of her raging fits. “If you really loved me, you would take this thing off of my forehead.â€
“I told you already … that I’m sorry.â€
“Sorry doesn’t mean shit. It’s your actions Valek. You took too much pleasure in punishing me to actually be sorry about it later. If you were truly sorry, you would remove this thing!â€
“I can’t do that, you have to understand.â€
“Understand?! I need to understand that I should be punished for something that wasn’t even really a big deal?†Her voice was full of rage.
“Rules are rules, you broke them, and you had to be punished. I can’t take that off of you.â€
“Valek, don’t pretend that you care, you don’t. You don’t want me around anymore? That’s not a problem, the second I get out of here I’m gone.†At that she went running through the corridors, entering one upon another, only to find herself in what looked like to be a small study room. Valek was right behind her every step. “Just leave me alone Valek, leave me alone!â€
“Let me tell you something, I have been punished a lot more severely for something less then you have.†He watched her, obviously starting to lose his patients.
“Did you get punished by someone you supposedly love Valek? Did you? Oh wait, love means nothing to you, I mean nothing to you.†She knelt to the floor her head in her hands. Once again, blood tears began to surface. A wraith appeared behind Valek, smirking at the entire situation.
“I do love you Kiya, believe me when I say that. I’m sorry.â€
“Your words mean nothing to me anymore Valek. You’ve proved that I can’t trust you.â€
“I wasn’t brought up like that. Just understand me, I can’t change overnight.†He was doing his best to control his own anger towards her.
“If you want to change, then start with removing this from my forehead.†She pointed to the symbol, her body beginning to shake.
“You know that I can’t do it, just forget about it.â€
“Forget about it?! Forget about it? You try to forget about something like this, when the only thing that you’ve had your entire life was your looks, and you lose that too. I’ve lost everything Valek. I’ve given everything to this city, and I changed my ways, and now, look at what the city did for me!â€
“So I took that away from you too?†Obvious sarcasm overtook his voice.
“Don’t worry about me, don’t EVER worry about me.†Kiya stormed out of there … wondering endlessly around the place. She couldn’t get rid of her anger, so she headed back to Valek, not quite done with what she had to say. Kiya’s rage overtook her. She stood there for a second and then quickly entered the twisting corridors. She sensed Valek’s presence as she walked into the torture room. She looked to her right and saw him lying on the torture table.
“Why don’t you torture me? Get some of your anger out.â€
â€I’m not like you Valek, that wouldn’t make me feel better.†She starred at him. “You should have just killed me, it would have been so much easier, on the both of us.â€
“I couldn’t do that to you Kiya.â€
“I could do that to you, easily.†She starred right at him as the words escaped her mouth. Valek reached over, pulling a cord, the guillotine plummeting to the ground.
He sighed gently, seemingly somewhat distant to the situation. “I’ll remove it for you if you want.â€
“No Valek, I don’t want your pity. I want you to do it because you want to, as a sign that you care. But you obviously don’t.†She burst into tears running out of the room. She made her way back to her office, taking a torch from the wall, bringing it with her and sitting on the plush couch. Valek entered shortly after.
“If you want me to leave you alone I will. I’m sorry Kiya.†He turned and left the room. Kiya took the torch and laid it on the couch next to her. The flames slowly caught the fibers, burning them one by one. The smell was overwhelming as Kiya sat there, watching the flames get closer to her. Valek smelled the smoke, and hurried back to the room. He ran over to Kiya, pulling her off the couch, and stomping the flames out.
“Will you stop with that already?! Kiya, it’s not going to happen.†She grabbed her, pulling her into the other office, and setting her down in the chair. “You want this thing off you, I’ll take it off, now hold still.†He put his hands to her head, mouthing a few words and then stopping. He suddenly changed what he was doing, and Kiya’s body went limp. After a few minutes her eyes began to open, looking around the room.
“Where are I?†She looked at Valek, obviously confused and disoriented.
“You’re in the new Elysium.†He looked at her, actually feeling bad for what he just did.
“How come I don’t remember getting her?†Valek looked at her, glancing quickly at her forehead and then back into her eyes.
“You feel coming down the stairs. I think that you lost some of your memory.†Kiya’s head was pounding. She brought her head into her hands, feeling the mark.
“Damn, I did a good job didn’t I?†She had no clue what was on her forehead.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 8:06 pm |
(( Ok .. well the last post may not be EXACTLY what happened in game, but it's pretty close. Everyone she get the idea of what happened. A lot of whining and crying .. and bitching, and being a female, and then Valek erased her memory of the event. Yup .. I think that covers it .. :smile: lol
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:10 am |
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:12 am |
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:29 am |
(( aaaahhhhhhhhh hahahahaha ... Seeeeeeeee ... Kiya ALWAYS gets her way ...
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:39 am |
Isis hisses angrily and puts her hands at her sides.
"It'sssss concrete... I don't sssssssee what my clawsssssss could do to damage it.", she said with angry conviction.
She shrugs her shoulders and tries to walk past. Drain still blocks her path.
"Do you mind. I won't damage your tunnelssssss. May I ssssspeak with Valek now.", she says.
"Yes, you may.", he says as he stps aside.
"Thank you.", she answers rather nicely considering her disposition.
She leaves Drain behind and heads for the nearest exit. She whistles a song that is unrecognizable to anyone else.
She gets to the exit and climbs out of a manhole.
She wipes herself off and looks around to realize that she was close to Valek's haven.
"Drain is good with his descriptions. This looks exactly as he described it.", she thinks.
And she takes off towards Valek's haven. The same anger still burning in her belly.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 10:23 pm |
(( I'm just topping so Valek doesn't forget to post the next part .. :grin:
Isis du Mare
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 6:38 am |
((or i could... but i think valek should be next.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:09 am |
(( You can post babe .. :smile: Whenever you want, however you want, and whatever you want .. lol ..
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:10 am |
Joseph stood outside of Valeks haven watching the Setite look around. He was incharge of the prosisution on the streets now that Lathirous was doing grunt work in the tunnells. He slowly walked up behind the Pimp on the street and told him into his ear that that woman was looking for some company. The pimp was by now used to the disembodied voice that gave him direction. and he felt safe that the Dark Man would not steer him wrong. Whith that in mind he called Cindy out from under the lamp post and directed her over to the woman looking at the building.
Cindy came up on Isis and began to call to her."HAY HUN, want me to show you what you can do to your man?"
Isis du Mare
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:25 am |
Isis's eyes flash at Cindy. Her serpentine eyes bore into the prostitutes. She looks at Isis totally intranced.
She hisses, "Tell your pimp that if he wantsssssss to ssssssspeak to me to come up to me himssssssssssself."
Cindy walks back to the pimp and relays the message. The pimps eyes widen. He walks up to her.
"I was told you wanted some company.", he tells her.
"You are sorely wrong.", she says, her serpintine eyes ablaze and burning into him.
She turns away from him and walks towards Valek's abode.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:44 am |
Joseph stood and watched the whole thing transpire. laughing to himself.
"ooh yes life outside of the cell is much better" He thought to himself.
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