{SoC} Survivors of Cascadia

*has a panic attack*
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Author:  Gabriel [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  *has a panic attack*

Okay...um...I am NOT one of those people who excels at public speaking. In fact, I plain ole suck. I get nervous...I freak...I have anxiety attacks (well, not literally) beforehand.

There is absolutely NOTHING worse (atm) than waiting around to give a presentation or speech. For God's sake just let it be at the beginning of the day...first class...over and done. But NOOOOO...it has to be at 7 at friggin' night! Effectively forcing me to wait around for it.

THREE HOURS?! I have to freak for THREE MORE HOURS?! Urg. Ah well. At least after this my life will return to normal (boring).

Author:  Gabriel [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 


So I've been stressing ALL day about this presentation. I just hate waiting around ya know? So...the class is supposed to start @ 7:30 PM and I pretty much start the thing by presenting...

Well, it's now 7 PM, and I just got an e-mail saying he'll be delayed half an hour. CHRIST MAN! Can I just get this fucking thing OVER WITH?!

Author:  Gabriel [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:58 am ]
Post subject: 


....finished. Went fine. :)

Author:  Isabella Garrett [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

good to hear :)

Author:  Kemintiri [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:46 am ]
Post subject: 

My tip for overcoming your fear of public speaking: take every opportunity you can to speak in public. Sounds simple, perhaps even dumb, but it has more or less worked for me; in the last couple of years I have given numerous speeches, one to a crowd of 2000+ people; I have em'cd/hosted events for hundreds, and for the last two years, I have very briefly taken the stage at SF Pride to address the crowd - a crowd of oh, I dunno...500,000 or so (though I doubt more than 50,000-100,000 can actually see the mainstage and hear what we are saying up there, and of those, I would say, like 5, including my parents, were really paying attention - the rest are probably just tolerating us speach-a-fiers so they can hear the bands play afterwards).

And all this started in college when I decided I did not like being afraid to speak in class anymore, so I started doing it when I could and just biting the bullet. I also got a LOT of practice in law school by joining the Moot Court teams - undergraduate colleges offer debate teams, which would provide similar experience I would imagine.

Having said all that, I still get nervous before I speak. Such is life.

Author:  Gabriel [ Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm. Yeah I've heard that! Just jump out there...I really should take more chances. Well, I have a presentation next week as well...in Spanish. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Espanol es muy malo.

Author:  Eveshka [ Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I've found that speaking (or singing) in front of multitudes is nowhere near as nerve wracking as speaking in front of about 20 people. I like the big crowd.

Author:  Drain [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Have a shot.. and follow that up umm ... a shot.. i know lots of ppl who just wont shut up when theyve had a few drinks.

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