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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Some secrets are best left buried.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 10:34 pm Reply with quote
October 11th...Cappadocian graveyard...2 nights before Valek's birthdate...((Valek ic birthdate is October 13th lol))

In the old part of the Cappadocian cemetery Valek was walking with a shovel in hand...the lighting strikes light were reflecting in his eyes...rain falling heavily...

Valek stopped in front of a special tombstone...reading it...he then continued to walk in the Cappadocian graveyard...rain falling more heavily by the second...the part of the graveyard Valek was looking for was inside a dark and dead looking forest...
Valek still continued to walk...shovel in hand walking toward this forest...with only anger in his eyes...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 10:49 pm Reply with quote
((wounders what Valek is up to :roll: ))

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 12:37 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Ok, sensable piece of advice, hope you dont wander up on Valek right now. ::checks:: Yup, still safe in my house.

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 2:14 am Reply with quote
Valek slowly entered the forest..the forest was emitting a lot of noise...til Valek entered it...all became more sounds...nothing...only the sound of Valek's footsteps...As he continued to walk in this forest...the sound of childrens crying could be heard...they were coming from everywhere..up,down,left,right...just like if there as been many murders commited in this forest...and the spirits were haunting the place...keeping the curious away from this place...even tho only Valek entered this place many years bury something...

Loud whispers could be heard over and over again..they were saying
"The pendant.....the curse....the sister...."

Another voice could be was saying

As these words were whispered a tree started to bleed...Valek smiled evily at it...

As Valek continued to walk through the forest...he said
"Los Demonis....kouroukour...archarious..."

At this moment...the spirits of the damned in the forest whispered
"The here......"
The whispers could be heard in echoes through the whole forest....After quite a time of walking in the forest...A strange crypt could be seen now....Valek laughed evily...finally reaching what he was looking he continued to walk toward this crypt....the voices continued to whisper

"The pendant....the curse....the sister...."

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 3:44 am Reply with quote
(( WOAH! Cool post man! :grin: *wishes she was good like Drain and had figured out where the hell the catacombs were so she could be following Valek right now* hahahahaha ... Watch out ... Kiya has learned Obsufacate!!! lol :lol:

Did you hear me?  No ...
I didn't think that you did ...
you wouldn't still be talking.


[ This Message was edited by: Kiya on 2001-10-11 22:45 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 3:00 am Reply with quote
Valek slowly entered the crypt..the same whispers could be heard again and again
"The pendant....the curse....the sister...."

The whispers quickly turned into screams...

Valek's eyes turned white as he continued to walk into this crypt...a loud scream could be heard...coming closer...a huge white mist came toward Valek....Valek waited...smirking...arms set in a cross position...Valek's mouth opened letting out tormented screams...just like if there was something trapped inside Valek's body...The mist came faster toward Valek.....Valek still waited...smiling evily at it.....

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 4:29 pm Reply with quote
October 12th...11:58 pm...

The mist violently hitted Valek...Throwing him on the wall...Valek laughed evily...his eyes still white...

The entered Valek's mouth....Valek still floating in the air a little... he then fell down face first...

11:59 and 54 seconds....6 seconds remaining til October 13th...

Valek stayed on the ground..smiling evily..just like if he knew what will happen next....

-midnight October 13th-

Valek's eyes started to flash from white to red...flickering..back to red..then white,then red...and so oh...scars appeared on Valek's face...many of them...his skin changed...revealing one full of scars everywhere...a dark and cold voice could be heard in the crypt....

"Everybody's so completely sure of what we are,the simply know nothing about "The curse"
you...Valek...are the one of the "two" who is alive and still able to handle the curse..
The kindred "Angelica" your sire..did gave you her own curse as well...i can see it by the look in your eyes..."The voice stopped talking.... it started again and then it said
"The pendant....the curse....the sister...."

The mist then got out of Valek's body...Valek looked at the floor..made of black earth...he starting to dig as the same whispers could be heard again and again...
"The pendant....the curse....the sister...."

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 5:33 pm Reply with quote
-Few minutes later-

A black book and pendant was found by Valek in the he reached down to take them...the whispers could be heard louder and louder... as Valek kneeled to take the pendant...the face that was carved on it seemed to be lat out a tormented scream...Valek smiled evily...and then put the pendant in his pocket...he did the same with the this moment...a howling could be heard...Valek smirked as he looked at the crypt door....

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 5:52 pm Reply with quote
((another pendant and book? uhoh :/

I think Bats still has the Gate pendant... ::looks a little scared::


PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 5:56 pm Reply with quote

This pendant belonged to someone in particular,but the gate pendant and the book you have is the most important :smile:
Going to post something about it soon :smile: ))

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 7:51 pm Reply with quote
Valek slowly walked toward the crypt door..taking out his sword while walking toward the door..he opened the door slowly...
with his sword...a storm was coming...rain started to fall...a very strong wind was blowing....Valek stepped outside...looking around carefuly...he could sense something...but he was seeing nothing...
the same howling could be heard again...along
with fast footsteps,just like if something was running around him in the distance...Valek crossed his arms..waiting for someone..or something to show the distance...the shadow of what was looking human in the it got closer it revealed to be a wounded man...yelling.."help me...."

Valek frowned...wondering what or who this was to be able to enter this forest....

The guy fell on ground...and started to shake....turning to what was looking like a werewolf...Valek still looked at it..smiling evily...saying
"If only you knew what your about to face..."

Valek then said..
"It wouldnt be fair...would it?"Valek looked at his sword then he dropped it on the ground...waiting for the beast to finish his transformation.......

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-13 14:53 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 8:18 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Walks around Valek's house slowly.
Kildrood watches her pace.
She sits down in his chair and is very tense.
Thinking "This is sposed to be his birthday."
There is a table set for them with black candles and chalices of vitae. She is scared for the only time since she met Valek.
She waits quietly.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:44 pm Reply with quote
Kildrood approaches her..and says
"All is ok m'lady?"


As the beast finished his stood up to look in Valek's eyes from a distance....Valek smirked his eyes still white...The beast ran in Valek's direction...
and then jumped...Valek's only move was to get out of the way..the beast's head crashed in the hard stone wall behind Valek...Valek then gripped the head of the beast slamming it hard on the wall again...making it explode into tiny peices...Valek smirked...and heard noises...footsteps he turned back...another werewolf already jumped in Valek's direction...The werewolf landed on Valek...pinning him down...the beast then swong((Spelling? lol))his claws in direction of Valek's head..Valek moved..and then punch the garou on his throat a few times...having difficulty to breath..the beast got away slowly...As Valek was about to deliver the fatal blow on this one...another came in Valek's back hitting him...Valek was lifted in the air by the strenght of the blow...landing about 15 meters away from where he was...right next to his sword...his back leaning against a tree...The werewolf jumped once again in Valek's direction..Valek rolled away...the beast crashed in the tree...Valek quickly took his sword and sliced the head of this one...the last remaining garou quickly came to bash Valek...Valek rolled away on the ground due to the powerful hit he just received....Valek coughed some blood...the garou came near him...and lifted Valek up...and threw him on the stone wall...breaking it...Valek stood up..somewhat dazzed...with a bit of difficulty to stay up...the garou came near Valek once again...and attemped a few hits...Valek dodged most of them...but the last one he took it right in the face....Valek was lifted off the ground..landing about 8 meters away this time....Valek then lat out a sounded like if there was over a hundred of persons the garou came in Valek direction again...Valek runned in the garou direction...Valek threw his sword...on the garou...peircing its throat...As Valek was about to retreive his sword from the werewolf throat...the pendant he puted in his pocket started to burn him...Valek took out the pendant from his pocket..holding it in his hand...a blinding white light came out of it...Valek dropped it on the ground and yelled out loud speaking in Los Demonis

((Ok Bat The Gate of Midian pendant will let out a bloody red light...and whispers will came out of it saying "The pendant....the curse.....the sister...."If you ever open it you will see the place where Valek is actually now,the dead werewolves and all lol the face of his sire Angelica and the later V after will appear...The book will open...letting out tormented screams,breaking any windows if theres some the pages will turn til it reach a blank one...a drawing will will show Valek stabbing the tombstone of someone....yep stabbing a tombstone lol))

Valek then kicked the pendant so it enters the crypt....

Valek healed himself...and thought about Diam...he quickly left in Direction of his haven....

-about 30 minutes later-

Valek reached his haven...and opened the door...hoping that Diam would be there..he said "Diam?" with a worried voice...fearing that something could have happened to her.
He then said it again..."Diam..your here?".

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-13 17:49 ]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 4:23 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
As he walks through the haven he see's Diam asleep with her head on a table that wasn't there before and the candles burnt almost all the way down, there are two chalices that he has never seen and a bottle of virgin vitae. She looks like she has been waiting for a long time because Kildrood has put a pillow between her head and the table.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 4:39 am Reply with quote
(( Great posts Valek!!!! You ROCK!!

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