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< Ancient Tomes ~ The Exodus: A Lesson in Humility |
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 5:40 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((tis ok Gabe...:smile::):)
Kathy smiled as the elevator doors shut silently and pressed the button for the fifth floor.
As the elevator began its ascent kathy smoothed down her suit and looked at Gabriel , her deep blue eyes shining.
"I met your Sire a few times when he was called to the inner circle, and of course when I came to cascadia I met him as prince, he is indeed a great man , and Im sure he's very proud of you , wherever he is " her soft voice said .
((arrgghhhh got to go take it away gabe :smile:
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 4:01 pm |
"Thank you Kathy. I hope so...that's why I must work harder to find him. I found through deceit that Los was in Cairo at the time Sorenti arrived. It appeared he was meeting him there..." Gabriel said, his eyes on the floor indicator on the top of the elevator door.
"Really? So who is this L..Los Requis?" Kathy asked curiously, filing her nails all the while.
"He's a monster. Simply a monster. If we find him, you should steer clear. He's far more powerful than we could fathom." Gabriel said, letting his eyes drift over Kathy and feeling those same old yearning feelings again.
Kathy nodded slightly and opened her mouth to speak, just as the doors opened letting their floor into view.
"I guess this is us Gabriel." she said, a thin smile forming across her face. Gabriel nodded in agreement and placed his hands over the side of the elevator door.
"After you Kathy."
"Why thank you Gabriel." Kathy said as she walked by, stepping into the wonderfully decorated hallway. The floor was a plush red carpet, lined by a similarly colored hallway. Gabriel admired the golden wall sconces, a Greco-Roman style.
The floors and walls were lined with golden thread, gently looping down the way. Gabriel and Kathy made their way down the passage, all the while watching the room numbers pass by.
They reached room 311 and slid the key card into the reader. The small light atop the reader blinked green and Gabriel stepped into the room. The room was indeed a suite.
The door led into a large living area decorated by expensive pieces of artwork. In the middle of the room two large couches sat perpendicular, forming a 90 degree angle. A clear glass coffee table sat in the middle. The room was lit by modern lamps, which had strayed from more conventional styles.
Pieces of art adjourned the walls. The back corner of the room was a small kitchen with little space to move around. The room had two doors leading to a bathroom and the bedroom. The view was spectacular, the window wall stretched the entire length of the room, giving the occupant a birdseye view of upper Manhattan.
"Well....if you'd like the bedroom Kathy you're more than welcome to it. I'll sleep on the couch here." Gabriel said, throwing the expensive couch cushions off and unfolding the bed....
((take it away little lady, i know this is just interaction at this point but believe me, i have definate plans :smile: but like i said, they're VERY flexible so if you feel like taking this in any particular direction please feel free :smile:
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 5:16 pm |
((errr...just talkin to Mark and he said that my flexible comment sounded like i was ready to anything in the sack.....errr just to clear that up i meant the storyline. :smile:
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 5:27 pm |
((see the pineapple always gets the blame :P lol. Great posts you two... lol ))
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 5:40 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(((errr well Gabe Im not pervy....so yup I took it that you meant the storyline and not in bed lol god guys...::glares at pineapple::
I mean really....does she look the type to jump into the sack with a ventrue.......mmmmm second thoughts ...hehehhehe
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 5:42 pm |
(( well geeze look.... its Marky Moo shoes the biggest perve around lol
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 5:50 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy walked around the lavish room, her fingers touching the many works of art.
"he's got good taste, I must say " she said softly.
Kathy looked over at Gabriel as he took the cushions off the sofa....
Kathy walked over to him and touched his cheek softly.
"there's really no need, you can share the bed with me, if you would like to that is." kathy smiled at him.
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2001 6:04 pm |
Gabriel dropped the felt cushion that was in his hand as Kathy ran her soft fingers down the length of his cheek.
"Oh...it's uh...alright. I don't want to put you out...." Gabriel said quietly, his face filling with stolen blood. Kathy smiled warmly.
"Come now Gabriel. Don't be ridiculous, we're both adults here." her soft smile send goosebumps up Gabriel's dead flesh. He returned with a broad smile and tossed his coat on the couch along with his flashy red tie.
"Well...if you insist." he said quietly and went to inspect the bedroom.
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 12:02 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((::sits pondering...hmmmmm what to post? a *nice* post or a *bad* post...hmmmmm
Kathy kissed Gabriel on his cold pale cheek as he said he would share the bed with her.
"well after you then Gabriel, "she said grinning.
She watched as he walked to the bedroom and went to the mini bar and choose two bottles of champagne and grabbed two glasses off the bar.
As she walked into the bedroom her face broke out into a wide smile as she saw the large four poster bed, the heavy drapes on it flowing down to the floor.
Gabriel was walking around, and Kathy grinned sensing he was a bit nervous.
"so Gabriel, which side of the bed do you want?" she asked as she leaned against the doot shutting it .
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 6:52 pm |
Gabriel swallowed hard. He absolutely could not understand it. How a man could negotiate with perfect ease and grace with some of the toughest and most intimidating men in the businessworld, but at the same time be a complete mess with women was beyond him.
His palms were slick with sweat and he felt slightly ill.
"E..either side is fine with me.." he stammered, backing up slightly and managing to catch his heel on one of the bedposts. He hurtled backwards, windmilling his arms in a futile attempt to regain his balance. He crashed down hard against the wall, nearly toppling the lamp that sat on the nightstand.
((i'm postin more soon but go ahead and reply to this :smile:
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 9:15 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy started walking across to one side of the bed to put the champagne bottles and glasses down.
"well Im not bothered either Gabriel, are you ok, your not nervous are you ?"Kathy asked as Gabriel seemed to back away.
She watched in amazement as his foot caught the bedpost and he fell to the floor his back landing against the cabinet.
Kathy walked over to him, her hand on her mouth trying to stop herself laughing.
As she stood looking down at him she grinned.
"you want a hand up or shall we sit on the floor?"
Kathy held out her hand to help him up .
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2001 11:56 pm |
((and let the posting begin..
Gabriel took her hand, amazed at the softness and warmth of her skin. He placed his free arm on the floor and pushed himself up. As the two stood there in the middle of the lavish hotel room hands intertwined, Gabriel felt oddly at home. He smiled brightly to Kathy, her gentle face glowing vibrantly in the low lit room.
Kathy returned the smile, sending a wash of warmth rushing through Gabriel's long dead body. He stared deep into her eyes, portals that were so deep he could scarecly see his own reflection. The two kindred leaned closer towards each other, Gabriel's thin lips parting in slight anticipation.
The brash sound of knocking came at the door in the living area. Gabriel paused, a mere inch and a half from Kathy's face. The awkward moment was enough to quell any growing sense of security. The butterflies had made their way back into his stomach, and he smiled a brief grin, heavily laden with disappointment.
"It uh....might be something about my Sire..." he said quietly, glancing down at the plush carpet beneath his feet. Kathy nodded, more than a bit disappointed herself. Gabriel wondered if she was upset because they had been interupted or because he lacked the romantic qualities she was searching for.
He made his way past her and into the living area, the knock on the door rapping out again.
"Yes yes, I'm coming." he said, making his way past the couch to the double doors. He opened them to find a rather small man standing in the doorway, hands behind his back. "Can I help you?"
"Yes...yes you can. Burn in hell Vampire!" the man produced a pistol and a stake from his jacket and leapt towards Gabriel. Gabriel unphased, grasped the man by the collar with his free hand, smacking the stake out of his hand with the other. He shoved the man foward against the opposite wall with such force that he heard a crack that could have been the man's ribs or the plaster in the wall.
The attacker groaned, his face wrinkling in pain. The pistol fell from his hand onto the floor with a clatter, he looked up.
"AAAaaaaaggg.....NOW!" as he screamed he raised his hands and slid out of the jacket Gabriel held in his vice-like grip. The man covered his head and dove to the floor.
The sound of silencers went off a split second before Gabriel felt them entering his chest. Throwing the jacket to the floor Gabriel looked on either side of him. Men stood on both sides of the hall, firing their silenced pistols with deadly accuracy.
The force of the bullets caused Gabriel to fall backwards into the hotel room, blood smearing across the lush carpet. As he crawled into the living area, leaving a thick trail of vitae, he kicked the door closed with his foot.
The Ventrue leapt to his feet and allowed his muscles to radiate with blood power. He moved into the kitchen and grasped the large refridgerator by it's sides. His fingers dug deep into the sides as he hoisted it above his head.
Slowly the still bleeding vampire hauled it towards the closed door and set it down in front of them. He heard the hunters pounding visciously on the outside, the entire door shaking with the fury of their fists.
Gabriel staggered into the bedroom just as Kathy got up from the bed.
"My God! Gabriel, what happened?" she gasped. Gabriel glanced down at his chest. His entire torso was soaked in blood and riddled with coarse holes. He shook his head and stumbled to his suitcase, throwing it open.
He rummaged quickly through it, throwing the expensive clothes over his shoulder. He grasped the blood bags and sank his teeth into one, draining it completely. As his wounds healed he looked to Kathy.
"Hunters....we have to get out of here NOW." he glanced around the room for a means of escape. His brain moved through hundred different scenarios before choosing one.
He grasped the sheets and desperately began tying them together in tight knots.
"What are you going to do with that??" Kathy asked, her voice expressing high concern. "Gabriel, we're not going out that window, that only works in movies!"
Gabriel paid no attention, focusing more on the sound of the door beginning to splinter under the force of their attacks. Why was no one up to check on the noise?? Hotel security....a bellboy...ANYTHING!
He tied the last of the bedsheets together and strode over to the window, pushing it open as he arrived. The Ventrue glanced down at the street below, they were at least thirty stories up. The sound of splintering wood grew louder and the last of the door gave way. Men's voices rang out from the living room.
"He put a fuckin fridge in front of the door! Jesus Christ!" the lead man exclaimed. Gabriel heard their footsteps as they crawled over the fridge.
"Kathy!" he whispered harshly, "Come on, NOW!" The Toreador walked over and put her arms around Gabriel's neck.
He slipped his arm around her waste and tossed the sheets out the window, the other side securely knotted to the heavy bedpost.
Slowly they slipped out onto the buildings exterior, the shiny glass reflecting their mirror images and they scaled down the wall.
It was obvious that the bedsheet was nowhere near long enough to get them all the way down to street level, and if anyone on the streets below noticed them they were toast. But it was even clearer that if they stayed in that room they were dead anyway.
Gabriel glanced up at the open window above. They had moved about 5 stories down from it, making good time. A squat shrivelled head emerged from the lit window of their room.
"THERE THEY ARE! GET THEM!" he shouted, waving his arm to the men inside. The sound of other voices rang out. "No you morons! Don't cut the sheet! They'll surive the fall and then we'll lose them! STAKE THEM STAKE THEM!" he cried, producing a crossbow.
Kathy cringed as he leveled it on her chest from above. Gabriel continued crawling downward, knowing it wouldn't be fast enough. The stake whizzed through the air towards Kathy, dead on target towards her heart.
It embedded itself squarely in Gabriel's outstretched hand as he thrust it over her breast. He groaned in pain and examined the wound. It had pierced the hand completely, going all the way through.
THere was a rip as the fabric of the sheet began to tear just above them. Gabriel and Kathy stared wide eyed at each other.
The sheets split in two and the two Kindred found themselves freefalling, hurtling towards the streets below, the sheet-rope following close behind....
((take it away
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 1:39 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(( well here you go :smile::) hope its ok :smile:
The three hunters hung out of the window, watching as Gabriel and kathy plunged downwards to the street below.
Their faces grinning.
"quick down to the street, if they survive the fall we can finish them off from there"
Kathy looked down as the street loomed nearer, the cars passing below them getting closer as they seemed to fall in slow motion.
She looked at gabriel sheer terror on her face and reached for Gabriel's hand and closed her eyes tightly.
The roar of the traffic in the street below grew louder and they tensed their bodies waiting for the impact with the ground.
They landed with a thud on something soft and they both opened their eyes cautiously, the night sky above them seemed to be moving.
The throb of the trucks engine whined as the truck speeded up.
Kathy sat up and looked around, the truck was moving fast down the street, the hunters where stood swearing at each other as they
realised that the vampires had escaped.
"thankgod for paper recycling"said gabriel as he pulled the crossbow out of his hand.
"you saved my life, thankyou" kathy smiled at him.
"how did they find us, the hunters I mean, I would have thought that we would have been safe there"
Gabriel shook his head "I dont know kathy, they must have inside information, which is worrying"
"we need somewhere safe to stay, its dawn soon and I know just the place" kathy said.
As the truck stopped at the next set of traffic lights they both clambered down the side and jumped onto the sidewalk.
Kathy looked around to get her bearings and took Gabriel's hand, leading him back towards Soho.
Gabriel held her hand tightly, her small hand lost in his large hand.
"we will go to Keifer, he will put us up for the night, now I warn you now, he's very gay, but dont mind him, he's a good friend"
Kathy said as they turned into Soho.
Two police officers walking towards them seem to be staring hard at them and then Gabriel realised why."kathy our clothes, the blood"
Kathy glanced at the bloodstains on them.
"oh christ...quick run follow me" kathy took off down a back alley and quickly climbed up a fire escape.
Gabriel followed as the police officers gave chase, shouting into their radios.
Kathy climbed in through the open window and looked around .
"kathy come on they are climbing after us...we haven't got time"
kathy looked back at gabriel..."Im thinking wait a minute...this way "
She opened the door of the room and ran down the stairs into the main warehouse.
"Gabriel quick help me move this filing cabinet" Gabriel pushed it aside and kathy pushed against a brick.
A small opening appeared and Kathy crawled through, Gabriel following her.
"Gabriel press the brick with the letters on it before they see where we have gone"
Gabriel turned his body around in the small passageway and using his foot, he hit the brick and watched
as the opening closed.
They crawled along the dusty floor until they came to a cellar, full of crates of wine and beer.
Kathy stood up and brushed herself down, her once immaculate suit covered in dust and bloodstains.
"how did you know about that?" gabriel asked as he stood up, brushing himself down.
"this is keifer's cellar, and thats his escape route" she replied.
"come on lets go find keifer, I think we both need a bath" kathy grinned looking at her dust covered hands.
Gabriel took Kathy's hand as she led him up the stairs and pushed the door open.
Keifer was sat at the bar with his newest playmate a young boy who didn't look a day over sixteen.
"kathy.....well what have you been up to my little one" keifer said frowning at the state of her clothes.
"dont ask keifer its been a long night, some damn hunters found us"
Keifer nodded.." yes I heard that there was a group of them in the city, you were lucky they have already killed
four of our kind in the past week"
Keifer's eyes looked gabriel up and down "you brought me a new playmate kathy, a ventrue as well"
Kathy glanced at gabriel and squeezed his hand.
"this is gabriel O' Brien and he saved my life tonight so you just be nice to him "
"pleased to meet you keifer" Gabriel said shaking keifers hand.Keifer held it tightly and grinned his fingers
rubbing against gabriel's wrist.
"keifer...now behave please..." kathy grinned "we need somewhere to stay can we use on of your rooms?"
Keifer let go off gabriels hand "I was only playing kathy..yes of course which would you like, the bondage room?"
keifer laughed as kathy frowned at him.
"Im only teasing little one, you may have any you wish"
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 2:09 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy pushed open the door and stepped into the room.
"this ones my favourite, its the roman room, all the rooms have themes at keifers"
Gabriel looked around the room, the many candles casting shadows on the intricate mosaic
tiled floor.In the centre of the room stood a large round low bed, the many cushions scattered
on it seemed to cover it entirely.
simon , one of Keifer's ghouls stood inthe corner.
"simon could you get us some wine please...then you may leave us"
He nodded and returned with a bottle of chilled wine and two glasses.
"the bath is run Kathy and there are clothes in the wardrobe" simon said
and walked out shutting the door behind him.
Gabriel looked around "its very nice kathy, a bit bare but still very nice"
kathy grinned "well keifers clients only need the bed really"
gabriel nodded and stood watching as kathy began to get undressed,dropping her clothes
one by one to the floor until she was stood in just a small white thong.
He stared as he noticed her stomach piercing.
"you like it...my sire did it for me "
Kathy walked over to him, totally unashamed of her nakedness.
Gabriel looked shocked and slightly embarrased.
"bathtime you coming?" kathy took his hand and led him into the bathroom.
The large oval sunken bath was full of bubbles the scent of aromatic oils
filled the room.
kathy walked up the step and down into the water, sighing as she felt the
warm water hitting her body. Her head rested against the sides and she closed her eyes.
"Gabriel if I have to get out and undress you I will...get the clothes off and get in"
kathy said her eyes still closed.
"Im not looking so come on "
(9there you go gabe ...get your kit off lolol
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 11:52 pm |
((OMG WHAT A FRICKIN DAY! got four hours of sleep and woke up at 4:00 AM to go to my g/f's work to study for an upcoming exam. i studied at her work until 1 PM and then went to school. i took the exam (got a B) and am now in the library getting ready to go to my next class which lasts until 10 PM EST. i'll be home around 10:20 PM EST or so. i haven't eaten or slept in over 14 hours and i still have 3 hours to go. but the post IS forth coming. thx Kathy for the wonderful posts btw! :smile:
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