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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 9:16 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
"I'm tired of the torment I receive from this unlife. So I laid on the ground and waited for the sun to come up. It sounded good at the time, but not anymore."
I was utterly in awe of this woman, her ability to take control of a situation, her quickness, her beauty. Something sparked inside me that hadn't in a very long time, will.
"Thank you for saving me," I said, "I owe you one, maybe even two."

Dream as if you'll live forever
Live as if you'll die today
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 8:17 am Reply with quote
as she continued to watch ....she saw batty look up and around she knows someone was watching....batty said something i couldnt hear but the object stood up and ran off with batty.....she followed a little but realized that thay where going to the elysium.
:well i was going going their anyway:she thought
so she stoped following close behind and walked.
when she reached the elysium,she looked around :their was on one around:
misty proceded she walked in and noticed batty and the person that was on the ground.she continued to the bar and noded to batty:with a concern look on her face:sits at the bar.start to get her smoks and licht one ,as she is doing that wile trying to listion to batty and the other gentel man:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 7:21 am Reply with quote
she stopped think about derick and the wolves.:now is not the time :she thought
:their is someone new in the city and i must find out who it is for the sack of my clain:she said to her self.

she walks over to batty and the man standing by her :Nods are you?.....then looks at the man.....:nods to him......looks back at batty .....i hope i am not interrupting.:smiles:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 9:33 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
"No you weren't interrupting anything. I was just telling Batgirl here that I owed her one," the girl looked at me questioningly as I continued, "You see, she saved me from myself." ::laughs::
This girl that approached me smelled of the woods, as if she had just taken a walk in a forest. I might not have the best ears or eyes in the world, but my nose has never failed me.
So this is the Elysium, a peaceful retreat for all vampires. It seems as though the city overflows with kindred. There seemed to be a bar, but I haven't been much of a drinker since my death. ::laughs:: Or maybe it's the other way around.
I once again look at the woman from the woods, pulling myself from my thoughts. I say, "My name is Ryan Wallace, and I am a City Gangrel." ::bows:: "I am pleased to meet you."

[ This Message was edited by: Ryan Wallace on 2001-10-16 04:34 ]

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 10:57 am Reply with quote
"You owe me nothing..." she said as she shook her head, "I simply wish to protect the Masquerade..."
Misty approached her and smiled, Batgirl returned the smile, wondering when the pretty Gangrel was to marry her childe.

Batgirl turned back to Ryan and thought of the words he had spoken to her just minutes before. She had never considered ending her unlife and it puzzled her to think other kindred would.

"I will be over there if you need me" Batgirl bowed to Ryan and Misty, and took her place at her usual table. How long must she wait before it would be safe to return to her haven? Who was it following her and what did they want?


~Practice safe hex~

[ This Message was edited by: Batgirl on 2001-10-16 05:58 ]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 7:58 am Reply with quote
ok batty :and bows back to her:....oh batty i need to talk to you about something,i will be over their in a few minuts.:smiles:

:batty seems to be worried about something but then again it might be about the masquerade that i heard when i walked up to them:she thought.
she looks back to ryan .....:smiles: my name is misty ,i am what kindered call country gangrel and the pleasure is all what brings you here?
she look him up and down.
((Misty looked like....a slim, petite girl,with coal black hair,deep blue eyes,light skin with rosey cheecks,her lips appeired like red satin.))

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 9:04 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
"I was just passing through, but I think I might stay awhile. There is nothing better for me to do. I am kind of a wanderer. I do odd jobs for people who need things taken care of."
Batgirl had left me to attend to her own things, and that was okay. This girl in front of me was quite cute in a familiarish kind of way...
...A beautiful woman in a long white dress stares into my eyes. 'I do', she says, and I lift her veil...
...The disorientation I feel isn't normal. I'm dizzy, and everything is a blur. Sounds of voices and laughter smother and drown me, pulling me under a sea of darkness.
I reach for Misty's hand as I blackout.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 10:12 am Reply with quote
Still worried for her safety, actually more paranoid than ever before she sat at her table and let her eyes dart around the room for Cain. He wasn't there...


PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 7:02 pm Reply with quote
as she was listining ....his eyes changed was like he was looking at her but throw her. then he seemed to black out .
she lifted him to the couch.

"hay bartender can i get a hot rag over here"she said .....Bartender"shur noproblem"
he walks over to the couch.:hands the rag to the lady : ....."thank you " she replyed

put the hot rag on his head .she starts to wonder :is this what happened out on the road?maybe thats why batty said something about the Masquerade.i better keep an eye out on this one.:
she looks around to see if batty saw what happened.
"ryan wake-up "she said

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 3:54 am Reply with quote
She was suddenly aware of the commotion and looked towards Misty and Ryan. Ryan was on the ground yet again, Misty kneeling beside him.

"Misty?" Batgirl frowned a little and walked to her. "Is he alright?"

Max had given Misty a rag which she was pressing gently to his forehead.

"He was on the ground outside my haven this evening, I found him there.... " Batty paused "so I brought him here"

She deliberately omitted the part about being chased, she saw no need in frightening her childe's bride.

"Ryan....... Ryan...... " Misty nodded to Batgirl and continued cooing to Ryan. "He'll be alright, I think he fainted..."


PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 6:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
A voice calls me from outside the murky depths of my conscious. I awaken, but I don't open my eyes so that I can oreint on the voices around me. I hear the caring voice of Misty, and the worried voice of Batgirl. There must be a couple other people looking at the commotion I've made.
"I apologize," I say, opening my eyes, "for scaring you." I look around at all the people staring, "I'm okay. I'm allright."
I stand up and look at Misty, "Thank you, Misty."
I'm still a little dizzy, but that soon fades away. I try to shake off the fuzziness in my head , but it doesn't seem to go away. I guess it's something I'll have to deal with.
With the memory faded once more I try to move on with my unlife.

Dream as if you'll live forever
Live as if you'll die today
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 7:54 am Reply with quote
"i think your right .....batty i need to ask you something ...(paused)...have you seen Rofellos...i have not seen him for a while.last i heard he went to out of town and might be back, he told me not to go look for him can you help me look for him :smiled evilly: "

ryan started to move around and woke-up.ryan apologize to everyone their.

she said " you didnt scare me . how offen dose this happen ? because you are becoming a threat to yourself, to my clan and the masquerade.just a little help :smiled: you need to find out how to stop these fanting spelles, because you are going to endanger us all .i am also glad that you are ok but i am just concern ."

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