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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Rea broke a tradition

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
:Drain walks cloaked in shadows following Gabe thru the inner most halls of the esylium.  slowly he crept along with his unknowing guide. He watched as Gabe had his little altercation with the guard and shattered the stone in his rage.
The Nosferatu had to see for himself the imprisonment of the princes Lover.  He needed to confirm that love again had fallen and ruined another unlife.  The prince would not see him because of this issue.  It was affectiing all of the city.  The consiquences of this action were emence.  More so then even the price could fathom.  
Still Drain crept on..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
((hi drain babes ...:)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( someone wanna sum this up for me? I'm lazy and dont wanna read alot lol

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
((bah Rea was rude to sor...she escaped from the cell that cain put her in...shes now waiting for valeks decision on whats to happen to her...haven't i just told you this on icq lol?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((My decision is taken :) lol ::points his post a bit up::
Im ready when you are Rea.))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((so i guess what we talked of earlier is a no...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((ooooooooo Gabe you are in deep deep trouble now sorry man but you assalted a guard bad move bubba

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Sorenti looked up as Kion returned to him once more, he frowned at the material dangling from the great crow. Allowing Kion to land on his arm, Sorenti removed the cloth to find a few words scrawled on it. He held the cloth up to the light and managed to fathom the words. Why Rea wanted to see Drain Sorenti was not sure of.....he sat and thought about it for a while....he had instructed Cain to allow no visitors for Reannag until he decided otherwise.

Sorenti was determined not to appear weak in any way with this infraction of their sacred laws....his feelings for Reannag would have to be buried.....the stability of the Camarilla came first.....others must see and appreciate exactly what the laws mean....and what it means to break them.

Still, he could see no reason for not allowing Drain to see Reannag briefly, in the presence of a guard of course. So Sorenti picked up the phone and spoke quickly to the receptionist....

"Yes..that's correct, please inform Mr. Drain that I wish to see him as soon as possible....yes....uh huh....yes have him come to my office.....thankyou....yep....bye"

Sorenti sat back in his chair and looked at Kion as he pecked feebly around Sorenti's desk.

"Ok Kion" he said as the crow looked at him, "I think I ought to pay Rea a visit....and on the way I am sure I can find a nice restaurant to get you some snails, sound good?"

Sorenti chuckled as the crow seemed to understand his every word and hopped excitedly onto his shoulder. He turned and walked swiftly from his office, heading for the prison.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((EEP! Sor's on the way!! ::runs out of the prison:: naw, don't worry Rea, i'll get my ass kicked with you....oh and btw just for your info Cain, i didn't assault him, i pulled away. :P

     Gabriel looked down at Reannag's once beautiful face. Her pale cheeks were covered in blood tears, large black circles enveloped her eyes. She lay on the floor up against the bars pleading with him not to yell at her, her sentences spurting out in broken sobs. Gabriel's heart ached for the poor creature. Slowly he knelt down next to her.
    "Reannag...." he reached through the bars and ran his finger down her cheek, smearing the wet blood, "I've not come to yell at you....but to reassure you. I will do all in my power to make sure you do not meet Final matter what it takes."
    Reannag looked up, the soft moonlight shining on her almost flourescent skin. It was clear she was so tired....
    "You don't know what you're doing!" the guard interjected, "You'll be punished gravely for this, my orders came from the PRINCE himself!"
    Gabriel opened his mouth and clenched his fist to reign down a furious physical and verbal beating but stopped short. Sorenti's direct orders? He stood there for a moment...perplexed. Cain was an Assamite, cruel and ruthless...caring for nearly no one. Gabriel could clearly see him denying Reannag of any creature comforts. But SORENTI?
     Gabriel sighed and shook his head. Things were bound to get worse before they got better.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::hides under a table:: EEK!!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Sorenti stepped out into the cold night air and drew a deep breath as a group of mortals walked by. Then he straightened his long leather coat and waited for Kion to settle back onto his shoulder before beginning the short walk to the Prison.

He turned the corner and crossed quickly over to the seductively lit restaurants, immediately spotting a renowned French A La Carte and Table D'Hote window front. Stepping carefully through the adjacent alleyway, Sorenti counted the shops' rear entrances until he found the French one. He pushed open the badly rusted gate and walked up to the commis chef standing in the shadows, obviously sneaking a swift cigarette break.

Sorenti smiled ruefully at mortals' strange modern ways and quickly had the chef nodding excitedly and rushing off to get him some fresh snails. He mused at what cash could achieve on it's own with very little persuasion and watched as the chef returned with a small box, hidden partially inside his whites.

They exchanged box for notes and Sorenti vanished back the way he had come, holding the box open for Kion to gorge himself on happily. Arriving at the Prison, Sorenti walked through to the main desk and nodded curtly to the four guards that saluted him auspiciously. He stood and waited as the keycards were inserted simultaneously and the locks turned to the stairway downwards.

As Sorenti approached the heavier set doors of the lower floors, the four guards that now flanked him over-protectively sped in front, to get the doors opened, coinciding with Sorenti's passage.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
     Reannag's hand seemed almost non existant in Gabriel's large hamhock of a hand. He had knelt next to her for nearly 20 minutes now, trying to stop her crying. The blue beams of light from the moon shifted slowly across her cell. Gabriel sighed and tried once more to reassure her of her safety.
    "Reannag, Sorenti will not......" he stopped short as he heard the door above him open. The sound of 5 individuals crowded above him. In the distance, faint and almost undetectable Gabriel smelled a familiar blood....SORENTI!
    "Sorenti...." he halfway gasped. He turned towards the main door, the guard saw his reaction and smiled.
    "Not so big now are you?" the guard sneered. Gabriel ignored him and looked around nervously, should he kill the guard and attempt an escape? No...that would be ridiculous.....what then.
    "You! COME HERE!" Gabriel pointed at the guard who immediantly turned towards the door and began to run. Before a second could pass Gabriel was on his feet and between the guard and the door. The guard blinked in astonishment. Gabriel grabbed his collar and flung him against the wall, effectively pinning him.
    "W...what the fu..." Gabriel clasped his hand over the guards mouth, smothering him. He stared into the guards eyes and slowly allowed his mind to relax....connecting with the guard....flowing with his thoughts....Gabriel went through the guard's recollections. One by one he erased them...he had been here for an hour now...waiting patiently outside the cell block for Cain or Sorenti...he had not yet seen Reannag. ..but obeyed the rules.
     When the guard snapped back to reality he was outside the heavy green door with Gabriel next to him. To his knowledge Gabriel had been waiting patiently all night.
    "Sorry again sir for the inconvenience." the guard said quietly.
    "No problem at all...." Gabriel said, letting a smile cross his face. Far down the hall a door creaked open painfully. Sorenti's familiar figure was clear among the guards. Gabriel smiled and headed to meet him.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
As the group proceeded down the hallway, Sorenti picked up Gabriel's presence and he could already sense Rea too.....he grabbed a hold of his emotions and bound them deep, retaining his cold exterior and formal posture.

The huge english oak doors creaked open and he immediately spotted Gabriel standing with the guard Cain had assigned to Rea's cell. Sorenti's face creased into a dark frown at Gabe's presence, he hid the smile he wanted to show to his childe and kept his mind on the reason he was here.

Sorenti approached Gabriel as he came to greet him, but his childe's warmth was not returned. Asking why Gabriel was here, Sorenti heard how Gabe had patiently waited for him or Cain to arrive and the guard confirmed this. Sorenti had never doubted his childe, but could not help wonder at how unlike Gabe it was to be patient with anything.

Nodding to the guard to allow them both access through to Reannag, Sorenti dismissed it from his mind, accepting Gabe's word and preparing himself for what was to come.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((errr Gabe I like what you did but you know as well as I do that any guard would have called some one also what about the vidio.  You dont think that there is a camera in there some place?????))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((errrr...i'll have to make up something tomorrow...too tired tonight.

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