{SoC} Survivors of Cascadia

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Author:  Gabriel [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  *yawn*

Soo...how's everyone doin?

Been a bit quiet around these here parts!

As for me, I'm doing well. Work is finally picking up and I'm taking on my responsibilities. I was hired at sort of a weird time, so for awhile I didn't "own" anything. But now the duties have been fully transfered to me so I'm busy and lovin' it!

What's everyone else up to?

Author:  Porter [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Went to see Quantum of Solace - Daniel Craig was great, film was disappointing due to a ludicrous level of action.

Jenny's sister gave birth to a cute baby boy they've called Jake.

Jenny and I got broody. Again.

That's about it really.

Author:  Gabriel [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awwwwww...Frank wants a little Bean of his own doesn't he? Don't blame you. My mind is in a similiar place.

Author:  Porter [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah....I'm getting on in years and the need to breed is gettin' awful strong.

Seen QoS?

Author:  Gabriel [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Need to breed...lovely. Sentimental twat.

No, I haven't seen it yet, although I've been dying too! Just haven't had an opportunity. I really thought Daniel Craig did a great job with the first one though.

Author:  Porter [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

He won't disappoint mate. But the lack of dialogue and ridiculous amount of action will. The director should be shot as he totally missed the tone of Casino. That said, the fist fights are INTENSE. But the plane/boat scene are just too much!

Still, compared to earlier Bond films it's still far superior because of Craig's blistering hate fuelled performance.

Casino Royale - 5/5
QoS - 4/5

Author:  Gabriel [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I might see it over the Thanksgiving break! Hey! Email me at work when you get a chance!

Author:  Eveshka [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blistering hate fueled performance? Is Craig angry or is his character angry? I read an interview of Roger Moore who said that he was appalled by the violence of the later James Bond flicks. I laughed and thought he was a sissy pants. He used to be my favorite Bond, but that's just cuz I grew up with him I think. Personally I wish we could get a young Sean Connery again and get him with today's cinematography, not that I am impugning Brosnan and Craig. I think they were both great, although Craigs exploits are a bit more believable than Brosnan's given his insane physique. I honestly didn't mind Timothy Dalton all that much. George Lasenby was a homo. I'm just wondering when the Bond girls' names are going to catch up to the over the top action. Pussy Galore could prolly be Gaping Twat, or Bucket C**t. I suppose oyu could jjust cut to the chase and call her Hepa Titis.

Author:  Porter [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Latest Bond conquest was called Ms. Fields. Revealed in the credits as Strawberry Fields, but never referred to as such.

Craig, in this film, is Bond PISSED. He kills without flinching. Brutally strips a knifeman of any chance of surviving, then lets him die slowly. Every death via him is rough and painful. HOWEVER, there are 2 stunt scenes that to me were too "Old School Bond". If the next film can combine the plotting and dialogue of Casino Royale, with QoS's brutal knife fights, it'll be the perfect Bond film.

Author:  Gabriel [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol @ bucket c*nt

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