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<  International  ~  Whispers of Shal Ka-Mense Redux

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:09 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The two acquantances spoke at some length as she led him on a personalized tour of the gallery. Even the patter of rain heaving itself against the broad window that lined the front wall of the gallery could not distract them from their conversations as they caught up on over a century of unlife.

Gabriel had no particular interest of this woman, but for some reason felt compelled to speak with her. Detail after detail spilled forth from the two and quickly the dialogue became more and more intimate.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"Well Gabriel, I must congradulate you. It is not often those of our kind find true love, and Kathy sounds like a darling girl."[/i:4a1a4fe799] Mirabella said, a smile upon her sagging face. The doughy droops in her jowels were temporarily raised by what seemed invisible strings, but the grandmotherly visage left him at ease.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"She's a marvel, that much is sure."[/i:4a1a4fe799] he agreed, as they paused to admire a late French piece.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"And how about Clan Ventrue? I hear they've had quite a few upsets lately..."[/i:4a1a4fe799] She almost seemed to be prompting him, but again he didn't mind.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"With Lucinde trecking the globe in search of the Anathema once more and the Directorate more aloof than ever, it's a bit of a free for all at the moment."[/i:4a1a4fe799] What was he saying? Lucinde's absence and the apparent lack of control exercised by the Elders was no secret, but it was certainly not something that any enterprising young Ventrue was expected to discuss openly.

Outside the storm rose to a dizzying crecendo of wind and lightning, rivaling even the sturdiest of houses and hearts in Marseilles. But within the tiny brown art gallery, Mirabella simply nodded.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"Well sometimes oppurtunities can present themselves to the youth. After all, Elders grow stale and obsolete."[/i:4a1a4fe799] she nearly cackled.
[i:4a1a4fe799]"Just do your best dear."[/i:4a1a4fe799]

The almost warm advice comforted him, and he found himself once more at ease, the voice of alarm within him silenced again. As the storm's power fluttered and waned, he made his way back into the night and found himself amidst throngs of New Years party-er's.


He missed the burn of coffee. Sitting in front of the steaming cup of pressed Bavarian, he found himself actually wishing he could burn his tongue on the liquid. But as he gulped the piping hot drink down, he was greeted with nothing but it's bitter taste.

The silence was broken by a knock on the door of his room, which he stood to investigate. He opened the door only to find the empty hallway of the hotel. He briefly scanned either either direction down the hall but found no one, however a small envelope sealed with a familiar wax seal lay at his feet.

He picked up the parcel and retreated to his room, but not before giving one more tentative glance for good measure. He sat at the desk by the window, where outside the populace cried and screamed with joy at the dawning of the new year. Gabriel supposed one was more inclined to celebrate a years arrival when they had a limited number to deal with.

To Gabriel, much like his clanmates, it was one in an endless procession. New Years had become something of a mockery to him in the past several years, but that bitterness was stowed as he opened and read the note before him.

Julius' letter was hastily scrawled, yet still the hand was perfect. Only a trained eye could decipher his haste. There certainly was a sense of urgency about it, and to know that Julius was actually nervous about something was very discomforting indeed. He set the letter down and opened the window that overlooked the street below.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"Watch over Eveshka? Who's going to watch over me?"[/i:4a1a4fe799]


A pair of glistening, emerald eyes shot open and stared intensely into the darkness. Drawn curtains hiding bolted windows ensured no rogue winds would disturb the room's perfectly kept atmosphere. For over an hour it had sat in silence, but now the sound of footsteps softly padding towards the door could be heard. A brief influx of light as the door was opened and Victorrio left the room.

He came to stop outside Katherine's suite at the precise moment she opened the door to emerge from within. He supressed her instinct of shock, and she turned around to greet him almost expectedly.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"Victorrio."[/i:4a1a4fe799] she nodded, displaying a radiant smile. Her shimmering black dress clung seductively to her curves and had over two thousand years of unlife not all but beaten the passion from his heart, he would've been instantly smitten.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"Katherine, you look stunning as always."[/i:4a1a4fe799] he said, bowing a bit at the waste. She nodded at the generic compliment and took his arm, careful not to wrinkle the crease in his fitted tuxedo. The dapperly dressed couple made their way without ceromony towards the waiting car outside.

Once seated comfortably within, Kathy found the ride a bit more awkward than she might've anticipated. Victorrio for his part, fell silent and watched the passing nightscape with an almost trance-like distance. Kay found herself following his gaze and watching the hot flourescent lights of signs and marquis' flash by.

[i:4a1a4fe799]"I apologize Katherine. If I seem distant it's merely because I have several matters on my mind at the moment."[/i:4a1a4fe799] he said at last, turning a pair of unapologetic eyes towards her.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:55 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
[i:b821a6fd0f]" There is really no need to apologise, these are unsettling times for all of own kind, but I did hear that the Ventrue clan is not...shall we say as solid as it once was, but I'm sure its mere hearsay "[/i:b821a6fd0f]

[i:b821a6fd0f]" Yes quite and it is perhaps best for those who know nothing about the affairs of clan ventrue not to pass comment"[/i:b821a6fd0f]

Kathy totally overlooked the point that maybe the remark had been aimed at her and continued to talk.

[i:b821a6fd0f]" Yes exactly, which is precisely what i said to Gabriel the other day, oh look we are here, what a delightful looking place, Art deco I do believe, you see the the high black iron grill fence that surrounds the building? well apparently the area has declined in the recent years and we are now ensconsced in what is the red light area of Marseilles"[/i:b821a6fd0f]

On the path walked a strange mixture of elegantly attired opera patrons and scantily clad hookers hanging around the Relax hotel and the sex shop that stood adjacent to the opera house.

Last edited by kathy Belvadere on Sat Jul 19, 2003 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:51 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
He’d left the two more “civilised” Kindred behind. In truth, he’d been more than glad to. The enforced pleasantries and feigned niceties were quickly too much for the weathered Gangrel. As he crossed the night-busy street, he inhaled the sweet sea air, a smile escaping his lips as the rain struck his face. A million wet slaps that soothed rather than stung. He glanced upwards, passing under the ever-watchful eye of a gargoyle, firmly attached to a small church. From inside, the [i:5b2f823722]“Chant de guerre de l'Armée du Rhin)” or La Marseillaise[/i:5b2f823722], rang out. The gathered within, sang with clear and proud voices. A nostalgic farewell to the year he supposed. He unbuttoned his shirt’s top fastening, raising a quizzical look from a passerby better equipped for the downpour, and let out a guttural sigh.

[i:5b2f823722]Well Porter old bean[/i:5b2f823722]. He smirked, remembering one of Sorenti’s jokes. [i:5b2f823722]What to do...what to do.[/i:5b2f823722]

The streets quickly emptied as those travelling by foot sought shelter. He took advantage of the situation, ducking into a cobbled alleyway that ran west of the [i:5b2f823722]Quai des Belges[/i:5b2f823722]. There he began to undress. An almost incensed look in his eyes as he tore expensive silk, letting it fall in rags at his feet. He selected a length that was relatively broad and intact, and fastened it with a crude knot around his waist. [i:5b2f823722]No need to go completely naked[/i:5b2f823722]. He grinned mischievously.

He then stood, his arms by his side, tensed like two coiled springs. Breathing out old, stale air, he relaxed. Closed his eyes and was gone.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 11:14 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
The swarm seemed to dance, and pirouette among themselves. Foreign cries filled the city air, drawing frowns from those more familiar with local fauna. The swarm continued to waltz majestically through the air, a dozen Shrikes seemingly guided by one intent. They flurried over the [i:5cf88c672d]Rhone[/i:5cf88c672d], gazing down upon the various walkways. A myriad of beady, predatory eyes searching for something to interest them.

The figure should have been invisible, inconspicuous. But the birds seemed to recognise it, or rather the hand that guided them did. The figure seemed to pause, sitting at a bench. It’s hooded head seeming to droop as the birds swept above.

To any that saw, the birds suddenly coalesced, becoming something larger. The short drop from mid-air to concrete made him hiss slightly as he stepped from the cloud of feathers and motion. Porter shook himself, relishing the feelings of freedom flight bestowed before it faded again.

He stopped just behind the seated figure, scratching his mane of drying hair and spoke up.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Old woman?” [/i:5cf88c672d]

The figure turned, undeniably female, her eyes widening as they tried to decipher the riddle that stood facing her.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Porter?”[/i:5cf88c672d] She spoke breathlessly, unsure of his intentions.

[i:5cf88c672d]“One and the same, Lady Eveshka.”[/i:5cf88c672d]

Eve stood then, the grin that crossed her old friend’s face more a cliche than an expression.

He looked her up and down, noticing her repeating his scrutiny with her own.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Hooded sweatshirt, denims, sneakers? Rather a new look for you, non?”[/i:5cf88c672d] He smiled then, expecting her to retort.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Things change.”[/i:5cf88c672d] She hadn’t relaxed.

Eve scanned the figure before her. Yes it was true he seemed to have re-grown an eye. It was also true that he looked leaner and more lithe. But there was no mistaking it. This was the Gangrel she’d spent many an evening debating with. Or rather, it was what remained of him in these, their final nights.

She would have had to been an ignorant Ventrue not to have noticed, he was also bollock naked. Well, as naked as the scrap of blue silk would permit. She stifled a chuckle.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Rather a new look for you too, non?”[/i:5cf88c672d]

Porter flexed his limbs, adopting an almost leopard-ape slouch. His glinting emerald eyes flashing in the soft amber street lights.

[i:5cf88c672d]“Things change, old woman. Things change.”[/i:5cf88c672d]

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
Victorrio had reserved them seats in the balcony area situated above the stage and Kathy sat with trepidation as the curtains drew back.

She looked at him curiously out of the corner of her eye, what she had witnessed as they had walked to their seats had made her even more in awe of him. The crowd of opera patron's had been impatient, the schedule was running 30 minutes late and some were bemoaning the fact that they had reservations for supper that would have to be cancelled.

As soon as Victorrio and kathy had entered the reception area a hush had fallen on the room, not a total silence but the irate voices ceased and a calmness seemed to spread around the people like a wave.

[i:6041e23986]" Really, they are here to enjoy themselves, why bicker about a slight delay"[/i:6041e23986] Victorrio had said quietly as he led Kathy threw the throng.

Kathy had felt the calmness too, it was like a hand waving over the room and soothing away everyone's woes.

Kathy sat entranced with the opera, her face turning from one of sheer delight one minute to one of utter disgust the next. Occasionally she whispered to Victorrio that what they were saying was not right and it wasn't that way at all and they shouldn't lie and that maybe they should have asked about the truth.

[i:6041e23986]" But who would they ask kathy, the man has been dead hundreds of years, has he not?"[/i:6041e23986] He looked at her, trying to work her out, what he was thought of as scatterbrained toreador was maybe actually much more.

Kathy nearly said something but laughed in a careless way [i:6041e23986]" Yes I know how stupid of me, I get so carried away at times, my torrie temperament you know"[/i:6041e23986]

Her hands touched his lightly as she returned her attention back to the opera. More than once he caught a glimpse of her wiping a tear away from her cheek but let it pass, time will tell he thought.

Kathy thoroughly enjoyed the opera and in a small wine bar that was near their hotel they sat sharing a bottle of wine, red of course, on Victorrio's insistance. Kathy's manner had changed from been chatty to one of quiet reflection and he smiled at her knowingly.

[i:6041e23986]" Go to him, I imagine he is feeling the need as much as you are, I can see you are maybe trying to fight the feeling, but even though you are strong willed, you will never be able to, it is meant to be, you are both as one now, you share each others feelings and perhaps most importantly now, your strengths"[/i:6041e23986]

Kathy looked at him ruefully.

[i:6041e23986]" Forgive me, I should have told you that I knew where he was, and am I that easy to read, is it written all of my face what I need?"[/i:6041e23986]

He nodded [i:6041e23986]"I am Ventrue, I can look past the look on your face and see your true feelings, I also know Gabriel and perhaps it is not me he wishes to see at this very moment, but you"[/i:6041e23986]


She slipped quietly into the bed, her finger nails touching his waist gently as she reached around to caress his chest. The tiny featherlike kisses that she placed on his neck made him moan in his sleep.
Why he was asleep at this time of night she had no idea, but she assured herself that she would enjoy waking him up. With a mischievous grin on her face she slipped under the covers and began to bite his thigh.

His groggy sleep laden body began to respond and his eyes fluttered open.
[i:6041e23986]" Kay?"[/i:6041e23986]

[i:6041e23986]" Evening baby"[/i:6041e23986] she purred [i:6041e23986]" I wasn't going to disturb you but you looked so..."[/i:6041e23986]

She began to giggle as he pulled her up to lay on top of him.

"[i:6041e23986] and you look good enough to eat, come here baby"[/i:6041e23986] he almost growled as he took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 3:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
A waxed moon loomed high above a new year, and below in a city in Southern France, the people began to retreat to their houses. Gradually the familiar noises of revelry died out to the scatterd hoots and hollers of the drunk or otherwise. Eventually, as the promise of a new day loomed a ferocious silence beseiged the city.

Gabriel awoke not an hour before sunrise and found himself intertwined in Kathy's tender embrace. Slipping silently from her arms, Gabriel made his way across the room and towards the window. As he drew the curtains back, Marseilles unfolded before him like the heavens.

Only the streetlights remained, and the Ventrue almost believed he could detect the sound of snoring as the residents slept blissfully in their beds. As he stood, his nude body pale in the moonlight, his thoughts drifted back to Mirabella and what she had said. As long as he had been formally associated within Clan Ventrue he had moved for it's progression and good being. But perhaps it was time to take advantage of oppurtunity...

Like a bolt of lightning, Sorenti's stark image filled his mind. They stood on a darkened knoll, emptiness on all sides of them. The tiny patch of land sat like an island in a perpetual sea of ink.

[i:512eae2dc4]"Don't forget where you come from Gabriel."[/i:512eae2dc4] Sorenti said, casually leaning against the sole tree in sight.

[i:512eae2dc4]"I don't intend to..."[/i:512eae2dc4] he snapped back, sounding more defensive than he had wanted to. Sorenti seemed unphased however and Gabriel moved to make amends, "I treasure my clan as my sacred heritage."[/i]

[i:512eae2dc4]"What's heritage to us? Who bit who?"[/i:512eae2dc4] As Sorenti spoke he reached up to the upper branches of the tree, his arm seeming impossibly long. Yet in the absurdity of the moment, it didn't seem the least bit out of the norm. [i:512eae2dc4]"The Clan of Kings has no interest in you least not outside their own profits."[/i:512eae2dc4]

[i:512eae2dc4]"I don't understand..."[/i:512eae2dc4] he replied. Sorenti merely shrugged and plucked an apple from the top branch. Golden and glistening, it seemed to encompass all that was desirable. Gabriel broke his gaze to meet Sorenti's own. The Elder nodded and tossed the apple into the air, a quick flick of the wrists and the apple fell in twain to the ground.

The outer skin remained crisp and golden, but the inside was a festering cacoon of worms and mold, writhing and slithering.

[i:512eae2dc4]"Gabriel?"[/i:512eae2dc4] Kathy's hand jerked him from his trance and he found himself once more standing in front of the opened window, gazing blankly over the city lights. [i:512eae2dc4]"Gabriel are you alright?"[/i:512eae2dc4]

[i:512eae2dc4]"Yes love....I think so. Lets go back to bed."[/i:512eae2dc4] Gabriel said with a reassuring smile. As the lovers climbed back beneath the sheets and Kathy let out a content sigh, Gabriel thought about the dream and what it could have meant.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:54 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
((Insert RP sequence with Porter when we have the chance))

[i:5591e18b7e] After the award winning bit of drama between Eveshka and Porter, Eve made her way back to the hotel she stayed at [/i:5591e18b7e]

The sky had a lovely purple tint to it. Some stars still filtered through the murky canopy above. The birds had begun chirping. Eveshka decided to press her luck a bit. She knew that there was a flower cart that an old man had down on the corner, about a block from her hotel. She knew that it was dangerous but she wanted to anyways. There really wouldn't be much danger as that side of the street was in the shadow of the buildings of which her hotel was a part.

So she sat with her hood down. The dawn was quite brilliant. People began to walk by her on their way to work. Traffic started to fill the streets. The populace of Marseille had begun to awake. With her keen sense of hearing she made out the telltale squeeling made by the axel of the cart. She could actually hear the old man panting as he pushed it along.

The sky was quite bright now. The heavens above radiated a spectacular baby blue. Across the street she could see the shadow start to make its way down the side of the building as the sun steadily rose. Her skin began to feel slightly warm. She used her gift of fortitude to toughen her skin against the onslaught of the sun. Fortitude had come in handy enough since she had learned it from Euryon's sire so many years ago.

Eveshka stood up and ran her fingers through her hair. Though completely out of habit, it did have the effect making her look like radiant. Many a head turned to follow her progress to the old man. He smiled up at her with a twinkle in his eye and a stirring in his loins that he had not felt in nearly 30 years. Eve could tell from his aura that he was getting aroused. Although it flattered her, it did not please her.

"Good morning, sir," she said in a friendly tone, speaking with a flawless Gascon accent that belied her true heritage.

"Good morning, Angel," he said with a smile. "What can an old man do for you?"

"I would like a nose gay please," she said with a feminine but innocent smile.

The old man smiled and nodded. His old hands moved arthritically as he fumbled to tie the delicate flowers together with a bit of light blue ribbon.

"I thought they would go with your eyes, Angel," he said, trying to divert attention from his nobbly hands. He couldn't get the knot tight enough.

"Here, let me help," said Eveshka in a soft tone. She placed her index finger on the center of the knot he was trying to make so he could pull it tight. As he did, she made a point of brushing her finger against his leathery hand and making use of her healing abilities. In a heart beat, the pain of his arthritis and rheumatism went away. He hadn't felt this good in years he thought.

Eveshka reached into her pocket to pull out a few Euro coins but the old man stopped her. "Payment from one such as you is not needed," he said with a smile and a romantic bow. Eveshka smiled and gently leaned down to kiss his cheek. As her lips brushed his skin, she used yet more of her powers of panacea. The man smiled and brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. She smiled back at him girlishly and brought the nose gay up to her nose to inhale the perfume of its fragrant petals.
She turned to go.

The old man stood up straight, again a thing he had not done in several years. "Are you an Angel of the Lord?," he asked her. She turned back again with a tender look on her face, nothing sexual or manipulative. It was just the look of a beautiful young woman like as unto her grandfather. "If you wish me to be, then for you I am," she said and turned away.

The sun was up completely. She had to expend more blood to get inside of the hotel without burning. It did hurt a bit, and it took a great deal of energy, but it was worth it. She stepped into the elevator and went up to her penthouse. The door was locked, but she could tell from her spirit's touch that Julius had been the last one to enter within. She moved through the darkened room into the bedchamber. Julius was laying curled up on the couch "asleep." It looked as if he had been waiting up to see if Eveshka would return. She smiled warmly and went over to the armoire. She quietly slipped off her clothes so that she stood in all her feminine glory before the mirror. She liked what she saw. Most did, at least until they met her. That thought troubled her. With the silence of a kitten, Eve made her way over to where Julius was slumbering. She knelt down and gently carressed his hair. Julius opened his eyes and focused on her radiance. He leaned up to kiss her. She met him half way. He moved to kiss deeply and she pulled back. Eveshka gave him the nose gay.

"I got this for you this morning," she said. "Come to bed with me, baby. Please?" she asked.

She undressed him and caressed his shoulders. He turned to brush her breasts with the back of his hands but she caught them. "Just let me hold you while we sleep, Julius." This was new, Julius thought. But it was also very pleasant. Something must have changed within his mercurial methuselah once again. He was past caring however, he resolved to just go with it and see where chance took him.

Eveshka guided Julius to the bed and spooned up behind him with one arm under his head, and the other free to caress his hair while he dozed back off. She stayed awake for several more hours merely stroking his head as if he were a cat before she finally nodded off. She had resolved not to leave him ever again.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:28 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Immersed wholly into the personna, Cyrilynn brought the motorcycle Rogan owned to a spectacular halt as she gunned the Harley he rode up the curving driveway to the sprawling Spanish style hacienda and stopped in a shower of pristine white gravel. Making a big deal out of removing the gloves while the rocks came to a clattering halt, he raised his arms above his head, hands clasped together in his personal signal to the watcher within that he was a pack member, and arched into a bone cracking stretch. He turned and grinned at the door in an insolent fashion.

Swinging his legs across the hog's seat, he bent over the saddle bags and jerked buckles and belts open in impatience, then drew forth a black case with a bit more care then was his normal wont. Pivoting smartly on his black booted heels, he took the steps two at a time, his prize balanced precisely. Before he could touch the door lever, it was jerked open and he faced the frowning visage of a hulking man.

[i:35b5df5317]"Hello, Brutus, lovely night, isn't it!"[/i:35b5df5317] Rogan smirked, bringing even more of a frown to the doorman's face. He risked a cuff and patted the man's cheek then bounced across the threshold into the foyer. He glanced back over his shoulder to see the lights of fury burn in those orbs boring holes in his back. The pack member growled out the secret watchwords, [i:35b5df5317]"Rogan, you're such a party animal"[/i:35b5df5317] then snarled his own, [i:35b5df5317]"and one of these days it will kill you!"[/i:35b5df5317] A shaken fist accompanied, the biker's laughter as he sketched the clan's sigil in midair for a countersign and strode confidently down a hall into the second right hand bedroom.

Flipping the light switch on and walking over to the armoire against one wall, he leaned down and twisted the bottom drawer handle counter clockwise and jiggled the hanging closet's handle, then stepped back and away as the whole thing swung away from the wall to reveal a small alcove with stairs leading down into darkness. Cradling the little black bag against his chest, he stepped in. Stopping long enough to adjust to the gloom, he descended the stairs as the armoire swung shut behind. At the bottom he scratched along the left side of the door and awaited further scrutiny as aother light suddenly bloomed overhead.

Growing impatient, he was about to begin tapping his toes when the door opened enough to shoot out a whip like arm that grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt and dragged him into the door's crack and plastered his cheek to the chill of the metal panel. A voice growled in the ear that was protruding through to the other side, [i:35b5df5317]"Where the[/i:35b5df5317] [i:35b5df5317][b:35b5df5317]hell[/b:35b5df5317][/i:35b5df5317] [i:35b5df5317]have you been?! You've certainly taken your own sweet time getting here. The Bishop wasn't pleased to have to put off the feast and ritual for twenty four hours.and you'd better have a damned good reason why she had to!"[/i:35b5df5317]

Where upon the door opened further and this youngest of pack members was yanked through like a cork from a bottle in to a 14'x20' room. His precious cargo acquired some scrapes and scratches to it's outside and he clutched it to his upper torso even tighter. Stumbling up against a wall brought a squawk and a cry from his lips, [i:35b5df5317]'[/i:35b5df5317][i:35b5df5317][b:35b5df5317]Hey[/b:35b5df5317][/i:35b5df5317].....[i:35b5df5317], watch it! This stuff is fragile!! You think the Bishop's mad[/i:35b5df5317] [b:35b5df5317]now[/b:35b5df5317][i:35b5df5317], you wait 'til she finds out I'm gonna have to go back to get more!"[/i:35b5df5317] He straightened, shook his head to clear the ringing from his ears and stared at the short, thin Sabbat before him.

Widening his eyes with all the innocence he could muster, he thrust the case at the obviously pissed off person before him and whined, [i:35b5df5317]"The doc didn't have all of what was needed, he had to order some of the vials, the specific ones Cardigan asked for, and had to have them FedEx'd in. I figured it was more important to wait, then to come crawling back here empty handed. I did what I was told!"[/i:35b5df5317] He ended on a sulking stare. The questioner stared right back. To put it bluntly, for several minutes it was a Mexican stand off. On a disgusted grunt, Rogan's interrogator grabbed the black box and turned away with a terse, [i:35b5df5317][b:35b5df5317]"Stay put."[/b:35b5df5317][/i:35b5df5317]

Cyrilynn rubbed at her abused ear. This was playing it a bit too close for her liking but she was in and had to play it out. When a faint sound issued from what appeared to be a door on her right, she shifted along the wall as if adjusting her stance to one of nonchalance, which brought the uninjured ear closer to the door's frame. Within could be heard quiet weeping and muted voices. Some of them had the cadence of prayers but she couldn't quite make out the language.

A thorough glance around the room showed a couch, VCR, coffee tables, various lamps and a side bar nestled along one of the walls. She could hear the hum of a refridgeration unit. Across the room were two more doors leading to other areas. Both closed tight. Cyrilynn made note of which door she thought she'd seen her tormentor step through. Glancing around again, she turned toward the door and examined it. Testing the door she discovered two things. One, it was made of heavy steel and, two, it was locked.

Perusing the room she was in, again, had her spotting a key in a candy dish on top of the side bar. Crossing quickly and scooping it up, she backtracked to the door and fitted the key in the lock aperature. It turned easily and smoothly and she snorted at the ridiculously easy way of entry. Either this group was truly ignorant or they were too steeped in their own belief that no one would dare their compound. She shook her head and opened the be greeted by a sudden silence from the room's occupants.

Stepping in quickly, Lady Cyrilynn closed the door behind her and scanned the inhabitants. There were about twenty to twenty five bodies crammed in to another room slightly smaller than the outer chamber. The ages ranged from a couple of young children, sitting huddled with their parents on the floor and sucking on their thumbs to ease their apparent distress, to an old man and woman that clung to each other in a corner. A much younger man stood guard in front of them as if he alone could protect them from any danger.

The majority of them were young adult to middle age and came in a variety of unwashed bodies. If it weren't for her iron will, she might have gagged at being enclosed with the stench. Most actually [b:35b5df5317]looked[/b:35b5df5317] healthy enough and with the medicines they'd be given, they would become the main course. The rejects would be removed soon enough and disposed of. Setting her feet akimbo and folding her arms over her chest, Cyrilynn swept the room once more and saw something that drove every other thought from her mind!

A shifting of bodies had allowed her a glimpse at an untouched canvas in the form of a young girl, about 12 yrs. old. She sat against the back wall, dry eyed, quiet, her hands stilled upon her lap, watching everything. Especially Mr. Rogan. Cyrilynn strode forward, the silent crowd parting before her, until she reached the child. She stared down at the grey irises, raven black, fine hair and some of the most exquiste bone structure the Tzimisce had not seen since she had started sculpting Serai. Here was something new, something fresh. And [b:35b5df5317]oh[/b:35b5df5317] so young and untouched!! A desire to have her burned visciously on a gut level.

Crouching down to the young female's level she asked, [i:35b5df5317]"Can you speak the English language?"[/i:35b5df5317] At the girl's tentative nod she smiled in satisfaction. [i:35b5df5317]"Then you will come and live with me."[/i:35b5df5317] Dominating the young mind, she pulled her to her bare and dusty feet and passed her roughened hands over the youthful face, feeling the bone density. Carrying the examination further, she caressing up and down the arms to the slender hands, while the child lay quiescent beneath her touch, staring into Cyrilynn's borrowed face. Some of the illegals began to shift angrily at the familiarity. A glare in their direction stilled them but it wouldn't last more than a few moments

Pushing the hair away from that trusting face to see the ear formation, she discovered a small oozing wound just below the temple. Not much, but it must have cause quite a headache and some pain for the girl. Respect bloomed at the fact that the child had not whimpered or whined over the injury. It made her desire possession of her body more ferociously. [i:35b5df5317]"Does this hurt?"[/i:35b5df5317], she pressed lightly to the raw flesh and watched the flash of pain quickly cross the countenance and vanish. The child nodded, and shrugged, [i:35b5df5317]"I've had worse."[/i:35b5df5317] she piped in her first spoken words. Such harmonious vocal cords, was the swift assessment.

Cyrilynn hated that the inflamed spot marred the symmetry of the living clay before her, so she leaned down and kissed the spot, at the same time running her tongue over the area to cleanse the blood and seal it over. The sweetness of the fresh blood had her lingering far longer than she should have, because the increasingly hostile mutterings around her finally caught her attention. She knew in a minute or two she would have to deal with them but for now..............

[i:35b5df5317][b:35b5df5317]"ROGAN!! You stupid fool!![/b:35b5df5317] Just what the hell do you think you are doing?!???[/i:35b5df5317] The slam of the steel door, as it crashed into the wall upon it's opening, punctuated Cardigan's scream of outrage as she advanced into the room, followed by Rogan's former abuser. His cry of fury followed on the heels of hers, [i:35b5df5317]"Bastard! I [b:35b5df5317]told[/b:35b5df5317] you to STAY PUT!!"[/i:35b5df5317] and he stepped toward Rogan.

Cyrilynn's natural instincts took over instantly and she whirled, the child pulled in close, her arms clamped tightly around the nubile, tender body, holding it much as a shield and [b:35b5df5317]HHIISSSSED[/b:35b5df5317] her displeasure! [i:35b5df5317][b:35b5df5317]"MINE!!"[/b:35b5df5317][/i:35b5df5317] she snarled and bared fangs, her eyes going red in her wrath. This time the child whimpered, a small squeak of a sound, and buried her face in her captor's shoulder. The hunter was ready to take on anyone and anything for this much valued prize.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Wed Jul 30, 2003 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 5:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Eve didn’t lower her guard. Had she been face to face with Euryon or a Kindred less powerful than she, she might have. But it had been many years since her escape from that infernal necropolis she once called home? She merely allowed her aquiline features to shiver into a smile.

[i:f233c20b42]“The more things change. The more they stay the same. Eh Port’s? It’s been too long Marnie.”[/i:f233c20b42] She lowered her hood, revealing her visage in all it’s undying, alabastrous splendour.

Porter shifted position. Standing as he was, he at least resembled a human. From the outside at least. He grinned again basking in the luxurious tones of her voice. She’d always managed to soothe his baser instincts. Unlike so many of her male companions, she’d never aroused anything in him that resembled lust. He’d regarded her as a sister, wiser in many things than he. But still he felt it necessary at times to protect her. Even from herself.

[i:f233c20b42]“Aye lassie,”[/i:f233c20b42] He smirked.

[i:f233c20b42]“I thought you destroyed, Eveshka. The others....When the wolves came.”[/i:f233c20b42]

[i:f233c20b42]“Non, mon ami. Their victories did not extend to me. Mores the pity, no?”[/i:f233c20b42]

She feigned amusement before fingering the simple pendant that hung from her neck.

[i:f233c20b42]“You remember giving me this, Porter?”[/i:f233c20b42]

Porter studied the crude object and grumbled.

[i:f233c20b42]“You said if ever I needed you, you’d hear my call. But you didn’t...or did you choose not to hear?”[/i:f233c20b42]

Were he in wolf form, his ears would have flattened at her buff.

[i:f233c20b42]“I haven’t heard a great many things, Eve. I had more pressing matters to attend to.”[/i:f233c20b42]

She recoiled then. Her guard raised all the more.

[i:f233c20b42]“More pressing than a friend in need?”[/i:f233c20b42] She fell silent.

Porter stepped forward.

[i:f233c20b42]“My ears are listening now, Eve. And they‘ve heard worrying stories about you and a... Tremere.”[/i:f233c20b42]

[i:f233c20b42]“So that’s why you’re in Marseilles? Your ears led you?”[/i:f233c20b42]

[i:f233c20b42]“No. I’m looking for Gabriel. I hear you two have him running after you like a toy poodle.”[/i:f233c20b42]

The two Methuselah circled each other,mentally if not physically.

[i:f233c20b42]“What is it to you? He’s only a Ventrue. An upstart pup of Sorenti’s no less. And as for my Tremere... Keep your nose out of affairs that stopped concerning you years ago.”[/i:f233c20b42] Eve was defensive. Even in his advanced state, Porter wasn’t going to test her.

[i:f233c20b42]“He may be all the things you say. But he’s also my friend. And...”[/i:f233c20b42]

She interrupted his line of thought. [i:f233c20b42]“Friend? God help him then.”[/i:f233c20b42]

Porter wasn’t laughing.
[i:f233c20b42]“You haven’t turned religious on me have you? My, you have changed.”

“Gabriel needs my help. You said it many times, you need noone. So don’t scold me for not being there. If you have anything of the fondness you had for me, tell me where he is.” [/i:f233c20b42]

Eve looked into his eyes, seeing something of her old friend in there. She leant forward, kissing his cheek gently before whispering into his ear. Then as quickly as she’d walked into his life, she turned and walked away.

((Not quite the happy reunion I hoped for. But it's probably more akin to how they'd react to each other after so much change. Eve? You can decide whether or not she told him where Gabe is.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 6:49 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
((Ouch, Ports. That was brutal. She would tell him where Gabe is, or was last she knew.))

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:11 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The muted click of the door and the softening footsteps of Tyler retreating to his room some length down the hall affirmed their solitude, and Gabriel felt it safe to open his eyes at last. The room glowed with the blue hues of the French evening pouring in through the now opened window.

As Gabriel's eyes, still soft with sleep, scanned the various bundles of lillies and roses that sat meticulously stacked about the room, he began to recall the creature comforts that he had lacked with Tyler's absence. The flowers were an added touch, specifically chosen due to Ms. Belvadere's arrival.

All his normal evening amenities were of course there, a copy of the Wall Street Journal, folded neatly over a silver platter holding several small flasks of vitae. As Gabriel rose from the bed, moving carefully as to avoid waking Kathy, the soft gurgle of the coffee pot in the suite's parlor area sent a fresh surge of it's deep aroma into the bedroom.

He began his evening routine of primping himself for the coming night. A bit of variety was needed and he chose to take his coffee on the balcony, overlooking the busy downtown district of Marseilles. Just as he was setting the paper down, Kathy emerged from the bedroom, a robe wrapped tightly around her.

[i:783622ce72]"Gabriel? How long have you been up?"[/i:783622ce72] she asked. A slight glow emenated from her, undoubtedly due to their reunion, and Gabriel worried slightly that he might be casting a similar essence.

[i:783622ce72]"Not even an hour yet Kay."[/i:783622ce72] he smiled, rising halfway from his seat to meet her with a light kiss. She sat down and glanced out over the city, obviously happy to be at his side once more. Gabriel felt a pang of guilt for abandoning her and embarking on his own excursions.

Tyler emerged onto the balcony, already dressed in a somewhat clinging polo shirt and a pair of khaki's. He gently set down a saucer and coffee cup in front of Kathy, and by it's aroma it was made with her exact preferences in mind.

[i:783622ce72]"Why thank you Tyler..."[/i:783622ce72] Kathy said, offering him a weak smile. A mere nod was her compensation before Tyler turned to Gabriel, producing a notepad with his evening activities. He went over most of the mudane details, a great deal of them including phonecalls to be made and letters to be sent out from an undisclosed postage address.

Kathy began to drone out much of the talk until he mentioned Eveshka's hotel.

[i:783622ce72]"....she's not been answering the phone. But I've left a message on her voice mail as well as the staff."[/i:783622ce72] Tyler said, crossing the final subject off the list with some satisfaction. Apparently he'd stayed quite busy during the day.

[i:783622ce72]"Thank you Tyler, call the valet and have him bring the car around."[/i:783622ce72] Gabriel said after a moment. And with that he rose and disappeared into the bedroom to change. Kathy looked up at Tyler inquisitively.

[i:783622ce72]"Where do you think we're going?"[/i:783622ce72]

Tyler glanced back towards the bedroom, where the Ventrue was already in full stride, a flurry of motion.

[i:783622ce72]"I suppose we're off to check on Eveshka..."[/i:783622ce72]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 3:26 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
((Uhmmm, sorry all, I sorta missed the whole Julius goes to Mistridge thing and had them toghether already. So we either have Mistridge have been much shorter than julius thought it would be, or we do a bit of backflashing with what Gabe is now doing checking on Eve and Julius can post what happened at mistridge at his leisure. )

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 8:51 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
As the warm glow of daylight began to fade to be replaced with the cool of night The raven haired woman that had been seemingly dozing in the parked open topped convertable soaking up the warm afternoon sun suddenly snapped her eyes open in full alertness after having been on a form of stakeout during the day, letting the wraith inside her keep vigil while the vampiric part of the symbiosis slumbered. The wraith itself found this task quite enjoyable, not often having the chance to sit in the open on a warm and sunny day in a land so different to its homelands of China...

Morathi opened up a laptop on which she has developing a 3D map of what was known of the structure compiled from discrete use of her information sources and a rather helpful program Willow had made for such uses. She had used the same sources to research other structures as decoys in case somehow Astor information resources were no longer secure...

Setting the map to rotate she started commiting the known layout to memory and started determining the most likely locations where access to concealed chambers in the structure would be possibly found...

She was distracted by a muffled grumbling sound from the customised case resting on the passenger seat, sighing she finally opened it to reveal Goratrix's mirror snugly secured inside a shock-dampening mounting that would allow him to be portable with a degree of protection during whatever rough travel conditions she may be presented with while the trapped ancient wizard was in her care/supervision.

[i:c022bcf4bc]"And if you start again on that Quid-pro-quo stuff while I'm trying to rest 'Hannibal' I'll accidently knock the case closed again... Maybe a little rougher just to see how good the shock-dampening is..."[/i:c022bcf4bc]

Her emerald green eyes glinted mischiviously as she discarded her now unrequired sunglasses, she had made it quite clear that while she was for the time being not an active astor, she would have no qualms about making his already uncomfortable unlife even less comfortable...

[i:c022bcf4bc]"Now... What shall we talk about while we wait for Julius to join us from the hotel..."[/i:c022bcf4bc]

OOC: Sorry to be away a while, my webpage access is back to normal, and this is to cover Eve's recent appearance in Julius' hotel, I'm working on the premise of Julius and Mora leaving together on an initial scouting trip then Julius went back to the hotel when the sun came leaving Mora who is able to stay during the day on site...

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Tyler's digital watch chirped seven PM just as he picked up a small black duffel bag containing several items that might be useful if trouble was to arrise. Gabriel seemed utterly devoid of concern however and hurried Kathy along in preparing herself for an evening out.

Gabriel took a rushed lead and threw the door to the hallway open only to find's the greater part of the threshold consumed with a rather large and muscular form. A pair of animalistic eyes peered through shalks of ragged hair and out from under a low furrowed brow. Hot breath jetted from nostrils so large they almost resembled that of a canine. By far the most compelling element of the visage before the frozen group was a set of savage, sharpened fangs that appeared briefly from time to time as it's owner breathed through a slighted mouth.

[i:42b0d83b4a]"Oh for Heaven's sake Porter, you didn't walk through the lobby like that did you?"[/i:42b0d83b4a] Gabriel exclaimed, making reference to the almost nude Gangrel. Porter, temporarily taken aback by the unorthodox greeting, merely stuttered before spitting out something to the effect of taking mist form and traveling through the ventilation system.

After a quick back into the room by Tyler, who emerged with a set of new clothes, Porter awkwardly put them on in the hall and the coterie set off towards the car.

The three Cainites and the ghoul quickly delved into conversation about their whereabouts and most recent activities. Gabriel seemed to take the news of Victorrio's escort to Marsielles with a good deal of surprise, but was nonetheless pleased to be amongst friends. As the black sedan reached the curb the group began to pile in, Tyler pausing briefly by the driver's door.

[i:42b0d83b4a]"Hey, maybe Porter would like to drive?"[/i:42b0d83b4a] he said, smiling devishly as he gauged reactions. Kathy giggled before stifling her laugh and returning to a calmed composure. The Gangrel and Ventrue however, did not find the joke amusing. Apparently, Tyler had caught wind of the news from Victorrio even before Gabriel had.

Porter was not overly fond of being the but of jokes, and Gabriel was not in the habit of breeding ghouls that insulted Elders. The result was a silent, somewhat uncomfortable ride to Eveshka's hotel through the cramped streets of Marseilles.

Julius and Eveshka's hotel, not but several blocks from Gabriel's very own, was a fair deal larger than Gabriel's. He glanced at Tyler, who had settled his hotel arrangements, with moderate disapproval. As the now foursome walked through the lobby and towards Eveshka's suite, Gabriel found himself once more pondering Maribella's words.

((just a pointless lead in into every uniting

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:31 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Eveshka stood in the little kitchenette of her suite watching a frying pan being immolated. Kathy walked in and made an odd squeeking noise upon seeing the fire. Eve started laughing. "Is there a problem?" asked Kathy. Eveshka continued laughing, shaking her head.

"May I ask what you are attempting to do?" asked Kathy with a smirk beginning to appear on her face.

"I was, um, cooking," said Eve.

"I can see the attempt," said Kathy.

"Well, uh, I've um... never really cooked anything," said Eveshka snorting again and bursting into renewed gails of laughter.

"Are you telling me that in your entire existence you've never.... Never?" asked Kathy in disbelief.

"I never had to as a mortal, and there isn't much point in doing it as a vampire now is there," retorted Eve still laughing at her sillyness.

Kathy fought off her rotschreck and dumped baking soda on the burning pan.

Gabriel and Porter walked in a moment later with a still sullen Tyler in tow. Eveshka flashed them a giddy grin and went back to reading her cookbook trying to do whatever it was she was trying....

"What are we trying to prepare, ladies," asked Gabriel in an imperious tone.

Kathy looked at Eve for the answer. Eve held up a picture of a beautifully formed crepe garnished with orange zest in a Cointreau sauce.
She then turned the burnt pan upside down over a plate and scraped at the pan as if trying to get a stuck on crepe out of it. All that came out were ashes. Eveshka looked at Kathy who burst into laughter herself. Gabriel muttered something about "Toreador," and Porter merely sat on his haunches sniffing the room.

"Obviously not one of your stronger suits, Old Woman," said Porter what might have either been a feral sneer or a feral grin.

"Oh I don't know," said Eveshka. "Maybe in another four or five um... hundred years, I could make a pallatable crepe."

"So," asked Eveshka, bobbing lightly on the balls of her feet and clapping her hands softly together. "What is on the agenda this evening?"

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