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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Rea broke a tradition

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea sat alone in the cell..the cold dampness rising from the floor, making her shiver and tremble....half with fear and half with the coldness of the place. Sorenti and cain had both being angry at her for being rude to the prince and for putting jess into torpor. Cain had taken her to the cells saying that she had broke a tradition....but she was foolish and she got away....but only because she couldn't understand what tradition she was been held for breaking...jess had been breaking a tradition by being in the city.....
Her and jess had fought in Mephisto's office .........she frowned and kicked the bench as she thought of what jess had said to her...and goaded her into fighting.....

she wiped a blood tear away...she had all but begged sorenti to listen to her point of view but he just wouldn't listen to her....he was in his prince role...not the sorenti she loved so much...
she sighed....wishing that she could be punished some other way....she knew that she couldn't be let off with what she had done . she loved the city and the people in it so much.
Her eyes widened with shock...Jacob....she would never see him again....
She got up and looked for her bag and found it thrown in the corner of the cell. she felt inside it and got her mobile out and dialled a number....the signal bar flickered and went off.....she threw it against the wall.....damn the cell  was stopping her getting a signal....
Sorenti had looked disturbed at having to make the decision what punishment she should have.
she had tried to look at him...not to ask him not to punish her she just wanted to see the face she loved so much just one last time....but he had turned his back on her...and that had hurt so much......
She trembled and walked around the cell...looking at the damp walls.....why had it come to this she thought to herself......
Valek was to decide her fate......she hoped he would be lenient...but knowing Valek he wouldn't be.....sorenti couldn't say what must be done she had seen the pain and anger that he was going through trying to decide her fate.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
(( hi guys...well i dont think Rea deserves this at all.....other ppl have got away with betrayer was tortured for killing a kindred......why cant rea?...I think a lot of this has to do with  acertain oc post..that has everyone riled......and im just being got rid off cause i speak my mind.........i know i broke 2 trads....but if someone else had done the same as me...btw ..i fought jess in self defence she pulled a weapon on me first..ask meph......and ive heard ppl be far ruder to sor than i was....i asked a ? thats all...sheesh guys.....well its ok..ill go with it....ill add ic to this post laters.........

(Edited by Reannag at 6:04 am on Sep. 3, 2001)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea sat down on the floor and looked in her bag for a piece of paper and a pen...she chewed on the end of it...and started to write the letter to sorenti...her tears clouded her eyes until she could write no longer .
she folded it up and dragged the bench over to the window((hope the cell has one...
She looked out careful to stay out of the first rays of dawn and whistled for Kion....
she stared at the sky....waiting and praying that he would hear her.
Her shoulders dropped and she climbed down...even kion the crow had abandoned her.
As she sat down on the floor she heard him cawing and scrambled back up to the window.
"kion my little friend..i have one last thing for you to do for me..."
he hopped closer to the bars on the window and she slipped her hand out ....griamacing in pain as she felt the heat of the sun on her hands..she attached the note quickly to his leg....
" go take this to my love kion....and take care of yourself im sure you will find someone to look after you....go to misty...kion after you have delivered the note...she will like you im sure"
she stroked his beak and stepped down as he flew off into the sky.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
:Misty was sitting in the park, watching the late joggers run by, feeding the birds that came to her befor they all flew off to their nests.  Her attention was brought up to a tree when she noticed a huge crow cawing at her.

"come here little friend i won't hurt you."
:the Crow flew down and caused a comotion with the other birds.  A flock of angery hungery birds lfew oway leaving only the one Crow  standing where there once was many.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Sorenti paced angrily....he had shouted at Cain almost until Cain's ears had fallen off....but it wasn't Cain's fault. Sorenti knew it and hated himself for taking it out on his Sheriff. He could not, and would not bend or break the rules, though he dearly wished to. Every time his mind turned to possibilities of whisking Reannag away to another city in the dead of night, his Ventrue blood and his oaths to the Camarilla barked loudly in his ears.

Jessica was different, sort of....well no she wasn't really...Sorenti battled with his mind. Jess had been in the city unannounced, had broken Hospitality, then she had fought with a resident of Cascadia, a member of the Hierarchy at that too and in the office of another, breaking Mephisto's Domain and Sorenti's too for that matter.....there was no other punishment suitable....and it had been done.

But Reannag, his heart and mind fought endlessly. All the time she had been in Cascadia, she had resented authority....the incidents with Jessica had been noted and remembered by the Elders of the city. Sorenti had done everything possible just to keep Reannag in a position of authority. Perhaps he gave her too much power too quickly? Perhaps he should never have given her any? Perhaps it was his fault for not spending enough time with her?

Sorenti collapsed into a chair, his heart heavy and his emotions in turmoil. Reannag had disrespected and disobeyed many of the Hierarchy before.....but challenging him in public was the final straw....even putting aside the actions of her previously with unseemly behaviour in Elysium with Jessica...this was still unacceptable.

The fact that Rea put Jess in to torpor didn't bother Sorenti, that had nothing to do with it....Jess was unannounced and present illegally according to Traditions....had a similar attacked him or anyone else, they would have done the same as he dismissed that from his mind.

His mind drifted back to Betrayer and Isaac......Isaac was the one and only true childe Sorenti had ever taken and Betrayer had killed him. True, it was an accident and was a silly game both were playing that could have resulted in either's death, but Sorenti still felt the pain of loss and mourned Isaac greatly. The Prince at the time had offered Betrayer's punishment to first he had wanted Betrayer dead..."an eye for an eye"...but then he had let his reasoning overcome him....Betrayer had just got married only a few days before, to widow his bride would punish her too....and by keeping Betrayer alive, perhaps some way he could have repaid some of the loss in other Sorenti had decided on a public beating to near death, which had surprised everyone as they expected the sentence to be death.

Sorenti recalled their faces as he announced his decision to the Prince, he half smiled and then wiped away a blood tear as it ran into the corner of his mouth where his smile caused a crescent on his cheek. He looked up to the Heavens, hoping to find some solution or answer, but none came.

He cursed himself for not being strong enough to exact the punishment on Reannag himself....but in truth, he knew he couldn't do it. Well aware of Cain's "dislike" of the Lasombra clan, he had delegated the responsibility to the Seneschal....he had informed him concisely of Rea's actions and left him to decide on her punishment....a little cowardly he thought, but at least the decision will be fair and unbiased.

Sorenti leant back in the chair, needing its comfort, as his mind whirled....he had not told Valek of the "incident" between Reannag and Jessica in Mephisto's office as that had nothing to do with her predicament and should not be taken into account, even if she did break Mephisto's Domain. He looked at his phone, willing it to ring, desperate to know Valek's decision, yet not wanting to know at the same time.

Sorenti closed his eyes tightly, keeping the tears in as he thought of his Rea couped up in a cell....all alone. Slowly gaining control and telling himself it was useless to let his emotions overcome him.....especially since he didn't even know the punishment she was to receive yet...he sat up in his chair and forced his mind to go to a more pleasant place....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
:meets his fellow Cappadocian:
Brother Valek! (sorry i know your in the graveyard..but this was before...ok? before i sent her there. >; -) )
I need to speak with you. "What?" Its about Reanag...i really want to have her...maybe nbefore..maybe after...but i want her...i want her blood, i want her eyes, her fingers...i want her.  I want to drain of her sugar sweet blood and bottle it...keeping it for my own tastes..i want to take her sweet [color] eyes, leaving her with just 1 other to see. Then i want to sever her right index figer, then her left thumb...then i want her left large toe. after that i want to shave her of her long black hair and make a rope...i want to skin her left leg soaking her bare tissue with "holy" water...then i want to lie her down on a cross made of silver, made holy by the "pope" then i want to let small beams of light het her flesh, then drip holy water all over here body, first the legs then move my way up....then i want to skin her body and make a shirt for my sire. :vampire: then i wish totake her left ear off of her head...make a charm out of it, i will add her teeth to this charm also...a necklace of sorts...:grinning sadistically: then...ill feed her her the blood of a nosferatu...:grinning wider: to gain her strength...then ill cut her up the middle and remove a liver..a lung...mabe her stomach, of course, healing her slightly so as to keep her alive:grinning: And then- :Valek cuts him off:

((Hehe take it away..please...please let me do it..please! i wont kill her!!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
(((aww sorenti....:(
((ewww rof.........hey i have long whitish blonde hair.....omg please dont give me to rof....aarrgghhhhh

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
((hey disrespected many members of hierachy..?
hmmm i can only think of cain and there more you

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea lay slumped on the floor, her body aching to be feed,and needing to rest.she could do neither..the floor was hard and cold and her heart was breaking...she knew she had done wrong and needed to be punished.
She thought back to the times when she had answered back when she should have held her tongue.
She looked up to the barred cell window and saw that it was nearly dusk...the last traces of sun were disappearing.

she stood up unsteadily...her legs weak...and climbed back up to look out of the window.
Rea's eyes lit up...kion....he circled above the building and landed near the window.....
"what have you there my little friend?"
she looked at the letter attached to his leg and carefully undid it as he rubbed his beak against her hand..
"I have nothing for you  my little sorry"
He sat there preening himself while she read the letter.
"sorenti what have I done" she screamed.....her voice filled with anger at herself...she read it once again and she smiled sadly.....she had caused him so much pain and grief......if she died how much would she cause him?

"kion ...go to misty...she will feed you little one....I cant send a letter back..I have nothing else to write on...."
he cawed at her as if he understood her words and flew off into the night sky.

Rea sat on the bench and thought deeply.....her eyes lit up slightly...she wondered if it would work.....her mind raced frantically trying to make right the wrong that she had done.....
Drain she thought she had to speak to him......she needed his advice .....
She walked to the cell doors...and shouted for one of the guards.....grimacing as her walked over to her threateningly........he wanted to kill her she could see it in his eyes.....his eyes ran up and down her body...

"please....I need to see drain.......urgently...."
he scoffed at her......"no visitors are beyond help now...." he griined wickedly at her....
" afavour for a favour maybe...that might work..."
she looked shocked at him......knowing his meaning.....
She shuddered and walked back to the bench...."forget it..i still have my self respect"

she needed to get word to drain......she emptied her bag out searching for something to write on.
There was nothing there at all......her hand moved to the scissors and cut a piece of her top away....yes that would do....
she wrote quickly....

Sorenti...Could you please ask drain to come and see me?
love Rea

Rea whistled for kion once again and slid the scrap of cloth into his pouch on his legs......
"go kion sorenti"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((eewwww please don't do all that Rofellos...... yuck!! ::think she's found the source to all the nightmares she's been having of late::  besides,  Bat's is kinda comfortable in her purple velvet...


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Valek looked at Rofellos and said
"The Prince made a decision....and choosed someone....respect this...even tho i like to see someone suffer...screaming in torments...the prince made a decision and you must respect it friend...but trust me...she will remember what i did for eternity....."Valek smiled evily...

((ok something ic again coming soon...for now i have to go work :( lol ))

(Edited by Valek at 1:27 pm on Sep. 4, 2001)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
:a look of dissapointment flash on his face: Alright. i understand Brother Valek (everyone under stands  why i call him brother valek right?)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Gabriel walked through the dark hallways of the prison. Deep below Esylium, the moans of prisoners, Kine and Kindred alike, could be heard as they gave up all hope. His shoes slapped the stone floor forcefully as he made his way through the last hallway. From the cells mirrors protruded held by pale ragged hands.
    Gabriel had heard of Reannag's imprisonment....he knew his Sire was doing his job....the Seneschal as well...but something did not sit right. He would not allow her to die a criminal's death after all she had done for the city. For a Ventrue, upholding the Camarilla is key, many have died for it's they say. Gabriel knew the truth however..he had been in many clan meetings...he had watched as his brethren cheated and lied their ways to the top for personal glory and gain. The Ventrue upholding the Masquerade...a farce...a curtain for their true purposes.
    Gabriel strode quickly towards the bottom level, the doors becoming increasingly thick. Finally he reached the bottom floor. It was nearly a dungeon. Water from a nearby sewage systems dripped onto the stone floors and walls. There was but a single light in the long hallway and it shone dimly, like a beacon of hope that the prisoners would never reach.
   The door to the final cells was a thick steel slab painted a putrid color of green. Gabriel noted that around the edges the paint was scraped away with what looked like nail marks. This was truly a place for the damned.
   Reannag flashed in Gabriel's mind, cold...tired....wet and crying. Gabriel's legendary temper flared and he threw the door open to the final cell block. In front of his a hallway containing four cells stretched out. A guard stood near the end, smirking into the last cell. He turned to the noise.
    "Who are you? There are no visitors allowed here..."
    Gabriel let his trench coat fall open, his expensive suit ruffled in his anger.
    "I am Gabriel, Scourge of this city, I have come to see Reannag."
    The guard scoffed and moved towards him.
    "There are NO visitors I'm afraid, orders from the Prince and Sheriff themselves. You'll have to leave."
    "I will not...."
    The guard approached Gabriel and grabbed his arm. Gabriel's eyes shot from the arm to the man's face. Almost instinctively, his arm flew back, wrenching the man's grip free and setting the man off balance. Gabriel fought against his rage, desiring nothing more than to crush the peon's skull. But he was a guard of Cain....and of Sorenti....respect was due.
    "I will see Reannag now....and if you interfere..." Gabriel threw his fist against the stone wall, effectively shattering one of the stones into pebbles.
     The guard backed up and allowed Gabriel his passage. Slowly he made his way to the last cell and peered inside.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Valek was in the Seneschal office...still thinking what he would do to Reannag....After some thinking....Valek made his decision.....He picked up the phone and dialed
the prince phone number....while laughing in a sick and evil way thinking of his decision....

((When you will answer Valek will tell you that he will torture her until she is inches from death....something that she will remember for eternity...wounds that wont disapear.....a kind of torture never tried on someone before....and it would be VERY painful.....))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea sat on the floor, slumped in the corner.surely valek must have decided to do with her by now...she had been in this place two nights now and didn't know how much longer she could cope with the isolation and the sheer desperation that she felt.
She heard a noise outside , she smirked it would be the guards again fighting as usual over who had cheated at dice, she wished they would just kill each other, she was fed up with them looking into her cell and making snide comments to her.
Rea wiped her the tears from her face and looked at her hands..they were smeared with the dirt form the cell floor. she had try to sleep but couldn't, she was too scared and upset to fall asleep.
The voices outside in the corridor grew louder ans she heard something like a stone falling to the ground.
she got up carefully and edged towards the cell door and tried to see what was going on.
Her eyes peered into the dimly corridor and she saw the guard and then a very familar trenchcoat...Gabriel.....
Her mind raced...was he here to shout at her too for doing what she had done..she dearly hoped not recently they had made there peace, she fiddled idly with the diamong ring that she had had made from one of the diamonds he had given her as a peace offering. Rea had even been to his have a look around it.
She watched as he approached the cell door and could see that he was angry...but didn't know whether it was at her or the guard......
He looked through at her.....
"Gabriel......if your here to shout at me please don' so sorry for what ive done...." her tears poured down her face...." I just want to go home to my haven"
She leaned against the cell door sobbing waiting for his reply.

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