{SoC} Survivors of Cascadia

Whispers of Shal Ka-Mense Redux
Page 14 of 39

Author:  Julius Darrant [ Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

The wan paleness of Eveshka's skin contrasted in it's sublime perfection with the sable black of the velvet outfit she wore. "Joining a convent are we?" Julius enquired, without the least hint of sarcasm. Eveshka's tone was disapproving, "I told you I feared for my soul, Julius. Now I know what I must do, in order to save it."

"I see." Replied Julius. "Starvation diet, from the looks of you, when did you last feed?"

"Drinking blood is a mortal sin." Eveshka sighed and softened. "Julius, this is important to me, I have to change my ways. Repent my sins."

Julius cut in, "In penitence and faith, firmly resolve to keep God's commandments and to live in love and peace with all people?"

Eveshka was silent for a moment. "Yes." She said.

The pair regarded each other for a moment, each one preparing inwardly to present a case for the inevitable "discussion". Too often their "debates" would turn into raised voices, hurt feelings and broken shards of glass and pottery upon the floor. Eveshka prepared her Roman Catholic position, whilst Julius considered detailing his own experiences. Finally Julius spoke.

"What did that priest tell you, Eve?"

Eveshka looked shocked. "How do you know about Father Guillaume?" She demanded.

"Dur.." Mocked Julius. "I'm a wizard."

Eveshka scowled. "OH!" Exclaimed Julius, before she could speak. "So the Firebird [b:6f14a8407c]is[/b:6f14a8407c] still in there somewhere."

"I'm still me." Said Eve in a small voice. "I still want all the same things, but that way leads to damnation. This unlife is of no consequence, it is my afterlife, my immortal soul that I must care for now."

"For God so loved the world," Quoted Julius, "That he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life."

"Yes, Julius. But one must repent of one's sins. Confess, do penance, receive absolution."

"What? From a priest? A Roman Catholic priest, who is so hooked up on liturgy and doctrine to have completely missed the point? Confess before God, not before man. The Roman Catholic church is based on guilt and fear. If I believe in God and I probably do, that God is a god of love. And God knows that the church has hell to answer to for it's own sins."

"I will do as I must to save my soul." Said Eve, defiantly.

"And I will do as [b:6f14a8407c]I[/b:6f14a8407c] must to save [b:6f14a8407c]you[/b:6f14a8407c]. Suicide is a mortal sin. Starving yourself will either lead to death and therefore, by your arguments, hell. Or it will lead to torpor and who knows what will happen to you then."

Julius opened a vein and filled a goblet with his vitae. "Drink this." He instructed. Eveshka shied away. "I cannot." She protested. Julius sighed. "It's clear to me that you are in no kind of mindset to argue this point sensibly, so until you can work this out, or I can figure a way to help you work it out..." Julius trailed off and shook his head. "Drink this. Now."

"You'll force me then?" Eveshka stared at the floor. "Just like all the others, you've got me on the leash and now you'll use it. Where are your flambouyant words of freedom now, Julius?"

"You chose to give me the leash, Eveshka." Julius spoke tenderly. "In time you'll forgive me. In fact, forgiveness is what this is all about. God's forgiveness for our sins. Our forgiveness to each other." He looked at his Thrall. "And God is ready to forgive anything. Believe me. I know. Now drink."

Reluctantly Eve drained the goblet, a little colour returning to her skin. "You seem very certain." She said. "Why?"

"Eve, love. I don't think you are ready for that yet. Now it's late and I'm tired and tomorrow I have to pay a visit to a very wise man. I'm going to bed. You can join me, or not, as you wish."

Author:  Eveshka [ Tue Apr 22, 2003 11:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eveshka walked into the night. The sky was getting purple towards the east as she strolled. She had no idea what she was looking for, what she was doing, or where she was going. She moved into an arched alley way as the sky steadily lightened. Something seemed to pull her along. Before long she came to a small Greek Orthodox Church. She went inside and knelt before an altar facing the east. The priests left her alone. She was obviously someone who needed time alone.

Several thousand miles away Prince Renee sat with Madame Guil and Meerlinda discussing the vaunted Firebird. She had been absent from her Princedom for several months now. Things seemed to be running smoothely in Touraine, her businesses seemed to be earning a profit, and her courtiers seemed to be happy for the most part. They were very upset about this. The whole point was to keep a leash on her and keep her from the prying eyes of the Inner Circle. The Inner Circle watched her movements in Trabazon. They had indeed been watching she and Julius all along and were quite impressed. This also made the three vampires very upset. They resolved to send the Firebird a "gift" of sorts. Something to put her a little bit more in their hands.

Author:  Morathi [ Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:50 pm ]
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Willow was getting seriously concerned now...

Morathi's satphone had gone offline completely, it had simply shut down entirely, terminating its GPS beacon. The only feedback Willow had of events prior to the shutdown was an automated Read-Receipt for the databurst she had sent earlier.

It was then Willow's console beeped suddenly indicating the computer had tracked a news story that had tripped one of the 'Topic Flags' it had been programmed to look out for. She switched on her office TV to the appropriate channel, the screen filled with a view of a smoking building probably a hotel, Willow upped the volume to hear the story...

[i:98aaf375db]"...Again no ideas of casualties at this time.... There was no warnings but this would appear to be the work of local extremists opposed to the recent military actions in nearby Iraq striking at a soft civilian target... Among western guests yet to be accounted for is Singer Lucilla Troy whose floor seems to have been the focus point for this explosion... It is unclear if she was inside the hotel or not at the time of the incident... Ms Troy being well known for supporting many scientific endevours in ecological and archeological fields was last known to have held a performance in Cairo...." <Click>[/i:98aaf375db]

Willow switched off the TV and sank into her chair, she was not sure what to have made of the story. She was aware that her mistress had changed her identity on many occasions, and the report was unclear as to if 'Lucilla Troy' was truely involved in the incident, perhaps her mistress simply wished to persue something by herself and had covered her trail, but normally she confided in her before doing something like that...

Reluctantly, Willow picked up her phone and dialled a number she had hoped she had never needed to dial, one Morathi had given her shortly before departing for Cairo. A series of beeps indicated her call was being transferred. Willow herself was unaware who she was reporting to, but in actuality she was being transferred to Councillor Meerlinda's office, a curt and to the point male voice answering. Willow introduced herself as the aide to Apprentice of the seventh Circle Morathi, explaining her mistress had requested she dialed this number in the event of her death or disappearance and to request guidance on how to proceed.

Author:  Eveshka [ Fri Apr 25, 2003 1:11 am ]
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Eveshka walked out of the church at dusk the next night. She wandered into Julius' haven and sat down on a couch. Odd thoughts swam through her head. Eve attributed these thoughts to "sleep" deprivation. They pertained to many things of a theological nature. Beginnings. Ends. Means to ends. Heaven. Hell. Outer Darkness. She also felt the strong pull of Julius' will. What could she do? Nothing. He was her regent. He wished something, she fulfilled it. She glanced around the room and saw a bottle of expensive Port on the counter. There was a note next to it. Apparently Renee had sent it over. Eveshka smiled. She picked up a glass and poured some out. Eve walked over to the couch and sat down again sniffing it appreciatively. She took a sip and thought it tasted very good, but with a slight .. something. It seemed different somehow. She shrugged and drank a bit more. Julius came out a moment later. He was dressed in a robe and smiled at the sight of Eve sitting down with a glass of what looked like red wine. “Well, Love,” he said, “feeling a bit better are we?”

Eve laughed, “The consumption of wine is not against any Commandments of God.”

“Ohhhhh, I wouldn’t say that to the Presbyterians if I were you,” he laughed. “They’d have a thing or three to say about that I am sure.”

He sat down next to her and kissed her deeply. “You’ve fed without me having to insist on it I see.”

Eve looked at him oddly. “No, I’ve not fed since the last time you made me.”

“But I taste,” began Julius. His eyes flashed briefly and he grabbed the Port glass from Eve’s fingers. She looked indignant as he tasted it. “This has vitae in it,” he said with narrowed eyes. “KINDRED vitae.” Eveshka’s eyes opened wide in surprise.

“WHAT?” she exclaimed.

“Yes,” said Julius with a nod. “Renee is up to something it seems. Let’s see if we can find out just WHOSE vitae it is.” He pulled out his skull device and tapped it. He prepared a brief ritual that would ascertain the origin of the vitae. “Hmmmmm, this is odd. It’s Tremere. A very POWERFUL Tremere.” He murmured a few more words in Hermetic Latin while Eveshka sat by silently watching. “This is the vitae of Meerlinda,” concluded Julius. “What in Hell’s name is going on,” he asked rhetorically.

Author:  Julius Darrant [ Fri Apr 25, 2003 6:34 pm ]
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Julius was a little shaken. Meerlinda's tactics could mean only one thing. She had already made Eveshka drink of her blood once and now she used subterfuge to provide a second drink. Doubtless a third would be forthcoming. Why would Meer want to bond Eveshka? She knew well enough how close Eve and Julius were, so any attack upon Eve was tantamount to an attack on his own person. Yet, Meer had sponsored his vigorour rise through the pyramid of House Tremere. A ladder which normally takes centuries to climb, he had bounded up almost casually. Perhaps Meer didn't trust him any more, perhaps she was jealous of Eve. It was vaguely possible that this event had nothing whatever to do with him, but it certainly made him uncomfortable.

"I have to think about this for a while..." Julius said in a vague tone. "Meanwhile, I need to get going, or I'll be late for my appointment."

"Yes, your very wise man." Acknowledged Eve. "All very mysterious. Who is he?"

"Well, as it turns out, you aren't the only one taking the counsel of the priesthood. I rather suspect my Father Nicodemus to be somewhat more... enlightened than your recent mentor. He has a very refreshing perspective."

Eveshka raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yes." Julius affirmed. "It is. I'll see you a little later, love. I might even have a story to tell you."


The village was much as he had left it, lost somewhere in time. His ferrari, an unusual source of attraction for some of the local boys, somewhat of an anachronism amongst the ancient buildings.

Nicodemus greeted him warmly, as Julius stepped into the small church. "Welcome back, my son." He smiled.

"Have you given much thought to my question?" Asked Julius when the pair were settled within. The old priest nodded, "I have thought upon it and prayed upon it. After much consideration, I have no special answer for you."

Julius looked slightly disappointed. "I don't understand." He said. "The instruction was very specific."

"Indeed it was and yet, perhaps, not so specific. Like all of God's children you are expected to live your life in a particular way. According to his laws. Life a life that is, if not godly, then at least is not devillish."

"Then what must a kindred renounce, Father." Julius pressed.

"Like all of us, to enter the Kingdom of God, you must renounce sin and when you do sin, as we all do, you must repent." The priest wagged a stern finger at Julius. "I know of your kind. A greater collection of sinners I have yet to discover. Why? You fight and kill each other. Why? The strongest amongst you rule the weak, without thought or care to the needs of your community. You all crave power and dominion over your fellows. Why? Your lives are a trail of violence and death."

Julius was taken aback at the harsh words. Not quite what he had expected. "Then what must I do? Give up my existence?"

"No." The priest shook his head. "But do try to confine yourself to the levels of sin which all men commit. Think before you act. Of necessity you live in a world where violence and death are commonplace. Defend yourself, if you must, yet treat those you meet with kindness where you can. Nobody is perfect, my son. God knows. He sent his son to pay for our sins, to pay for the sins of those who repent. Repentance can be as simple as making an effort to avoid sin."

"What of confession, absolution?"

"They are a part of the doctrine of my church. When I hear a confession, I pray that God will absolve the penitent of their sins. In the end though, it is their repentance that saves them. Simply to confess a sin is not to repent of it."

"And what of the drinking of blood?"

"The Lord once said to Peter, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean'. When Cain received the curse, for slaying his brother, I can only assume it was God's will that your kind should drink blood. Otherwise it would create a question I would not wish to contemplate."

"I don't understand." A confused Julius replied, his mind awhirl with religious concepts he had never considered. "No?" Answered Nicodemus. "If it is a sin for a kindred to drink blood, then why did God make kindred to live in this way? Sin does not come from God."

Julius nodded slowly. "Then God is telling me I should behave more like a decent human being, than an overpowered wizard with a penchant for extremes of retribution."

"You could put it like that." Smiled the priest. "You have been granted a powerful vision, Julius. It is a great gift. Learn from it."

"You should meet a friend of mine." Mused Julius. "She has been brainwashed by a priest who believes she must live according to the laws laid down for Kine. She won't even feed, unless I force her."

"Tell her then, of what you have seen. I'll be here, if she needs me."

"Thankyou Father. I'll try to keep your words in mind. Should you ever need the services of an overpowered wizard, who will, henceforth try to keep his temper in check, you can call upon me."

"I trust that God will care for me, my son."

"Of course. Before I go..." Julius trailed off.

"Yes, my son?"

"May I receive your blessing?"

The old priest smiled and raised his hand in benediction. "Go in peace, my son."

After a time Julius returned to his haven, Eveshka was much as he had left her, sitting and thinking. "Hello love." He began, punctuating his entrance with a loving kiss.

"Hello Julius." Eveshka smiled. "How was your meeting?"

"Very interesting. Father Nicodemus thinks I should tell you what I have seen."

"Oh?" Said an intrigued Eveshka.

"Yes." Began Julius. "I headed into the mountains, searching for a vision..."

Author:  Gabriel [ Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

((sorry for my prolonged absence. i get off work at 3 PM EST today, after a brief nap i should be ready for posting....also if Pete would like to play out the Ali scenario with me :)

Author:  Eveshka [ Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:24 am ]
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Eve looked at Julius after he finished telling her what Father Nicodemus said. She was confused. She felt trapped. It was the sort of thing that one might feel having watched one of those odd horror movies where in the movie if you said the killer's name 5 times into a mirror he would appear soon after and kill you. The rational part of your mind says "Hey, that's just a movie. I can say Candyman to my heart's content looking into all varieties of reflective surfaces and I won't even get so much as a paper cut." If that is true, then why is it that they always stop at the fourth recitation? Eveshka WANTED to believe Father Nicodemus over Father Guillot. Yet the fear of what would happen if Father Nicodemus had it wrong and Father Guillot had it right filled her breast. This was no idle faux pas. This was eternal damnation.

"I don't know what to think, Julius," said Eve. "Please let me think about this without forcing anything on me."

Julius nodded. He decided to change the subject. "We need to go out, and soon. Get completely away from this scroll nonsense, and all of these theological issues. We need some fun. I'm thinking of the Island of Kos in the Aegean Sea."

Eve smiled. "I think I would like that. I've never been to Greece."

Author:  Julius Darrant [ Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:45 pm ]
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One of the pleasant things about being disgustingly rich was the ability to enjoy the finer things in life. Quite where Julius had found such a vessel in Kos, Eveshka didn't know, nevertheless, she appreciated the comfort of the luxury yacht which now sped across the Aegean, Julius' firm hand upon the wheel.

The couple had spent two evenings enjoying the vibrant nightlife on the island of Kos and now needed a change of pace. The nearby island of Telendos, lacking in roads or cars, nightclubs or any of the fast pace of the more well known holiday destinations seemed perfect. A place where the biggest hotel had only three rooms and the only Internet connection on the island was served by a very unreliable ISDN line.

Julius parked ("Julius, my love, the word is moored." Corrected Eve with a beatific smile.) the yacht some distance offshore and piloted the small launch to the jetty. The lights from the "On The Rocks" restaurant casting a warm glow across the bay. "I come here when I really want to escape." Explained Julius. "Let's eat."

It was about half way through dinner when Eveshka felt something, or someone, brush her mind. The touch was gentle, almost loving and desperately familiar. She looked sharply at Julius, but he was saying something to George, the proprieter. The sensation grew, becoming more than a touch, a summons rather. Somehow Eveshka knew she must climb the mountain at the centre of the island.

"Julius?" Julius munched happily on his food, smiling at Eve with his eyes.

"Julius, this is serious. "Julius' face took on a saddened, resigned look, as he swallowed his latest mouthful. "What is it, love?"

"Julius, I have to climb that mountain, I have to do it now and I have to do it alone."Julius looked worried. "Might one ask why?" He ventured. "I'm not sure I know myself." She replied. "I need you to trust me. I won't be in any danger."

"Right." Said Julius clearly unconvinced. "If you must," sighed Eve, "use some of your vaunted magical powers to keep tabs on me. I'm only going up there." She said, pointing to the nearby peak. Now Julius sighed. "I'm not going to talk you out of this am I?" For answer, Eveshka simply met his gaze. "Very well, go for your little stroll." He said in a long-suffering tone of voice. "If you get into trouble, click your heels together three times and think of not abandoning your dinner date on a flight of fancy."

Author:  The Seeker [ Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:12 am ]
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The climb had been hard, but not overly so and the view was magnficent from the crest of the rocky peak that dominated the tiny island. The presence in her mind was strong now, but faded as she caught sight of a dark silouhette. A figure, hooded, dressed in some kind of robe, or cloak. Sensing possible danger, she now advanced slowly, cautiously, ready to put the call in to Julius at the first sign of trouble.

The figure stood silently, unmoving as she approached, finally turning to face her as she drew close to him. She could see now that he wore a threadbare robe. Somewhat tattered and frayed about the hem, yet it's hood cloaked his face completely in shadow.

"Who are you?" Eveshka demanded. "What do you want with me?"

For the briefest moment, two pinpricks of green light appeared where the stranger's eyes should be. Eveshka stopped, rooted to the spot, a maelstrom of conflicting emotion flowing through her body. Could it be?

"You're a hard person to find." Said a familiar voice. "I... sensed... that you might want to see me."

Now Eveshka closed the gap between the two and threw her arms about the stranger with an oddly exaggerated sense of relief. "Where have you been?" She demanded. "Not a word in..."

"I'm sorry, love." The stranger replied, holding her gently to him, "I've been... I am... searching for something. Eve, this is important. I don't know when, or even if, I will be able to see you again. I have given up much upon my quest, likely I will have to give up much more."

Eveshka stepped back and read the stranger's aura. Something had changed since last she had seen him. Much of the chaos was gone, now, to be replaced by a kind of peace, overlaid with shades of remorse. It was very pale, too, as hers had been before Julius had forced her to feed. Paler, in fact, as though the stranger were riding the very limits of survivability.

"What happened?" Eve asked quietly.

"I learned what I must do." The stranger answered enigmatically, raising a hand to forestall further questioning. "But I didn't come here for me. I came here for you." The stranger took on a stiff, almost formal pose. "I'm sorry Eveshka. For all the hurt I know I caused you... in my bad times."

Eveshka shook her head. "You never..."

"Oh yes I did." He interrupted. "And I am sorry. One of my tasks. I must set many things to rights. Now, tell me, how are things with you?"

Author:  Eveshka [ Fri May 02, 2003 12:48 am ]
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Eveshka looked at the seeker with a steady gaze. "I too am searching for something," she said. "I suspect we are seeking the same thing, after a fashion."

The Seeker nodded. "You seem different. I've heard that you are now a Prince," he said with a smile. "But that is not the reason for the difference I sense."

Eve looked at him and blinked. "I am still looking for the Blood of Caine."

The Seeker's eyes widened, recalling that it was he who first came into contact with the Scroll Legend.

She looked at him intently before continuing. "I am also seeking the Salvation of my immortal soul."

The Seeker cocked an eyebrow. This was something rather unusual for the Eveshka he knew. The one HE knew wouldn't have batted an eye at such a thing, she was the Goddess of hedonistic pleasures, beauty, music, and all things shiny. She would have been the first one to have given it all up to have had one taste of the fabled cities of Sodom and Gamhorrah. The first one to have spread her legs and felt the passion of any who dared sample the Firebird's super charged libido. She had led on, loved (or at least soundly fucked over), and then dropped like a bad habit, more men and women than he had ever known. That included himself, to a certain degree. They had been lovers in the past. He simply couldn't believe the change in her. She almost seemed overly pious.

He opened his mouth to speak saying, "

Author:  Gabriel [ Fri May 02, 2003 5:34 am ]
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“Oh but you did seek me out young one…” his smile somehow was burned into Gabriel’s mind. Even when he swept behind the young Ventrue, it was as clear as ever before his eyes. “I felt it.”

“I’m afraid I don’t even know who you ARE.” Gabriel retorted, fear beginning to threaten his composure. Ali’s slight chuckle rumbled like thunder within the masonry, infecting everything like a plague. Gabriel’s heart sank.

“You seek the blood of Caine young one…” he hissed, darting in and out of the shadows with no apparent effort. “…if you seek the blood of Caine, you seek me.”

Whether it was impatience or simple stark fear, Gabriel was losing his lust for conversation. The latter seemed more likely however, as his shaky reply sounded out.

“What does the blood of Caine have to do with YOU?” he said, trying to veil his terror. For a moment, silence filled the alleyway, and only the distant cry of traffic could be heard. Then a sickening burble filled his ears as it grew in intensity. All at once the air crackled with blood magic as Ali jolted forward, materializing directly in front of Gabriel.

He grimaced as he unleashed his Dread Gaze upon the unsuspecting Ventrue. The effects were immediate, Gabriel’s mind flooded itself with fear and he shrieked and fell to the ground. Curling into a fetal position he wailed piteously for redemption that he knew would never come. Ali took a simple step forward, his grin seeming impossibly wide now.

The air thickened overhead as he summoned a group of wraiths to fill the alleyway and surround the young Ventrue. As the youth swung desperately at the specters, Ali produced a glistening red scimitar which seemed to defy the darkness with it’s sickly red tint.

Gabriel’s head cleared just in time to see Ali’s sword burst into flame and create a wave-like arch of fire into the sky as the Assamite raised it far above his head. Stumbling, the vampire attempted to rise to his feet, but fell onto his back, extending a single hand for protection.

“NO WAIT!!!” he cried. Within a moment he was lost in a bath of wraiths, their florescent limbs tearing into his with savage fury. He finally managed to scramble to his feet and flee the alleyway.

At the entrance, in view of the street and salvation, Ali’s hollow voice filled his head once more, commanding his return. The Ventrue struggled against it but found it no use. Jerkily, he descended back into the depths of the alleyway and found Ali waiting, the now vibrant glow of his sword illuminating his dark features.

The pull was too much and Gabriel plunged himself upon Ali’s sword. Immediately the dominance wore off as Ali’s voice was replaced by white hot pain. When his bearings returned to him, he found himself impaled on the scimitar, the blade protruding awkwardly from the back of his shoulder.

Desperately, he lurched sideways, trying to rip the blade from his foes grip. Ali, apparently foreseeing this, wrenched the blade sideways and allowed Gabriel to effectively sever his own arm. Howls of pain and laughter filled the masonry as Gabriel clutched his gaping wound and Ali admired his handiwork.

The Beast uncoiled itself within the young Ventrue as the shock gave way. He lurched at Ali’s figure, which stood motionless except for the heaving of his great chest as he bellowed with laughter. At what seemed the last possible moment, Ali spun gracefully sideways, the flaming sword followed suit and caught Gabriel cleanly on the ear, driving a deep gash into it.

Gabriel roared with pain as his eyes flashed white with rage. Ignoring the blood now cascading down his torso, he launched himself once more at the Assamite, blind to consequences. Ali merely leapt into the air and brought the blade down on Gabriel’s back, piercing him cleanly. The new wave of pain conquered the Beast and Gabriel regained his senses long enough to attempt to flee once more.

This time he heard no commanding voices, only the overlapping laughter of the Assamite Methusaleh. As the mutilated Ventrue stumbled down the street, he found himself gasping for air. Finally he collapsed against the brickwork of an old building, and the last sound he heard before slipping into the warm folds of unconsciousness were the cackles of the stranger, Ali….


Gabriel awoke to searing pain, and found to his horror that despite the regenerative powers of Caine’s Curse, his arm was still neatly severed. Fighting back the horror he took stock of his situation. The sun threatened to rise in the sky and he had to find shelter. Moving cumbersomely with only one arm, the Ventrue wriggled his way into a nearby storm drain and spent his day in the sewers, fleeing the sun and tending his wounds…

Author:  Ali [ Sat May 03, 2003 11:14 pm ]
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Ali thought he had just had one of the nicest times he'd had in about 700 years. Of course he'd been in torpor for most of that time, but he still enjoyed himself greatly. He watched Gabriel slink into the sewers. He knew that Gabriel was a small fry in the grand scheme of things and that he was more or less a lacky for a yet greater power. A power he'd felt, but had not, as of yet, identified. He wanted Gabriel to think that he had gotten away by the skin of his teeth. In truth, Ali had no intention of destroying him, it did amuse him that whelp had nearly managed to get HIMSELF destroyed. Thus Ali waited for Gabriel to lead him to his superiors.

Author:  Gabriel [ Sun May 04, 2003 3:03 am ]
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It took several nights for the initial shock of losing an appendage to wear off, and even though the pain began to subside the nausiea of such a humiliating defeat festered in his gut. He spent the nights lamenting his mistakes but in typical Ventrue fashion formulating a new plan.

As he made his way through the cities' (which he could now safetly identify as Nasaf by scrounging through refuse and happening upon a letter sent in Russian) sewer system, he had substantial time to reflect on the reasons that his obviously superior foe had not finished him when he had the chance.

Eventually, his thought filled wanderings brought him to the far side of a water purification plant. As he emerged from the drainpipe into the mixture of natural and artificial lighting, he shed his clothes which were now covered in a hideous concoction of fecal matter and his own vitae.

Although navigating the rocky cliff face from which the drainpipe protruded proved difficult with a single arm, the nude figure nonetheless moved with a considerable amount of grace down the craggy wall. When he reached the bottom he found himself standing on a patch of somewhat wet grass, at the very outskirt of the city.

In the distance, several war resistant buildings still stood on the skyline. The distant rumble of traffic was the only indication of life within the city. Gabriel stepped foward from the shadows, unashamed of his nakedness.

[i:667b143bd9]"Have you brought what I've asked?"[/i:667b143bd9] he said aloud. From a small outcrop of rubble, a young woman stood up, clutching a parchel dearly. She was dressed ordinarily enough, and was relatively plain, aside from a pair of unusually sterling green eyes.

[i:667b143bd9]"I....I have brought you what you specified."[/i:667b143bd9] she whispered. The only time other than now that Gabriel had emerged from his hiding place, was the brief hour he spent in search of vitae. He had stumbled upon the young woman, and had immediately put her under his powers.

She handed him a small bit of brown postal wrapping, sealed with an over zealous amount of tape. Obediently, she tilted her head up, and allowed the famish Ventrue to feed from her once more. Even as she lay writhing on the grass in ecstacy, Gabriel tore into the parcel, removing the new clothing and several personal items.

He left her to her slumber, expecting she would have a comfortable sleep, albeit outside. As he climbed into the young woman's car, he wondered once more why the Assamite would spare him. His reflections brought him to the conclusion that he had not been the original target at all. After all, he had never been seeking this "Ali" at all.

He hadn't the faintest idea who the ancient vampire could be after, but he wasn't particularly interested at this point. He merely wanted to put as much distance between himself and the creature as possible. Once he regrouped and composed himself he could figure out a strategy...even if that strategy was to stay away from Iraq for the rest of eternity.

Author:  Ali [ Mon May 05, 2003 2:05 am ]
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Ali continued to shadow Gabe. He was squeeking along after him in the form of a mouse. A mouse that was invisible most of the time, but a mouse nonetheless.

Author:  The Seeker [ Mon May 05, 2003 3:15 am ]
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[b:ee2fe89a19][i:ee2fe89a19]Island of Telendos[/i:ee2fe89a19][/b:ee2fe89a19]

The seeker spoke. "Your immortal soul. You believe we have them? I don't think we seek the same things at all unless perhaps it is salvation, in whatever form we find it."

Eveshka shrugged with one shoulder as the seeker asked, "What happened to you love?"

"Much." Said Eveshka, non-commitally. "I am not the woman I was." Eveshka stared unblinking at the seeker. "I am finally acting my age."

The seeker spoke slowly, "I am still the same man as ever I was. The product of my experiences. The past which has led me here is still the same. I am still what my life, my unlife has created. And so are you, I think. Acting your age, indeed."

For answer, Eveshka merely shrugged again.

"What happened, Eveshka?" He asked.

"I have finally awoken to the fact that I am not a Goddess, and that I am destined for Outer Darkness in the End."

"Did you truly believe yourself to be a Goddess? Perhaps those fawning and toadying fools you once surrounded yourself with believed it so, but did you?" The seeker demanded.

"Was I not a Goddess? A Goddess in the eyes of Thousands if not Millions who filtered through my salons over the years?"

"No. I always saw the frightened little girl behind the mask you wore. I see her now. More clearly than ever."

"Well, fear and age go hand in hand."

"Do they? I have no fear for the road ahead and you are not so terribly much older than I."

"That's because you are insane." Eveshka said, matter of factly.

"Am I?"

Eveshka blinked for the first time in the conversation. "I don't know myself, any more." The seeker continued. "Perhaps, rather, it is you who is insane... you are showing signs of severe paranoia."

"Ever since you let those worthless Malkavians at you, yes, you have been insane." Eveshka looked hard at the seeker. "I see you are not the same man either. Good bye George."

Lowering her head, Eveshka turned away.

"Eveshka.. wait." The seeker called. Eveshka stopped but didn't turn around. "I did come to say goodbye, Eve. But not like this. I cam because I felt your pain and because" his voice took on a tone of finality "I may never be able to see you again."

Eveshka stood silently for a moment, then asked "Why won't you be able to see me again?"

"I too have demons to face. Once faced, I may become that changed man."

Eveshka turned slowly, unsure how to answer. Opening her mouth to speak, then closing it again. Finally she walked to the seeker and kissed him on the cheek. "God be with you, Lord Stanley."

The seeker smiled. "Don't let your demons control you, love."

Eveshka replied simply, "No demon controls me now George." Then turned and walked off into the night.

"God be with you too, Boyarina." Whispered the seeker to her retreating form.

George Stanley of Lathom looked about him. The others were there, as ever, entreating his attention, screaming at him their demands and making their futile promises of the rewards they could offer. Of course Eveshka couldn't have seen them, nor anyone else. Much as she had said, the touch of Malkav was with him still. The hard part, the first step on his road had been coming to terms with the schizophrenia. This meeting had been the last step on the old road, before commencing the new. He wished it could have been a happier one, but nonetheless it had served it's purpose, to him at least.

All loose ends were tied, all unfinished business concluded. The seeker vanished into the night, his quest just beginning.

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