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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:31 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(((argghhhhhh im not a fighter lol
::tries to think of something to post...
GABEEEE help!!!!!!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 2:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((:;walks out muttering about far too much homework:: lol

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 3:34 pm Reply with quote
(( Detention for me sir Tobeck? :: smiles wide :: i think i can live with staying after class...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 4:51 pm Reply with quote
(( Awesome posts peeps ... keep it up ... *prepares to jump in ... * hehehe

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 5:39 pm Reply with quote
She heard the squealing of tires as she looked out her shop’s window. It looked as though a lady was pinned under the bus. The driver made his way down the steps obviously concerned about what just happened. Her eyes remained glued to the scene as the woman reached up, sucking the life from the man’s veins.

“Oh shit …” She looked around to see who else could have possibly seen the display. “Fucking ignorant jack asses!” The woman stood and walked away … pulling out the metal bar that was lodged in her lung. She waited until the women had disappeared and ran out to the road. The bus was empty, that was a stroke of good luck. Once again she glanced up and down the street, making sure that there was no witness to what was going on. She took the man and drug him into her store.

“Ahmuel … take this down to the cellar ... put it in the vault. If anyone comes looking, you know that drill, you didn’t see a damn thing. You understand?” He shook his head, quickly obeying her orders. “I’ll be back shortly, I hope. If I’m not back in an hour or two, you know who you have to call.” She smiled slightly. “Here’s my cellular number. I’m stopping by my haven for a moment, and finding out what the hell is going on. The woman was heading in that direction, come and find me if I don’t show back up okay? Can you handle that?” She chuckled slightly. Ahmuel just gave another shake of the head and disappeared with the body down the stairwell.

Kiya grabbed her coat and made her way out the door. She disarmed that alarm and started up the engine. A cloud of dust rose as she took off towards her haven. Within minutes she was at her front door.

“Good eve Miss Kiya.” Frank spat out with an unusually politeness.

“Hello Frank.” She walked passed him without a second glance. She made her way to the storage room, packing a duffel bag and making her way back out to the living room.

“Frank! Come her a moment!” He came in … looking at the aresonal of weapons that she had. A confused look crossed his face.

“Y-y-yes ma’am?” His hands fumbled with his pockets, the AK-47 secured to his back.

“I gave this same spiel to Ahmuel at the shop. I’m headed somewhere in the woods … that’s all I even know …” She chuckled slightly at how foolish that sounded. “If I don’t return, you know who to send for.”

“Ma-ma-ma’am … is there something that I can do for you?” Kiya looked at him somewhat amused.

“Frank … you’ve sent away important guests … and have failed at EVERYTHING that I have asked you to do in the past. You’re a blubbering idiot … you’re lucky that you’re still alive. Now … shut up and watch the time … you got that?” He shook his head, his chin lowering and his eyes studying the floor. Kiya grabbed the bag and walked out the door.

She made her way on foot up the dirt path, until there was a split. She knelt down on one knee … studying which one she should take. A single tire track made it’s way up the right one. That path seemed to have been just used, the dirt seemed freshly stirred. She concealed herself using vanish from the mind’s eye and finished on her journey. A few minutes later she saw a cottage, smoke seeping from every pour. She saw Gabriel’s bike standing outside.

“Oh fuck me …” She said to herself. One wall had been demolished and a Porsche was sitting in the tiny cottage. Kiya silently made her way to the spot where the wall had once stood. She looked around briefly. Complete chaos had obviously taken over. The women that was in the bus accident had Mark on a table, doing something that Kiya couldn’t quite make out. Kiya’s hand reached in back of her, fumbling for her magnesuim bow. Her fingers wrapped around it … pulling it into position secular in front of her. She eyed the line up with the women, her back still to Kiya. As Kiya began to draw … the woman swung around. She came surging at Kiya as she let the arrow go. She smiled at her marksmenship as the arrow sailed hitting the women dead center in her stomach. Fire overtook her body only momentarily and she came surging ahead once again. Kiya reappeared, somewhat frantic as to what to do next. She looked above her. A metal beam hung from the side of the building. She grasped at it … pulling herself to the roof.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 6:53 pm Reply with quote

Elizabeth stopped in her tracks as her eyes followed Kiyas movement to the roofing. In the background she could hear a battle pursuing between her two twin childe and the kindred who were tying to save Mark. However she took little notice of this as her eyes settled on Kiya.

"I’m getting annoyed at all these little interruptions." Her eyes flashed a devilish green. "out of sight…."
Kiyas body was forced from the beams by Elizabeth’s telekinetic powers and she landed hard on the floor with a solid thud. "but not out of mind."

Kiya’s crossbow landed several feet to her right. She tried to grasp it only to have her body thrown along the floor and up against the wall hard. Yet again the sound of splintering bones filled the room emanating from Kiya.

The metal beam in the roof creaked in resistance as the solid steel began to buckle slightly. The beam snapped free from its restraints and hurtled towards Kiya. The steel beam created a U shape that wrapped around Kiya pinning her to the wall and pressing hard against her body.

Elizabeth pulled the arrow from her chest and discarded it before picking up the crossbow. She walked at a slow pace as she watched the setite try and squirm her way free. Kiya looked into her with her hypnotic snake like eyes and let out a long warding hiss. Elizabeth stopped by the left hand side of Kiya.

"You should show some respect for your elders." The hilt of the crossbow came down striking Kiya across the back of her skull. Her head jumped forward sharply and blood seeped from the crack in the back of Kiyas head

Mark’s sire took a step back and walked round to the other side of Kiya who lifted her head back up looking stunned and in pain.

"you will bow your head before me!" Elizabeth brought the hilt of the crossbow back down striking Kiyas skull even harder creating a loud cracking noise. Once more Kiya tried to raise her head only to have it beaten down once more. The crazed Malkavian brought the crossbow down on the back of Kiyas head until satisfied it would be bowed and hanging limp in her presence.

The blood was now pouring quite hard from Kiya’s head and a mix of bone and flesh was visible beneath the long fine hair that stuck to flesh with the aid of the cold blood.

Elizabeth crouched besides Kiya (the battle still raging behind her ((*hint hint* Gabe and kathy :P )) ). She place a hand underneath Kiya’s jaw and raised her head looking deep into her eyes. Blood was seeping from the side of the setites mouth.

"Poor sweet child. It is a pity that you…" Her sympathetic voice was cut short as she felt a mouth full of Kiyas blood hit her in the face.

Elizabeth moved back to the center of the room then turned around sharply to face Kiya. She raised the crossbow and took aim.

"Go and play with mice snake…"

She let out a bolt that hurled towards Kiya igniting as it traveled its journey. The bolt hit Kiyas stomach. The smell of dead burning flesh filled the room.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-07 16:57 ]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:13 pm Reply with quote

Elizabeth Hollow was beaming with triumphant glory as she surveyed the seitite chained up. Her eyes then moved to the fight between her Twin childe and the kindred menace she cringed as one of the twins only just ducked in time to save his head from becoming ‘lonely’.

She walked over towards the chains that were hanging broken on the wall. She picked up one of the larger strands of chain and moved back towards Mark where she noticed Echoe slumped up against the wall. She wrapped the chain around her wrist and part of her forearm.

"Hello…. Hello? Are you ignoring me?". Elizabeth was beginning to get annoyed and brought her arm down whipping Echoe with the heavy thick chain across his chest. She repeated this several times until hearing the satisfactory sound of breaking ribs.

"You whelp! HOW DARE you ignore me… I will…" Her eyes settled down on his chest then to the stake.
"hmm…. That aint big enough"

Elizabeth then walked over to the crates that were in the corner. Using her strengh she ripped away three of the planks of thick wood . Bags of drugs began to drop from the hole and land on the floor. With the planks of wood in hand she moved over to Echoe. Each piece had a jaggerd end.

She surveyed Echoes body and ponder deeply for a moment before ramming the first plank of wood into echoes body puncturing his left lung. The next one she plunged inside his right kidney.

"hmm now where to put this one…" Unsure of where to put it she used it to plant a firm strike against Echoes head. The head jolted forward almost as if it was going to snap free of his neck,

"I remember you… your the one who shot me with that rocket launcher of yours " An evil look crossed her face as she rammed the last plank into his left upper thigh before she moved over to Mark. She used the chains to bind marks arms before picking him up and throwing him over her shoulder.

Elizabeth continued to walk until she was at the exit of the building where she looked back. The vial of holy water which she had used earlier to torture Mark flew across the room smashing against the wall above echoes head. The liquid ran slowly down the wall. Each drip that fell onto Echo’s body was followed by a loud singeing noise.

Outside she noticed the elegant black Rolls Royce that she had come to know as Kazimierz vehicle. She placed Mark’s body into the boot before joining Kazimierz in the back of the car. She cast a quick glance at the building which began to rumble softly as the building was becoming unstable.

The car set into gear and made a new path over Gabriels motor bike before fleeing into the distance.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:16 pm Reply with quote
(( aaaaaawwwwwwwwww ... poor Kiya!!!!! Damn it ... VALEK HELP!!!! Lol ...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:20 pm Reply with quote
((ohhh yea.... you need help before the building collpases in on you lol

is it me or do my posts get worse each time lol? that last one wasl ike bad eggs... pooie lol ))

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-07 15:49 ]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 9:53 pm Reply with quote
((Woah lol NICE posts :smile: ill post something as soon as i get back :smile: need to go eat something lol))

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 11:21 pm Reply with quote

The windows in the Rolls Royce were mirrored to prevent any sunlight from entering allowing the vehicle to be used for day time transportation. The upholstery was made from fine quality leather and the interior was in perfect condition.

"Kazimierz where are we going?"
"Patience Lizzie. We have found a new location for you where we are most certain you will not be interrupted"

Elizabeth smiled sincerely before running a hand through her hair and looking at her tattered clothes " Pathetic whelps…"
Kazimierz chuckled softly "You handled your self remarkably well Hollow. Of course there was a time where you would of made sure there were no… spectators left at the scene"

"Things are not how they used to be are they Kazimierz" she aimed that as more of a statement than a question
"The traditions…" He sighed heavily " they are there for a reason and you will follow them. Do I make myself clear Hollow?"

Elizabeth bowed her head slightly " Forgive me sire, sometimes I…"
"You do not have to explain to me… just remember that where there are no survivors there is no one to accuse you of breaking the traditions,

A new look of evil satisfaction shot across her face "Those whelps will likely not realize what is happening until it is to late and they wake up underneath a ton of rubble. The twins will see to that."

"And what of the twins? I have never seen you so risky with your childe before."
"If they fail… then they have failed and I will destroy the loved ones of all those that took part in my beautiful twins demise" A woeful look shot across her face before her eyes flashed green.

The car pulled up outside a building.

"Ahh we have arrived " Kazimierz began to smile sinisterly

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 11:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy looked in horror as the flames died down and the two purple haired
twins came into full view,their faces smiling wickedly as they raised their
Gabriel stood in front of Kathy ,his sword raised high in front of him.
"when I tell you to Kath..get out of here" he whispered to her.
"Im not leaving you " she hissed back through clenched teeth.
The twins stepped forward,their faces grinning.
Kathy sidestepped and slipped down the side of the car,eager to keep distance
between herself and the twin who approached her.
"come her my lovely , im sure I can have fun with you " he grinned
"In your dreams " kathy said and wriggled betwen the wall and the car till
she was at the rear of the car.
Her hands reached into her pockets trying to find the car keys.
She looked across as gabriel weilded his sword , slashing into the other twin.
As she felt the keys she pulled them out trying to fit them into the boot lock ,
keeping her eye on the twin who was coming towards her slowly, the metal
pole in his hand tapping against one of his hands.
The boot flew open and Kathy's hand reached into it, knowing that there
would be some weapon of a sort in it, Mr.Buchanan was connected to the mafia
and never travelled without protection.
Kathys hand gripped and pulled out the gun( 9mm ouzi), she looked at it frowning
and put her finger on the trigger, pointing it at the twin.
She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger, her eyes widened as nothing happened
and was about to throw it back in the boot when she noticed a catch on the
gun, her fingers flicked it and she aimed again at the twin.
He laughed at her..."your all out of ammo lovely ...come here let me show you "
He walked towards her his hands outstretched reaching for the gun.
Kathy stood in shock ...
"kathy pull the trigger " Gabriel shouted from the otherside of the room.
"fuck off!" she shouted as she squeezed the trigger again hoping that is was loaded.
The gun burst into life splaying bullets into the twin, pushing him backwards,
the bullets cutting into him like a knife.
Kathy watched as his body feel to the ground.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 12:22 am Reply with quote
Angelica was walking near the ruins of Elysium as with her usual clothing...dark and black cloak..the hood on her head covering her face in shadows...only her mouth visible...

She heard tormented screams...coming not so far from where she was,Angelica smiled evily as she was hearing them....and she decided to go off walking in the direction of where the screams were coming from....

As she was on her way to where those screams were coming from she saw a human running,obviously scared about something he saw....he stopped in front of Angelica asking for help,Angelica simply smirked as she bashed the head of the guy on the car window that was next to her,the head breaking the window as Angelica breaked the guy's neck....she continued walking toward the same direction....

-Few moments later-

She arrived in front of a soon to collapse building....As she stopped to look around carefuly she sensed powerfull's aura's....she smirked as she continued to walk entering the building,once she was in she saw flames devouring the inside of the building....she smiled evily as she started walking in the flames and she stopped in the middle of them....the fire didnt seemed to affect her....she continued walking as she met a dead end...a wall blocking her way....she mumbled a few words in Los Demonis....the words made the wall explode in a powerful way....Angelica smiled evily as she continued to chant something in Los Demonis,spirits of demons were now surrounding she continued to walk trough the hole she just made....she saw huge flames in front of her as she heard the sound of a gun firing at something....she continued to walk as the flames went down at the sound of the gun fire....she noticed the Setite "Kiya" as she continued to walk toward her....she stopped in front of her...seeing her tied up on the wall,a bolt in her stomach....Kiya was half way of fainting her head moving a little....Angelica sensed her aura....she tought of a few she continued to read her mind she saw the face of Valek in her toughts....Angelica smiled evily as she said to her in a demonic voice
"YoU wIlL nOt DiE hErE.....DaMn SnAkE....If YoU mUsT dIe SoMeNiGhT....It WiLl NoT Be By ThE hAnDs Of WhOeVeR dId ThAt To YoU....If YoU dIe It WiLl Be By My hAnDs...."

Angelica un-tied Kiya and put her on her she walked back from where she came from...she stopped in a corridor....looking at two strangers,(Gabriel and Kathy) only the mouth of Angelica was visible....she smiled evily as she turned to walk away...revealing a Cappadocian symbol on the back of her cloak....she disapeared in the shadows with Kiya on her shoulders....

Angelica walked away of the building and entered a strange was dark and cold,and most likely a dead forest....she sat Kiya down as she casted healing on her...healing her fully at 100%...(She is Generation 2 and a meth lol so the healing is quite powerfull lol)

Angelica still spoke with the voice of a demon and said to Kiya "WhY wErE yOu tHeRe.........DaMn...SnAke.......?"

Angelica waited for an answer...the spirits of the demons still floating around them....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:55 pm Reply with quote
Angelica looked at Kiya sitting on the ground her back against the tree ,

-Angelica-"My PaTiEnCe GrOw ThIn .... AnSwEr Me .... NoW!" Angelica spat in a demonic voice ....

Angelica waited .... smirking ....

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