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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Cyrilynn sat up abruptly as the distinctive scent and feel of a crisp spring evening lapped at her senses and then spilled over her whole body in a cool and soothing tide. The remaining morass of jumbled emotions that had lead to a very dark introspection was swept away as if someone had cleaned all the cobwebs from her mind and she could think clearly once again. Gathering the runaway threads of her abilities, Cyrilynn used blood sparingly to speed up the most necessary healing and left the rest to be dealt with at a later time. She'd endured worse.

Two things became apparent at once, one of them being that this sense of well being was emanating from the woman who stood near the center of the room and second, it wasn't magic! Or, at least, it didn't feel like it, but then, neither had the last spell Darrant had thrown at her. If not that, then [b:c6ae6ae815]how[/b:c6ae6ae815] was she managing it? A touch of Auspex told her this was kindred but she had no clue as to the clan. Was this another of the Tremere's little surprises? Perhaps an apprentice of his? Cyrilynn really didn't care nor did she wish to find out. Unless this one was to be her watchdog.

[i:c6ae6ae815]"I am Elzbet, and you are..."[/i:c6ae6ae815] she began in child-like tones but was interrupted by the door bell. She appeared startled and then hesitant about opening the doors but she finally stepped up and swung it wide. What she found was a beautiful young-looking woman with chocolate brown eyes and a cream colored silk blouse tucked into a brown and sand mid-calf length skirt. Her dainty feet were encased in dark brown 4 inch strapped heels. She clasped a worn and aging crate in her arms. Her face was impassive as she asked, [i:c6ae6ae815]"I have a delivery for Lady Cyrilynn. Is she here?"[/i:c6ae6ae815]

There was a silence that stretched briefly and then a cleared throat from the personage in the hall broke it. Surprisingly, it was Cyrilynn herself who requested entry in a formal style. [i:c6ae6ae815]"I ask permission for my assistant to enter and complete her task. May she do so?"[/i:c6ae6ae815] The strange kindred only took a second or two to think it through, and then answered, [i:c6ae6ae815]"Yes, certainly. Come in, she's right there."[/i:c6ae6ae815] She waved her hand in the older woman's direction.

Serai entered swiftly, as soon as the last syllable was uttered, and located her mistress quickly. She walked over and knelt down to her lady, gently placing the wooden box in her mistress's lap. Her eyes roved the unkempt body and winced slightly. Without another word, she offered her arm. Cyrilynn glanced up in the female kindred's face as she slowly leaned forward and bit into her servant's flesh. She fed enough to finish off the majority of her injuries and to give her a little bit besides but she didn't dare to take much more or she'd have drained her ghoul. She needed her to accomplish some tasks before the wizard returned.

Serai folded into a lotus position as soon as her mistress was finished and when the last pleasureable ripples had faded, she listened as Lady Cyrilynn gave her brief and hurried instructions. [i:c6ae6ae815]"I want you to find a phone in this suite and call Venisi. Have him meet us here. Then place some calls to the estate manager and set emergency plan C in to motion. Also instruct my major domo to see to it that the young girl is fostered out to one of the families that live on the grounds, when the time limit is up."[/i:c6ae6ae815]

She paused, stiffened her spine and directed her full attention to her handmaid. She let out a brief sigh of defeat. [i:c6ae6ae815]"I won't lie or cover the truth here, Serai, we're in deep. Deeper than I could ever have imagined and I'm afraid that we may not live to see the next moonrise. The best we can hope for is a mind wipe, the worst is Final Death. I will ask for your release but I'm sure it will be refused. You, I, Venisi.......well, we all know too much."[/i:c6ae6ae815] She shook her head. [i:c6ae6ae815]"I'm hoping that he will be satisfied with my operative but I'm afraid it won't be enough,"[/i:c6ae6ae815]

[i:c6ae6ae815]"He? Would that be Mr. Julius Darrant?"[/i:c6ae6ae815] Serai whispered, then scanned the apartment but only saw the two women. [i:c6ae6ae815]"Yes."[/i:c6ae6ae815] Cyrilynn quirked one end of her mouth upward in a twisted smile, [i:c6ae6ae815]"He's not here now, but he'll return soon enough. I'm afraid I can't leave, at least, not in one piece. He cast a spell on me and then dared me to find out what it was by leaving. It seems he's a mage of far greater powers than even we suspected."[/i:c6ae6ae815] Lady Cyrilynn winced at the sudden hunted look on her handmaid's countenance. She sighed again. [i:c6ae6ae815]"Go quickly and make those calls before he comes back. I'm not sure how long we have. Go [b:c6ae6ae815]now[/b:c6ae6ae815]!"[/i:c6ae6ae815]

Serai stood up and, with a sidelong glance at the figure now seated on the couch, sought and found her objective. She began placing the necessary calls. Lady Cyrilynn went back to her previous position of her head lowered on to her arms. This time they were wrapped protectively around the wooden box that rested on her lap. She didn't even mind the tingling jolt that had manifested again when her assistant had given over the item to her.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Tue Aug 19, 2003 6:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 12:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius thought for a moment. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Khem, if Eveshka's heart lives on, then...?"[/i:9b8d62d64e] He trailed off with the unspoken question.

[i:9b8d62d64e]"I don't know either Julius. Do you not have someone in that clan of yours who knows about such things?"[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"It may have escaped your attention, Khemintiri, but I renounced my clan some time ago."[/i:9b8d62d64e] He looked up and met her eyes. [i:9b8d62d64e]"I found it to be both stagnant and corrupt."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

Khemintiri's laugh fell like soft rain on a spring morning. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Corrupt? How delicious."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"It's probably on account of all the Setite blood in our veins."[/i:9b8d62d64e] Said Julius dryly, summoning a few snakes for effect, sending them to curl about Khemintiri's legs. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Not that you would know, but Clan Tremere has been a victim of corruption since it was first created."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

After so many thousands of years of existance, it was rare that anyone surprised Khemintiri the Anathema anymore, yet on this occasion she stood, dumbstruck,for a moment. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Setite blood?"[/i:9b8d62d64e] She said eventually. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Pray tell me, just exactly how did that get there?"[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"I don't think I quite trust you enough to tell you the whole story, not right now anyway."[/i:9b8d62d64e] Replied Julius, enjoying scoring a few points, however cheaply from the ancient Setite.

Khem narrowed her eyes catching Julius' gaze. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Oh, but you do so want to tell me. Tell me all about it, my love."[/i:9b8d62d64e] Her voice lapped at his senses as her body enticed his vision with the promise of divine beauty and unbridled passion.

Julius wrenched his eyes away. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Don't even think about it, Khem."[/i:9b8d62d64e] He growled. [i:9b8d62d64e]"If you can't play nicely, I'm leaving without you."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

Khemintiri smiled seductively, dropping her attempts to dominate the mage. [i:9b8d62d64e]"But Julius, isn't it more fun to be naughty?[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"You may have time for this, but really, I have better things to do."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

Khem looked vaguely disappointed. [i:9b8d62d64e]"Well then, what shall we do?"[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"There is someone I can call upon."[/i:9b8d62d64e] Julius replied. [i:9b8d62d64e]"My great grandsire might know something useful. He's been around much longer than me."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"And who might that be?"[/i:9b8d62d64e] Asked Khem.

[i:9b8d62d64e]"Why, Goratrix, of course."[/i:9b8d62d64e] He said, bending to pick up Measha. [i:9b8d62d64e]"I presume you can keep up?"[/i:9b8d62d64e] Julius went on, his feet lifting from the ground.

[i:9b8d62d64e]"Julius Darrant, I had learned magics to make one fly before... well, a very long time ago."[/i:9b8d62d64e]

[i:9b8d62d64e]"Good. Race you then."[/i:9b8d62d64e] Answered the mage.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 1:24 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Tyler listened from the adjacent room as the newest arrival and Julius' prisoner spoke in hushed tones that reeked of fear. The Tzimisce had apparently reverted to her 'natural' form and was seeking to make some arrangements either for escape or other sabatoge towards Mr. Darrants shipment.

The young ghoul pondered the idea of warning Mr. Darrant but thought better of it. Better to wait for Gabriel's return and inform him of the situation. As the conversation dwindled to frivolous pleasantries, Tyler left his post at the door and made himself comfortable on Gabriel's bed. An assortment of American and British newspapers and magazines were piled in great heaps, most open to the business section and news.

In the midst of the periodicals, Tyler's personal laptop sat open on the Mississippi Trading Co's insider stock's page. All free time not spent pampering the undead was to be put to good use monitoring their payload, or so Gabriel had said. The youth kept in constant touch with the executive board and had performed admirably in Gabriel's absence.

Keeping a low profile was essential. Although his master had recently shown some degree of affection towards him, Tyler had no doubt that he was not as indispensable as he would liked to believe. Perform your duties efficiently and effectively, but do not show too great a level of ambition. Apparently unlife greatly increased one's insecurity.

His cellphone chimed to life, filling the quiet void in the room with the tones of the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" theme. Snatching up the phone, he flipped it open and held it to his ear.

"[i:0803d70313]'Ello?'s here. Thanks again. We'll discuss that later. No. Later."[/i:0803d70313] he snapped the phone shut and made a mental note to allocate some funds from Gabriel's offshore bank account into the fiscal budget for the local blade merchants sponsoring.

Figuring the numbers in his mind, he found his eyes wandering towards the blade that he had gone through so much trouble to have delivered. Nothing in his background qualified him to act as any sort of expert on blades or swords, but he could detect fine quality craftsmanship. This was certainly it.

He stepped off the bed and padded to where it stood, propped up against a chair by the door. He cracked the door slightly and peeked into the living room beyond. The grey haired Tzimisce and the freaky woman with the jewel in the center of her head sat gabbing away, but no trace of Gabriel or the others.

For several minutes he stood with his fingers pressed to his lips, merely contemplating the blade. Finally, with hesitation, he delicately picked it up, still in it's sheath, and weighed it in his hands. Good weight, or so he assumed. Lighter than he had suspected it would've been.

He replaced the weapon and walked back over to the bed, plopping himself down upon it once more. After a few moments of meaningless patter upon the keyboard, his imagination once more drew him to the mystical sword. He cautiously approached it, as if he were a cat sneaking up on his prey, and picked it up.

This time he withdrew it from it's scabbard and admired it's full beauty before setting it down in it's place. Before he had even returned to the bed however, he had turned around and snatched it up once more. Taking a final wary glance into the living room to insure his solitude, Tyler gave the sword a trial swing.

The blade cut the air wonderfully, offering no resistance. Now more confident, the young ghoul parryed and thrust. It was almost more like dancing than warfare. With each motion of his body, the blade moved on it's own, guiding his arms like a partner would.

The blonde haired boy began an intricate series of motion, each more display than tactic. To any trained swordsman, the boy would look like a fool, his clumsy footwork and exaggerated movements obvious. But with each complete swing, his speed accelerated until at last he was circling the room with wide, wild archs, the [i:0803d70313]whoosh[/i:0803d70313] of air splitting before the blade the only sound other than his frenzied, excited breath.

At last his rotations ended abrubtly, and he lept to one knee in what he fancied would be a finishing thrust to the abdomen. But as he heaved the blade before him, it slipped from his sweaty grasp and soared across the room. It rocketed towards the wall, and once it hit disappeared through the plaster and into the room beyond.

[i:0803d70313]"Oh SHIT!"[/i:0803d70313] he cried, leaping to his feet and bolting towards the door. He flung it open and burst into the room beyond, immediately attracting the attention of the ladies within. He forced himself into a leisurely stroll and nodded to them as he approached Julius' room, which lay directly adjacent to Gabriel's.

Cracking the door just enough to slip in, he began his hysterical search for the katana. The hunt was short lived however, as it was very prominantly jutting out from the closet. As Tyler drew near to the opened closet door, with half the blade emerging from within, he could hear his heartbeat hasten. It built to a dizzying crecendo as he finally came upon the horrible scene.

Gabriel's sword lay imbedded in the breast of one of Julius' prize Armani suits. With some horrific degree of accuracy, Tyler had managed to hurl the sword THROUGH a wall and across the length of Julius' room into his closet, landing squarely in the center of the fine fabric.

He inspected it closer and found that only about an inch of the blade had penetrated the suit, leaving a cut only half inch across. And it was along a seam, perhaps Julius wouldn't notice for awhile, and by the time he did, he would have no way to make the connection between the hole in some distant suite he had stayed in and the mark on his suit.

Reassuring himself, Tyler began to tug the blade from the closet wall, only to be caught offguard by it's weight, and to watch as it freed itself from the plaster and fell towards the floor, running the length of the designer clothing and shredding it almost completely in two.

((well...i've no more time to write sadly. i must pack for i'll leave this little predicament (sp?) in your hands, meaing the entire coterie's hands. remember Julius, it's a light hearted affair, so please, no scorching or beatings. :)

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:47 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm

Again the enormous dragon carvings seemed to welcome Julius across the threshold, accompanied by the sensual egyptian, Khemintiri. At the top of the tower, Goratrix was packed carefully in his case. Morathi, however, was nowhere to be seen.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"I guess she's not back yet."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Here, help me unpack this."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"What are we doing here, Julius?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Khemintiri, moving to assist Julius in his efforts.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"I told you. We need to talk to Goratrix."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Replied Julius testily.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"And this packing case would be relevant to that, how, precisely?"

"The history lesson will have to wait."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Answered Julius flatly, setting up the mirror and pulling away the cloth. He rapped sharply upon the glass. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Hey! Wake up in there."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"You know, he only does that because he imagines it annoys me."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Goratrix. Julius grinned. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Come to visit your old grandpa have you, lad? Imagine leaving me all alone packed up in a crate all this time. I mean it's bad enough that I'm stuck in this mirror, let alone being locked away in the dark. Who's your friend?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Goratrix leered at the curvaceous form of the ancient Setite.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Goratrix, may I present Khemintiri, Khem this is Goratrix. Oh this is utterly ridiculous."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius scornfully. [i:c8f1795e1c]"I'm introducing the Camarilla's most wanted to a mirror, like it's some kind of Toreador garden party. Can we just get on?"[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Khemintiri and Goratrix looked at Julius. [i:c8f1795e1c]"By all means."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Khemintiri dryly. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Khemintiri the Setite?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Goratrix

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Yes, Khemintiri the Setite, also known as the Anathema, Goratrix the creator of Clan Tremere and I'm Julius who used to know his place in the world but it's all becoming increasingly surreal not to mention painful, stressful and emotionally draining. Goratrix..."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Julius paused. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Eveshka has been killed, she met her final death at the hands of Ali, also known as Ishmael. He very nearly had me too, then again I very nearly had him."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"You went up against Ali, Julius."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Khemintiri.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Let's just say I lost my temper. Yes, I went up against him."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"And survived. I'm almost impressed."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Khem, with an uncharacteristic sincerity.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Thanks to a friend of mine, yes. I survived and he ran. Look, this isn't important right now. Goratrix, we've both been seeing visions of Eveshka, since she died, we've both seen her. I thought it was dreams or visions borne of grief, but then we found her heart, apparently unharmed, in Measha, her cat."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Goratrix nodded enthusiastically. [i:c8f1795e1c]"She did it then."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Julius turned to Khem. [i:c8f1795e1c]"I apologise for the behaviour of this old man, he has the most irritating habit of giving you a snippet of information, so that you have to spend the next half hour playing twenty questions to find out what he's actually trying to tell you. Generally the threat of applying a large hammer to his oh so fragile glass has the effect of loosening his tongue, but I fear that one day soon he's going to call my bluff on that score and I will, truly, have to smash him into little Goratrix fragments."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Khemintiri smirked as Goratrix coughed. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Ahem, as I was saying. Eveshka came to me, to talk about some things. You see Julius, I warned you. I told you that you would lose her. I told her something too. You'll remember how she left you that little note. Well, she didn't like what I had to say, but at least she listened."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Goratrix. Please remember you are speaking of the bright centre of my universe and get to the point. I'm tired, old man. I've lost that which is most dear to me, dear to Khem here, too. Neither of us have the inclination to listen to you babble, whilst the woman we both love is... well, I don't know anymore, which is why we are asking you. Now please. What is going on?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Julius perched on the end of the packing case, fixing Goratrix with his gaze.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"I'm sorry, Julius. Listen to me now, for this is important. You've not been seeing visions of Eveshka, rather you've been seeing her shade. I told you she was a magus in her own right. Part of her heritage. I was able to teach her how to use that heritage. See, when she died, she passed on that ring you gave her. Her heart went with it, arriving finally with Measha, who carries that ring upon her collar. Eveshka isn't gone, so much as lost. She hasn't the skill to manifest herself upon this plane. In time, perhaps, she may learn, but until then, I don't know what we can do for her. It's better than death, but it's small comfort for you both, I suspect."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Julius looked at Khem, then back to Goratrix [i:c8f1795e1c]"Between the three of us, I suspect, is more magical knowledge gathered than any other group you might care to name. Somehow, there is a way, we have to bring her back."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Khemintiri nodded and said simply. [i:c8f1795e1c]"You know I will help you, Julius. On this, we can agree. You know I love her too."[/i:c8f1795e1c]
[i:c8f1795e1c]"I didn't teach her how to stay alive for no reason, Julius. What's the plan?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Goratrix.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"We're going back to Marseilles, I'll need my things."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"What of Morathi?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Goratrix.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"We'll just have to leave a note, this is more important than your stupid book."[/i:c8f1795e1c]


Everyone was out, still. Everyone except the newcomers. Cyrilynn still sat on the floor next to a girl Julius didn't recognize. As he entered the room, they stiffened, wearing impassive masks, their auras, however, gave away their fear. Much more relaxed, yet still wary, the strange kindred who had earlier eased Julius' pain sat in an armchair.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Hi honey, I'm home."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius, resisting the urge to shout BOO at the women cowering on the floor. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Glad to see you didn't try anything silly."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"And who are these people?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Khemintiri, unpacking Goratrix.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Ah yes, where are my manners."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius, still unsure if he had decided to forgive the Tzimisce. [i:c8f1795e1c]"I would like to introduce a Tzimisce of my acquaintance, calls herself [/i:c8f1795e1c]The Scorpion[i:c8f1795e1c]. She tried to be clever, now she's stuck here, for the time being. The lady sitting next to her is new to me and the lady in the armchair... well, I don't know her name, but I have reason to be grateful to her."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Julius bowed respectfully towards Elzbet, who inclined her head in return.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Girls, this is Khemintiri the Setite."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Julius paused for effect, then turned to stare directly at Lady Cyrilynn. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Also known as the Anathema, one of the Camarilla's most wanted and possible the most dangerous kindred to have survived the flood."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Khemintiri smiled and waved. Cyrilynn looked like she was trying to sink into the floor, he had been telling the truth, Antideluvians indeed!

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Oh and the figure you can see appearing in the mirror is my great grandsire, the Magus Goratrix, creator of Clan Tremere."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

Cyrilynn's eyes grew huge for a moment, fixing upon Goratrix with an almost insane fury, opening her mouth as if to speak, then noticing Julius looking at her, closed it again.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"I have retrieved your package, Mr. Darrant."[/i:c8f1795e1c] She finally managed to say. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Please accept as your due."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"My book!"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Enthused Goratrix. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Open it up, Julius."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"YOUR.."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Choked Cyrilynn, eyes wild, before collecting herself again. She stared at the floor for a moment. [i:c8f1795e1c]"There will be no charge for this service Mr. Darrant."[/i:c8f1795e1c] She finally managed to say.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Can't it wait?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Sighed Julius, looking at Goratrix.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"It will take but a moment."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Answered Goratrix.

Julius slowly unpacked the crate, taking various pieces of magical paraphenalia from it and finally removing a book, wrapped in soft calfskin. Julius took off the wrapper and showed it to Goratrix. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Is this the one?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] He asked.
[i:c8f1795e1c]"Yes, that's the book I used."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Answered Goratrix.

Julius turned to see Khemintiri staring wide mouthed. [i:c8f1795e1c]"What is it Khem?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] He asked.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Do you know what you have there?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] She asked, speaking very slowly, as if in awe.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"It's some book of Egyptian magic."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"No, Julius. It's [b:c8f1795e1c]the[/b:c8f1795e1c] book of Egyptian magic. The only copy, the hidden secrets, the ultimate tome of power. Ancient papyri, bound into one single volume. Julius, you hold in your hands the Book of Thoth. If any power can be found to bring back Eveshka, then surely it is within those pages."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"Then we have a small problem."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius, hands slightly trembling at the importance of the bound pages in his hand. [i:c8f1795e1c]"We can't use it. It's been cursed."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"It always is. Never does it surface, without some curse upon it's pages. What is it this time?"[/i:c8f1795e1c] Asked Khemintiri.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"The Riddle Phantastique."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Piped in Goratrix. [i:c8f1795e1c]"Morathi is finding the solution from the Faerie near Mistridge."[/i:c8f1795e1c]

[i:c8f1795e1c]"So, we are stuck until she returns."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Said Julius.

[i:c8f1795e1c]"That's about the size of it."[/i:c8f1795e1c] Replied Goratrix.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:24 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Tyler had been forgotten in all of Lady C.'s musings, until the noises began in one of the other rooms. It started with stomping and perhaps some heavy breathing, then crescendoed into what had to be someone literally putting their fist through a wall in sheer anger and an explosive explicatvie. After which, the manservant had burst from the chamber with an almost wild-eyed glare at the women in the room.

Where upon, his face had suddenly smoothed over and he'd sauntered, rather quickly to the Tzimisce's way of thinking, into another room. A quiet descended like the eye of a hurricane and both Serai and her mistress looked at each other. Cyrilynn shook her head at her own handmaiden and went back to brooding. She wasn't moving ONE finger from her personally confined area until she was told she could. Nor would she permit her assistant far from her for unknown reasons. Let the master of this place sort it all out on his return.

Oddly enough, the unknown kindred, who'd taken up residence in a nearby armchair, raised a quirked brow in the man's direction and opened her mouth to ask a question but wound up closing it when all she could get was his ramrod-stiff back to converse with. She sat regarding the direction he'd disappeared into and fell into what appeared to be a kind of watchfulness.


After an unknown amount of time spent in fruitless speculation and exhaustive waiting, the doors to the penthouse opened up to disgorge the bouyant figure of the Tremere mage, carrying a rather hefty case, followed by a vision of perfection. She not only radiated incredible power and age but she was an objective that Cyrilynn had labored toward in all her sculpting endeavors. The Tzimisce turned to look at Serai and found only a flawed product.

Both she and Serai watched as the woman took up the case from Julius and began to open it and fuss with the contents. Lady Cyrilynn shot a quick glance from the corners of her eyes at her lover and caught an unguarded moment of intense jealousy directed at this visual icon. She turned back to the wizard who stood in the middle of the room and gave the impression of bouncing on the balls of his feet like a little boy who'd brought his pet snake home to be admired.

Darrant scanned the room and his eyes alighted on his prisoner, finally. His snippy remark about her doing something foolish rankled but she kept her face impassive. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of a reaction until she knew what he was up to, then she'd go from there. He further aired her past professional name to the newcomers in the room which didn't endear him to her any more than previously and then proceeded to bow to the stranger kindred, as if he owed her more than common courtesy.

It was then that he introduced the exotic Egyptian creature whilst staring into Lady C.'s eyes, as if she should have known her on sight. Which she didn't but the name rang all sorts of warning bells when he said [i:5166f46dfc]"Anathema"[/i:5166f46dfc] and then clinched it with the fact that she was a wanted figure! And he watched as she sifted through the information he'd just heaped on her and it began to dawn on her that THIS was what he'd spoken of when he'd told her she'd no clue what she was playing with! She cringed inwardly when the echo of Toisol's words paralleled his.

By then, the gorgeous woman had unwrapped the mirror-like image of an older man and the wizard introduced it as his great grandsire, Goratrix. The Blood Stealer, the Hated and even more hunted than possibly Anathema. It registered in the back of her mind that the picture seemed to smile at her.........then blinked. No, that was just the imaginings of a mind that would have liked to wrap her fingers around the bastard's throat! She opened her mouth to spew out all the invectives she could muster and then caught Julius Darrant eyeing her, much like a cat watches a mouse hole. She shut her teeth with a snap.

Clenching her jaw, it took precious moments to cool her temper and she cast about for something to say other than what she so badly wanted to unleash but, sadly, the only thing she could offer was the crate she'd paid such a high price to deliver. And was still paying for. [i:5166f46dfc]"I have retrieved your package, Mr. Darrant. Please accept it as your due."[/i:5166f46dfc] She held it out toward him, hoping he'd take it and she'd be done with it.

Instead, a voice issued from the life-like painting and she whirled to face this new impossibility, [i:5166f46dfc]"Your................"[/i:5166f46dfc] she blurted out but choked off the rest. Her vision took on a haze of red as she once again beheld a vile monster out of legend. She could bear it no longer and she firmly placed her eyes downward to the floor and finished grinding out the rest of the formula for completion of the contract. [i:5166f46dfc]"There will, of course, be NO charge for this service."[/i:5166f46dfc] She'd be damned if she'd charge him for giving her Final Death.

With a sigh and eyes rolled heaven ward, the Tremere magus took the crate from her raised arms and turned away to open it. Then he began pulling items from it and placing them with an exacting precision next to the box. Once he had a hold of a wrapped object he turned back to the abomination and showed it to him. Cyrilynn burned with a desire to know HOW this particular personage had wound up in his present environment

The wizard and Cyrilynn both caught the expression on the Anathema's face at the same time. How is it that one managed to awe someone of such great lineage? By dealing with forces and events beyond one's capabilities and understandings, that's how!! She wanted to melt down into the carpet and just pretend she wasn't here. The Book of Thoth, things like this just didn't happen to lowly Tzimisce like her! This was the stuff of fantasy tales! Cyrilynn wanted out of here, NOW!!

[i:5166f46dfc]"power to bring back Eveshka....."[/i:5166f46dfc] hit like a deluge of cold water into the midst of frantic escape plans and she froze in place. Mind racing like a roadrunner after a particularly fast morsel of slithering reptile, she was peripherally aware that she was glad the magus would be able, [b:5166f46dfc]maybe[/b:5166f46dfc], to bring back his heart's soulmate but what followed closely on the heels of that made her glad that she really didn't need to breath!! Toisol!! She could bring back Toisol! Tears gathered and begin to track down her lined face. This was worth [b:5166f46dfc]WHATEVER[/b:5166f46dfc] price she had to pay, [b:5166f46dfc]ANY[/b:5166f46dfc] price!!!!

".....cursed." Another splash of chilled liquid down her spine and into her ramblings had her paying a bit more attention to what was being said. Only to learn there was [b:5166f46dfc]another[/b:5166f46dfc] member to this ever increasing coterie of misfits. And that SHE had been out on another type of mission. [i:5166f46dfc]"So, we are stuck until she returns."[/i:5166f46dfc] murmurred the Tremere. Which had Lady C. hunchiing down even further into her corner and trying to be skinny enough to hide behind Serai. This meant he would have time to turn his attentions to her!

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:06 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
[size=29:ac37c71c70][u:ac37c71c70][b:ac37c71c70][i:ac37c71c70]The Mistridge Files 'Coda'[/i:ac37c71c70][/b:ac37c71c70][/u:ac37c71c70][/size:ac37c71c70]

Having made her way back from her experience with the local fae and finding the note Julius had left regarding returning to Marseilles and Goratrix's case missing, presumably in Julius' care. Morathi used her satphone to order herself a taxi that could take her to the nearest car rental to Mistridge's location. Allowing her to procure a fast car she could use to get to Julius' new location...

Driving to the very edge of the speed limits intending to get to her destination before the dawn, she dialled up Julius' own secure phone...

[i:ac37c71c70]"Its Lucilla.... I have the answer you need.... Tell Eveshka I would never have solved the puzzle our friends set if I had not met her..."[/i:ac37c71c70]

She closed the phone still unaware of what had transpired whilst she was gone...

(( OOC: Sorry it took so long to wrap up my dream plot I was invited to a series of interviews this week and in preparing for those I just found I could not focus on getting anything typed...

Play out Morathi's reunion however fits in best when she arrives in Marseilles, she has likely got some painful catching up to do on recent events.... ))

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 5:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The door opened once more, allowing a brilliant yet temporary light to wash over the primary sitting room. Once again Gabriel was confronted with the still unfamiliar faces of strangers. There was no fear in his face however, the indecision and anxiety that had lately become something of a trademark had been replaced by a visage of tranquility and confidence.

He passed over the threshold, Porter's brawny frame following in tow. Together the pair must have appeared formidable. Perhaps they did, Gabriel guessed, for the women immediately glanced away, as though shunning their presence. The cocky Ventrue soon found that there were much greater house guests to fear.

The light waned as Porter shut the door and watched Gabriel remove his overcoat and place it delicately upon the coathanger. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the features of the room softened, as though he were viewing it through a fine mist. The grey haired woman glanced up to him with defeated eyes, and it was instantly apparent the feeling was not familiar to her.

Gabriel turned from her, not entirely comfortable with her predatory eyes upon him, and plucked a flower from the vase that sat on the endtable. Concealing it behind his back, he left Porter to his own devices with an affable good-bye, and slipped into the private quarters that he and Kathy had shared the past several nights.

He found her sitting idly on their bed, her cherub-like face inches from the illuminated screen of a laptop. His entrance into the room did not even command her attention as she rapped over the keys. He was undaunted however, and he removed his suit jacket and flung it carelessly to the corner of the room.

The exaggerated movement caught the involved Toreadors eyes immediately, and she glanced up stunned at the light-hearted Ventrue.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Kathy!"[/i:c0c5c0c882] he cried, rushing to the bedside, [i:c0c5c0c882]"Oh Kay, I've just had the most wonderful conversation with Porter! You must hear all about it."[/i:c0c5c0c882] At last he pulled the gentle indigo flower from behind his back and presented it to her.

Kathy reached out and took the flower with some hesitation, and some sadness. She offered nothing but a melancoly smile as she stared at the dainty plant.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Kathy?"[/i:c0c5c0c882] he said, still smiling, [i:c0c5c0c882]"What's wrong?"[/i:c0c5c0c882]

She set the flower down at her side and removed the laptop from her knee. Bending foward slightly, she placed a single porcelain hand upon his.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Gabriel...I'm sorry, but I must go."[/i:c0c5c0c882] as she spoke, his could nearly feel his heart tear apart.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Go? Go where Kathy? I don't understand..."[/i:c0c5c0c882] the thought of his most beloved leaving now was nearly more than he could bear!

[i:c0c5c0c882]"I have business with my Sire that I must be present for."[/i:c0c5c0c882] she said, a bit of firmness added to the statement.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"I should've known. Connor."[/i:c0c5c0c882] he said the name with a degree of distaste, and stood from his knelt position. Kathy followed, almost leaping from the bed.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Don't be childish Gabriel. Connor is my Sire, nothing more."[/i:c0c5c0c882] she crossed the room and flung open the closet door. Glancing past her slight frame, Gabriel could see that her hanging dresses had already been removed and that only his suits remained. She reached above them and pulled her laptop case from the shelf.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Well how long will you be gone?"[/i:c0c5c0c882] he asked, picking up her laptop and glancing at the half-written e-mail on the screen. Before he could complete it, Kathy snatched it from his grasp and closed it protectively. The shocked look on his face must've been evident, for she immediately gave him a peck on the cheek.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"I really couldn't say long as it takes I suppose."[/i:c0c5c0c882] She went about packing the last few things from their room and placed them by the door. Gabriel offered no help, but simply watched as she prepared to leave. At last he eyes were drawn to something.

[i:c0c5c0c882]"Where's La Magra?"[/i:c0c5c0c882] he said, glancing at the empty sheith.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
The apartment was becoming more like a zoo than a hotel suite. In it one could view the most unlikely cross section of kindred to be gathered in one place. Like a rogues gallery, one could view a variety of clans and sects. The only thing missing was an Elder of the Sabbat to make the collection complete. Gabriel stayed in his room with Kathy. Julius had yet to determine how to explain Khemintiri to him. Lady Cyrilynn had her piece of floor thoroughly staked out and threw up invisible barriers around "her space" which now included her ghoul. Khemintiri and Goratrix amused themselves by sniping at each other, Julius was fairly sure they were keeping score, but had no clue who was winning. Finally, in the midst of it all, Elzbet, the strange kindred who had provided comfort to Julius simply sat, watching, observing. A small piece of serenity amidst the madness.

Julius had arranged to meet Morathi in a nearby bar. A quiet place, away from the lunatic apartment. The news he had to tell would be shocking enough, without the additional strain of coping with the denizens of the madhouse. The magus sat down, in a quiet corner and waited for his colleague to arrive.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 1:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
By the time Morathi arrived, Julius was half way through a bottle of some local red. Departing from the fine wines or reserve spirits that were his usual, somehow it felt appropriate to drink something less refined, a little rougher. It wasn't bad, if a little young, the tannin coating the mouth in a way which simply invited one to relieve the dryness by drinking more.

Morathi joined him at the corner table, with it's wooden, scarred top. A table which had seen a long and useful life in this bar, or in one like it. Julius looked dishevelled, like a man who had been through too much in too short a time and only now was taking a short moment, to reflect. Away from the hubbub of the apartment, Mistridge, magic books, computers and odd kindred the man looked simply exhausted. Stubble and a filterless gitane would not have appeared out of place, in fact, would have ably completed the picture.

[i:61c7a1c7c2]"Did you get it?"[/i:61c7a1c7c2] Julius asked simply.

[i:61c7a1c7c2]"It was... an experience."[/i:61c7a1c7c2] Replied Morathi. [i:61c7a1c7c2]"Yes. I have the answer."[/i:61c7a1c7c2]

The relief on Julius' face was tangible, like you could collect it, mix it with the wine and create a far more intoxicating brew.

[i:61c7a1c7c2]"That's good."[/i:61c7a1c7c2] Summarized Julius, taking a large mouthful of the wine. [i:61c7a1c7c2]"I imagine you'll be wanting to know what's been happening."[/i:61c7a1c7c2]

Morathi nodded slowly. [i:61c7a1c7c2]"I'm not entirely sure how long I was in there."[/i:61c7a1c7c2]

Julius sloshed some wine into a second glass and pushed it towards Morathi. [i:61c7a1c7c2]"Here, Lucille. You'll be needing this."[/i:61c7a1c7c2]

Morathi raised an eyebrow, ever since the "change" in their relationship, Julius had called her that. It was as though some rite of passage made a definite distinction between past and present. As yet thoough, she couldn't tell which one of them it was who had been through that rite. She met Julius eyes and saw a deep seated pain. Whatever was coming, it would not be pleasant. A sip of the wine. [i:61c7a1c7c2]"What's happened, Julius?"[/i:61c7a1c7c2]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 4:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Slowly, Julius related the events, since Morathi had entered the Fae realm. The news of Eveshka's death hit home, as he had known it would. Morathi's feelings for the Toreador were well known, to him, as well as to Eve, but this was no time to pull his punches, which came quick and fast. She shook her head at the news of his battle with Ali, in which he had nearly died and of the devastation his anger and grief had brought to the people of Marseilles.

Finally she looked up as he spoke of the book, the Book of Thoth and the implications and possibilities it brought. Within her chest, the wraith that guarded her heart expressed it's intrigue also. Such a book, one of the ultimate books of power, tore at both magi, tempting them to abandon all to learn it's secrets. The pair sat in silence for a while, drinking the cheap red, whilst Morathi digested the full consequences of the news Julius had given and by implication, the importance of the information she had brought from the fae.

[i:5e1489abcf]"Will this work?"[/i:5e1489abcf] Asked Morathi finally. [i:5e1489abcf]"Will we be able to bring Eveshka back, from wherever she is?"[/i:5e1489abcf]

Julius shook his head. [i:5e1489abcf]"I don't know, Lucille. God, I hope so, but I guess it's up to Khemintiri. It's up to us to make sure she doesn't twist this to her own ends. You know she'd do anything to get Eveshka back into her clutches."[/i:5e1489abcf]

Morathi nodded, almost absently. In the quest for Eve's affections she had become, perhaps, the biggest loser. The emotional struggle showed upon her face. Julius rubbed his forehead, tiredly.

[i:5e1489abcf]"Lucille. It's important that Eve can make her own choices. Those choices will always cause someone pain, you, me, Khem."[/i:5e1489abcf]

Morathi nodded again, then spoke with the weight of heavy resignation on her heart. [i:5e1489abcf]"You can count upon my support, as ever."[/i:5e1489abcf]

[i:5e1489abcf]"We should probably get back to the hotel then. Be warned, it's a complete madhouse."[/i:5e1489abcf]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 6:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
[i:2fe576dbe2]" La Magra? oh you mean that sword I take it, It's very well made and very old unless it's a very good duplicate, it should make a good price, I take it you are going to sell it?"[/i:2fe576dbe2]

Kathy could feel the air between them crackling with electricity and turned to look at him, his once calm and serene face was now feral as he almost seemed to snarl at her.

[i:2fe576dbe2]" where is it? have you hidden it...please tell me you haven't sold it!"[/i:2fe576dbe2]

[i:2fe576dbe2]" Don't take me for a fool Gabriel, I know damn well what it is and who it belongs to, I've seen it used many times, much to the victims grief. Your ghoul, Tyler, had a slight mishap with it, lucky I was around , ask him and he will explain why one of your credit cards is nearly over the limit, Julius's suit's don't come cheap"[/i:2fe576dbe2]

He looked at her almost stunned, never had he seen her moods swing so irrationally as they had done the past few months, one minute she was sweetness and light and the next she was cold and distant. He started to wonder if she was seeing someone else and vowed to put feelers out to discover the truth, no-one made an idiot out of a ventrue.

Kathy watched his face relax and walked over to him, she could hurt him so much at times, but with all what was going on in cascadia and here her head was in a whirl.

[i:2fe576dbe2]"Look I'm sorry I have to leave but it's not so much Connor but Francois Villan that has summoned me, on the pretence of that he wishes me to attend Chanel fashion week with him, but something is not right, but I don't know what yet but I will find out and if I don't go well you can imagine!"[/i:2fe576dbe2]

Gabriel grinned at her raised eyebrows and look of horror on her face at the thought of been rebuffed by the Toreador prince.

[i:2fe576dbe2]" I dont' want you to go Kay, but I'm not going to beg you to stay and if all is not as it seems its maybe for the best if you go sort whatever problem there is out"[i/]

[i]" I leave at twilight tomorrow, so we have tonight, come tell me what words of wisdom the old dog had to say to you"[/i:2fe576dbe2] she said as she took his hand and led him onto the balcony pushing him onto the rattan chair then settling herself on his knee.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
After the slight Kathy had offered, the oppurtunity to relay the conversation between Porter and himself had lost it's luster. He did not reply to her question, but instead returned to the safety and familiarity of watching the city by night. The normally mundane buildings were warped by the magic and romance of the night, and each twisting sidestreet was an ideal setting for intrigue. At least in his mind.

The same glistening red star which he had watched for months, or had been watched by, hung motionless before him, having shifted only slightly in the night theater since his last viewing of it. A slow feeling of unease crept into his stomach, a sensation that he found most unagreeable. He turned his attention from the outside to the windows inside.

Before stepping onto the balcony he had observed Julius leaving somewhat discreetly out the front door, muttering something about a madhouse. With all the new guests, and the return of the old ones, he could understand his point of view. However, it was not particularly out of hand as a majority of the Kindred were doing nothing more than idly chatting in hushed tones.

But the distraught Tremere had been given to emotional outbursts and was certainly not to be faulted for exercising one now. The suite, while spacious, was growing a bit confining with all the new bodies. Kathy slapped him on the shoulder playfully.

[i:c95ddc604e]"Gabriel? I asked you a question! At least have the decency in you to respond."[/i:c95ddc604e] she huffed and turned away with mock anger. In that feminine gesture, a rush of affection washed over Gabriel, and he was acutely aware of his love for the brown haired beauty.

[i:c95ddc604e]"Yes, how horrid of us!"[/i:c95ddc604e] he chimed in a high tone with an exaggerated British accent. [i:c95ddc604e]"We will have ourselves repremanded at once!"[/i:c95ddc604e] he thrust his nose towards the sky and curled his lips into a vague look of disgust.

When he opened them a moment later and glanced at Kathy, he found her staring at him with shock. They both burst into laughter that strove vainly to fill the night sky. The absurdity of the act, and the departure from character, was unusual for Gabriel and had certainly broken the Toreador's icey defenses.

Pulling her closer, he sighed.

[i:c95ddc604e]"Kay if you must go maybe I can at least persuade you to take Porter along? I'd feel much more secure with him there."[/i:c95ddc604e]

[i:c95ddc604e]"But won't you need him here?"[/i:c95ddc604e] Kathy inquired.

[i:c95ddc604e]"I wouldn't be too concerned about the coterie. Julius seems to be recovering rather quickly now."[/i:c95ddc604e]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 5:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
[i:249d01be15]" Perhaps your right, but then I don't imagine I will be in any danger at all, but if it makes you feel happier then Porter can go with me, but on one condition, he must wear clothes at all times, I want none of this wandering around in a loin cloth carry on, but I'll leave that to you to tell him, it will come better from you"[/i:249d01be15]

Gabriel nodded and grimaced at the thought of having to ask porter to accompany kay, although they abided each others company they didn't exactly get on. Her face was almost serene as she stared at the night sky, but she looked tired and her skin lacked the lustre it had off late. His finger traced the shape of her lips and she playfully went to bite him.

[i:249d01be15]" Is anything the matter Kay? you don't seem yourself at times, as if your thoughts are preoccupied, as if your thinking about something else, you would tell me wouldn't you if there was something wrong?"[/i:249d01be15]

Kay continued to look at the stars, her face a perfect mask of self control, but inside she was in turmoil, now would be the perfect time to tell him , he could sort everything out for her, and then she could go back to been her old self.
Her thin lips parted slightly as if she was about to say something, but then closed. No this was her problem and she would sort it out.

[i:249d01be15]" Kay?"[/i:249d01be15]

[i:249d01be15]" Sorry my love, I was just thinking how much I'm going to miss you, but you see that large star? the one that has a red tinge to it ? Well every time you see it, you know I will be looking at it too, it will be our celestial connection if you like"[/i:249d01be15]

Her smile wiped the frown off his face and he hugged her tight against him.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Cyrilynn was tired. Very tired and she longed for her own personal sleeping quarters but not having access to them, she was forced to make do with the floor on which she sat. Serai rested as much as she was able to at her mistress's left side, slipping in and out of a light doze with occassional trips to the bathroom to repair her makeup and attempt to shake out the ever growing wrinkles in her outfit. However, the waiting was also taking it's toll on her and little signs of it were beginning to make an appearance. Like those purplish bruises under her eyes. Her perfection was beginning to crack up against the stunning beauty of the Anathema.

Venisi sat in stoic patience on Lady C.'s right and watched everything that went on through hooded eyes. Sometimes, he was so still, it's as if he disappeared in to the walls or behind his employer. He was good at that. A man of non-descript, average appearance, with light brown hair and pale blue eyes, he could have fit in just about anywhere, which is why he was so valuable a part of the Scorpion's network.

He'd arrived shortly after Mr. Darrant had left on another errand, and with all the comings and goings, it had been easy enough to obtain permission for him to be admitted, with the explanation that the wizard had demanded his presence. After that, time settled back in to a mode of awaiting the Tremere's pleasure on how he planned to "dispose" of the problem they had all become for him.

As the hours ticked by, Cyrilynn lost ground in her recovery from the punishment she'd received at the mad mage's hands, despite the healing from the odd female kindred. Her need to lay down upon her native soil diminished her abilities and began sapping her strength but she managed to conceal it well enough. Feeding lightly twice more, once from Serai and once from Venisi, she settled in for the duration by folding in to a lotus position. Taking up the light trance she'd been taught long ago, she continued to battle her own body's growing weakness.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Fri Aug 29, 2003 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 4:13 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:47 pm
Erin watched as he entered the bar and dumped the shopping bags on the floor, as he had done every night for the past week. Why she had taken the job she had no idea,well that was a lie, the money been offered was cool and thinking about it she valued the cursed life she led a little too much, plus the stake that had been held to her heart until she swore to take the job had sort of pushed her in the right direction.

The thing was she wasn't 100% sure what she was meant to be doing, watch and report back, which she did on a nightly basis, was what she had been told to do. She yawned lazily and stretched out her legs , her eyes never leaving him as he stood at the bar with a bottle of Bud in his hand.
The low slung khaki sand pants he wore looked like they had seen better days and the tight tshirt he wore was frayed at the bottom, but most of the women weren't bothered what he was wearing, why worry about the wrapping when all you are going to do is rip it off mused Erin and licked her lips, as he turned to sit sideways on a stool to face the TV.

Contact she thought, should she or shouldn't she, what the hell she muttered as she grabbed her bag and slung it over her back as she strolled to the bar.

[i:eb2913af1a]" Pint of snakebite please, with ice, loads of it, fresh ice mind you none of that frozen stuff"[/i:eb2913af1a]

Toby behind the bar grinned widely at her and nodded, he had vague memories of walking her home one night, but thats all they were, he wish he could remember what had happened because in the morning he had woke up to discover what appeared to be a love bite on his groin, but the next night it had gone.

Erin winked at him and tapped khaki boy on the shoulder.

" So you think you can take me on, well try me if you dare, my bite is much worse than you could ever imagine"
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